2� 1 ���544
<br /> ,
<br /> in the Property and rights under this Secur�t�,�Instrument; and(d}takes such action as Lender may
<br /> reasonal�ly require to assure that Lender's int�rest i�n th�Proper�y and rights under this 5ecurity Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obligativn to pay the sums secured by th�s 5ecurity Ins#�-ument, shall continue urr�hanged.
<br /> Lender ma require that Borrawer pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one•or more�f the f�llowing
<br /> Y
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cash; �la}maney arder; (c}certified check, bank che�k, treasure7''s check vr
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such checl�is drawn up�n an institution whvse deposits are in.sured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumentali�y ar entity; or[d�El�ctir�nic F unds Transfer. Upon reinstatemen�by Borrawer,
<br /> this Securi Instrument and obli ations se�ur��l hereby sha11 re�ma.in fully efFective as if no aceeleration had
<br /> tY �
<br /> occurred. However, this right to reinstaxe s�all nvt apply in the case af acceleration under S�tion 1 S.
<br /> 2�. 5ale of N�te; Change of Loan Servic�r; N ot�ce �f Grie►►ance. The Note or a partial interest in the
<br /> N te to ether with this Securi Instrument)can be sold one ar m�re times without prior not�c�to
<br /> o ( g tY .
<br /> Barrower. A sale might resu.�t in a change in the entit�(�iown as the "Loan Servicer"}that collects Periodic
<br /> Pa ents due under the Note and this S�curity Instr►�m+ent and perfarrns other mortgag�loan serv�icing
<br /> �
<br /> o�ligations under the Note, this Security l���ent, and Applicable Law. There also nught be o�e or more
<br /> chan es of the Loau Servi�er unrelated t�a s�.le�f the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Service�',
<br /> �
<br /> Barrower will be given written not�ce ot th�cban.ge Wh��b w�11 stat�the name and address of the new Loan
<br /> Ser�icer, the address to which payments should be made and any ather inf�rnaation RESPA requires in
<br /> cnnnectian with a notice of tra.n.sfer of s�rvicing. If the���te is sold and�thereafter the Loan is service�by a
<br /> Loan 5ervicer other tha�n the purcbaser�f the l�ote, the mortgage loan s�rvicing o�ligativns ta Barrower will
<br /> remain yvith the Loan Sezvicer or be transferr�ed t,o a successor Lvari Ser�vi.cer and ase not assumed by the
<br /> Note purchaser unless�thervv�ise pravide�d l����N�te purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrowe�r nar Lender m�ay commen�,��in, or t�e,joined to any judicial actian�as either an
<br /> individual�it� ant or the member of a c�ass}th�t�rises firon�the other party�5�1nI]5 p11rSLk`lllt t��715
<br /> �
<br /> Securi Instrument or that alleges that th�ot�ier p�rty has�reached any pro�isian of, �r any duty owed by
<br /> �
<br /> reason of this Security Instrument, until such Bonower�r�.ende�has noti�ied the other partY(with such
<br /> �
<br /> notice 'ven in�ompliance with the requirerr�ents�f S�tion l5}of such a��eged breach and afforded the
<br /> �
<br /> other hereto a reasonable period after t�e giving of such notice t��.ake carrective action. If Applicahle
<br /> P�Y
<br /> Law ro`rides a tirne�eriod which must elapse�efore ce�tain action can be taken, t�.at time per�od w�»be
<br /> P
<br /> deemed to be reasonable far purposes of this p�ragraph. �'he nvtice of ac�elerati�n and vpportunity t�cure
<br /> given ta Borrower pursuant to Secti�n��ax�d t��notice o#'acce�eration g�ven to BorroweT pursuant to
<br /> Sectian 18 sha11 be deemed to satisf�the�zv���a�.c�v�vi-�.in�fiy to take correcti�e action provisions of this
<br /> .
<br /> Section��.
<br /> . .
<br /> 2'i. H aaa rdous Su t�sta n ces, As used in t�is�a��.a�: ta} "�azarc�ous�'��s�araces" are those substances
<br /> defined as toxic or h.azar'dous substances, poll�a��t�y vr w�stes by Environmental Law and the foll�wing
<br /> substances: asoline, �erosene, ot�er flammab��or ta�ci�pe�i-�leum products, toxic pest�c�des and herbicides,
<br /> �
<br /> olatile salvents m�teria�s cvntain.i.ng asbestos or forrnaldehyde, and radiaa�t��e materials; �b}
<br /> v ,
<br /> "Environmentar Law"means federal laws�c�laws of t.�ie jurisdi�tion where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to hea�th, safety or environrnental prot��tion; �c� "Enviranmentar Cleanu�"includes any response
<br /> action remedial actian, or removal acti�n, as define�d in Enviranmental Law; and�d}an "Envzronmental
<br /> }
<br /> C'ondition"means a condit�on that can cause, c�ntribute ta, or otherwise tr�gger an EnviY'onm�ntal C eanup.
<br /> Barrower shall n�t cause or perrrut the presen��, use, dis�osal, starage, ar release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances or thr�aten to release ar��I-�aza�rd.a�Sub�stances, ��or in the Property. Borrower sha11 not do,
<br /> �
<br /> nor a1�ow anyone e�se to do, anything affe��i�g the�raper�y�a)that is in violation�f any Envlronmen
<br /> Law which Creates an En�ironment�l C�ndition� ar(c}w�iic�, due to the prese�nce, use, vr relea�e of a
<br /> , (b}
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that�.dversely affects the value of the Pro�erty. The preceding tw�
<br /> r ��ln�'��SOn� = D VSNE
<br /> '"' ' Farm 3028 11fl 1
<br /> NEBRASItA-5ingle Family-Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac L1NIF�RAr lNSTRUME[�r VMPfi�NE}{130�}
<br /> V M P� . . � ' Page 13 of 17
<br /> Wolters}{luw er Financiak Ssrvi�es
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