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2� 1 ���498 <br /> interest from the da�e of disbursemen� a� the same ra�e assessed an advances under �he �an�ract and shall be <br /> payab�e,w�th znterest,upon not�ce from Lender�a Borr�wer request�ng paymen�. <br /> Inspect�an. Lender or its ageza�may make reasflnable e�.trz�s upon and inspec�ioz�s af the Proper�y. Lender sha�1 <br /> give Borrower n�txce at the��me of or prior�o ar�inspection s�ec�fyzng reasonable cause for the inspec���n. <br /> C�ndemnation. The proceeds of any a�va�d ar c�azm for damages, dzreG�or consequen��al, �n connec��on�v��h any <br /> condemna�ian ar�ther�ak�ng of any part�f�he I'raper�y, or for conveyance zn�ieu of condemna���n, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��be pa�d��Lender. <br /> �n �he e�en� of a �a�a� tak�ng of the Proper�y, the praceeds sha�� be applied �� the sums secured �y �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument, vvhether or no� �hen due, with any excess paid �o Borrawer. �n �h.e even� af a par�ial takir�g of the <br /> Proper�y in tivhich�he fair mar�et va�ue af the Property �mmediat�ly before the taking �s equal�to �r grea�er�han <br /> the amoun� of�he sums secured by this 5ecurity Ins�rumen� immedzat��y before �he �aking, unless Borro�wer and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in v�-zt�zag,the sums secured by this Securify Ins�rume�t sha��be reduced by the am�un�of <br /> �he proceeds mul�ip�ied�y the followir�g frac�ian: �a�the to�a� am�un��f�he sums secur�d immed�a�e��befare�he <br /> takiing, divided by �1�} the fair market value of�he Property�mrned�a�e�y befor� the tak�r�g. Any balance shall be <br /> pa�d �� Borrav►rer. ��. the even� of a par��al tak�ng �f�.he Property in which�he fair marke�valu� of the Property <br /> zmmediatel�befare �he ta�ing �s �ess than �he amaunt of�he sums secured immedia�eiy before the �ak�ng, u.nless <br /> Borrower and Lender�therwzse agree in writing or un�ess,A.pplicable La�w o�herw�se provides, th�proceeds shall <br /> be app�ied�o th�sums secured by th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�Whether ar not the sums are then due. <br /> If�he Proper�y is abandoned by Borrower, ar if, after no�ice by Lender�o I3orr�wer that the condemnor affers �o <br /> make an award or settle a claim far damages,Borro�wer faz�s ta resp�nd�� Lender�v�th�n�he mini�num number�f <br /> days estab�zshed by App��ca��e LaW after�he da�e the no�ice is given,Lender is authorized�o c���ecx and app�y the <br /> pr�ceeds, a� its optian, either �� restvra��on ar repair of�he Pr�per�y ar �o the sums secured by �his Security <br /> �ns�ruznent,whether ar not�he�due. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rrovtrer��herw��e agree �n wr��ing, any app�icatian of proceeds to pr�ncipal sha�l not ex�end <br /> or pas�pane�he due date of�he paym.ents due under the�an�rac�or change the amou�.��f such payments. <br /> B�rrower Not Re�eased; F�rbearance By Lender Not a �V'L�ai�er. E�tenszon af �he tzme far paym�nt �r <br /> m�dif cation af amartzza�zon of�he sum,s secured by th�s Secur��ty �nstru�men� granted by Lender to Barrovver or <br /> any successar in znteres�t of Borrvvver sha�� no� operate �o release �he ��abi���r of �he arig�r�al Borrovver ar <br /> Bflrravver's suc�essors i�x�n�eres�. Lender sha���.ot be required ta cammenc��araceedings against an�successor in <br /> zn�eres�or refuse to extend��me for paymen�or atherw�se modzfy amortiza�ion�f�he sums secured by this Se�urzty <br /> Ins�rumen� by reason of any demand made hy the origir�al Borrou�er or $orrowerfs successors �n interes�. Ar�y <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerciszng any right or remedy sha�� not be a waiver of or pre�Iude the exerc�s� af az�y <br /> rzght flr remed}�. <br /> Su�cessars and Assigns Bound; J��.nt and Severa� L�ab�.lity; Accommudation Signers. The c�vez�arits and <br /> agreemen�s af thzs Securi�Ins�rumen�sha11 bind and benef�the successars and assigns af Lender and Borrawer, <br /> subje�t to �he provisions of sec��an �i�led Transfer of the Property nr a BQnef�c�a� Intere5t in Borr�vver. <br /> B��-row�r's covenan�s and agreements sha1l be join�and severa�. Any persan who co-s�gns this Secur��y�ns�rument <br /> bu� has na per�anal liabzl�ty under �he Co�.�ra�t �"Ac�omm�datio� 5igner"}: �a} is co-sig� this Secur��y <br /> �ns�rumen� on�y t� mor�gage, grant and convey that Acc�mmodation Sign�r's interest in �he Proper�y under �he <br /> �erms of �he 5ecurity �ns��-ument; �b} is no� pers��ally ob�iga�ed �o pay the sums secured by �his Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rum�n�; and�c} agrees�hat Lender and any a�her Barrovver may agree tn ex�end, modify, forbear ar make any <br /> accommodatzax�s v�ith r�gard t��he�erms of tihis Security�ns�rument or the Con�ract vv��h.�ut�ha�Accommada�ion <br /> S�gner's co�sen�. <br /> L�an Charge5. �f�ie loan secured by �h�s Secuarity �ns�rument �s sub,j ect to a �avv u�hich sets maximum ��an <br /> charges, and�ha��av�is fina�Iy�n�erpre�ed s��hati��e in�erest or other�oan charges col�ected ar to be co�Iec�ed�n <br /> cannection vvz�h �he lnan e�ce�d #he permi�ted �zmi�s, then: �a� any �uch �oan charge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessary�o reduce the �harge�o the perm�tted limi.�s and�b} a�.y sums already co�l�cted fr�m Barrovsrer <br /> wh��h exceeded permi�ted lim�ts wiil be refunded �o Borrav�rer. Lender may choose tia make �his refund by <br /> reducing the principal ov�ed under the Con�ract ar by ma�zng a dvre��payment ta BorroWer. If a refund r�duces <br /> principa�y the reductio�v���l be trea�ed as a partial prepayment under the�o�.�ract. <br /> Na�zces. Any no��ce �a Borr�wer provxded for �n this �ecurity Ins��-um�nt sha�� be gxven by de��vering i� ar by <br /> mailzng i�by firs�c�ass ma��un�ess App�i�able La�v requires use of anather meth�d. The n��ice sha�l be dzrec�ed�o <br /> �he Property Address ar any other address Borrov�er c�es�gnates by na�ice to L�nder. Borrower agr�es �o prav�de <br /> Lender wi�h Borrotiver's mos�curre�.�mai�ing address, as zt may change from ti.n7e-to-t�me. Any nat�ce �o Lend�r <br /> shall be g�ven by first class mail�a Lender'�address stated herein or any o�her address Lender designates by notice <br /> to Barrovc�er. Any no�ice provided for in this Security Zns�rument shall be deemed�a have been gzven�a Borrower <br /> or Lender wh�n given as provzded in�hzs paragraph. <br /> �a�erni�g�a�v, Severa�i�ity.'�his S�c�i�y I�s�rume�a�sha��be go�erned by federal la,w and�he�aWs af�he s�at� <br /> �f Nebra�ka. In the e�ent tha� an�r provis�on ar clause af�his 5 ecurity Instrumen� or the �ontrac� canfl�cts wi�h <br /> App�zcable Law, such can#lic� s�.a�1 nat affect o�her prflvisions of th.�s Securi�y�nstrurnen�or�he ��n�ract vvhich <br /> can be given eff�c�vvithou��ie�onflicting provision. T��his end�he prov�sions of th�s Secur�ty Ins��and the <br /> C�ntrac�are dec�ared tv be se�erab�e. <br /> Borra�er'�Copy.Borrawer shall be given one copy�f this Security Instrument. <br /> C�2D04-2015 Compliance Systems,Inc.8C54-81 SC-24]5.t 1.3.1498 <br /> Cansurn�r ReaI Esta#e-Security I�strument DLZ�3b Pa�e 3 vf 5 www.compiiancesystems.cvm <br />