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2� 1 ���498 <br /> Payment�f Princ�p�l and Interes�; �tber Charges.Barrower sha1l pramp���r pay when due�he principal�f and <br /> in�erest on�he deb��wed under the Con�ract ax�d la��charges or any�ther fees and charges due under�he�on�ract. <br /> Applicalble Law. As used in this 5ecur�ty Iz�strurx�en�, ��.e �erm "App�ic�.ble Lativ" shall mean aXl controlling <br /> applrCable fed�ral, s�a�e and Io�al sta.tutes, regulati�ns, ordinances and adminis�ra�ive rules and orders ��hat have <br /> �he effec�of�ativ3 as�uel�as a�l app�ica�le final,non�appealable�udicial opinions. <br /> Charge�; Liens. Borrower sha�l pay a�l �ax�s, assessments, charges, fines and impasitions a�tributa.ble to the <br /> Property tivhich xnay at�ain prior�ty over this S�curi�.y Instrunzent, and leasehold paymen�s or ground rents, xf any. <br /> At the request of Lender,Borrotiver sha�l promp�ly furnish�a Lender receip�s evidencing�h.e pay�ments. <br /> Borrow�r sha�l promptly discharge any lien v�rhich has priority over�his Se�urity Instrument un��ss Borr�vver: �a} <br /> agrees in wr��ing ta the payment of the abl�ga�iori secured by �he Iien in a manner accep#able to Lender; �b3 <br /> con�es�ts in goad fa�� �he lien by, or defends agair�st enforcemen� �f�he lien in, �ega� proceedings which �n �he <br /> Lender's opin�on flp�rate to preven� the enforcement of the lier�; or �c} secures from the h�ider of�he l�en an <br /> agreement satisfactary to Lender subardina�ing��e �ien t� th�s 5ecuri�y Ins��. If Lender de�ermines tha�any <br /> par� of�he Proper�y is subject t� a �ien which may a��a�n pr�ori�r aver this Security�ns�rument, L�nder may give <br /> Borravver a natice id�ntifying�he �ien. Borro�ver shall sa�isfy tihe lien❑r tai�e one ar more of the a��ions set for�h <br /> abo�e w�thin I�day�of�he giving of natice. <br /> Hazard or Proper�InSuran�e. Borrnvver sha11 keep�he �mpravements no�v e��s�ing�r hereafter erec�ed on�he <br /> Property insured agains�loss�by�re,ha�ards inc�ud�d wi�hin�he�errn"ex�e�ded c�verage" and any�ther ha�ards, <br /> inc�udin� #loods or flooding, for vtrhich Lender requires insurance. This �nsurance shalX be ma�ntaxn�d in �he <br /> amounts and for the periods that L�n�er r��uir�s. The ix�surance carr�er pra�riding�he insurance sha��be chosen by <br /> Borrov�er sub�ec� t� Lender's appro�al whi�h shall nat be unreasonably tivithheld. If Borrovver fai�s t� main�ain <br /> coverage described abave, Lender may, at Lender's op�ivn, ob�ain coverage �fl protec� Lender'S righ�s in the <br /> Property in accardan�e wi�h section��t�ed Prote���on of Lender�s R�ghts�n the Praperty. <br /> Al� �nsurance policies and renewals sha�I �e accep�able tfl Lender and s�a�� include a s�andard m�xtgage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha�I have the rzght�o ho�d the palicies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrovsrer shall pr�mptly give to <br /> Lender aIl receip�s of pai�preamiurns and rene�val notices. �n�ie event Qf loss, Barro�w�r sha��give prarnp�no�xce <br /> �o the in�uranc�carrier and Lender.Lender�nay make proof Qf lass�f nti�made promptly by Borrovtrer. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in �rit�ng, insurance proce�ds shal� be applied �o res�ora�ian or <br /> repair of�he Praper�� damaged, if, in Lender'� sol� discre�ion, the res�ora�ion or repa�r is economical�y feasible <br /> and Lender's securit�� is n�t �essened. �f, in Lender's s�1e discretian, the restflration or repair is na� economi�ally <br /> feasible or Lender's security wauld be�essened,the�nsu.rance proceeds shall be app���d ta�he sums secured b�r�his <br /> Securi�y Ins�rument, �vvh��her or no� then due, with any excess pa�d t� �orrower. Yf Borr�wer abar�dons the <br /> Proper�y,ar does not ans�ver wi�hin�he number of days prescribed by Appli�able Lavv as set fflrth in a not��e from <br /> Lender t� Borrower�ha�the insurance carrier has offered�a �ettle a claim, then Len�er may collect the insuran�e <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �fl repair or rest�re �he Praperty or to pay sums secured by�his Securxt� <br /> Instrument,whe�her or not then due. The period of�ime for Borrawer to ans�ver as set forth i.n the���ice wil�begin <br /> �rhen the no�ice is g��c�en. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrovver atherw�se agree in wr��zng, any applica�ian of proceeds�o principal shall no�extend <br /> or p�s�aane the due date of the payments due�ander the �on�rac��r change the amount of�he pay�x�ents. If under <br /> the sectifln tit�ed A�Gelerat�on; Remed�es, �he Pr�perty is acquired by Lender, Borrawer's righ��o any insurance <br /> polic�es �nd praceed� resulting f�am dam.age to �he Praper�y prior t� the acqu�sit�an shall pass t� Le�der to �he <br /> exten�of the sums secured b�this 5ecuri�y�nstrument irnmedia�ely prior to�he acquisiti�n. <br /> Pre�ervation, Ma�ntenance and Pr�tect�on of the Proper�y; Barrow�r's L�an App�i�at�on; L�as�h�lds. <br /> B�rro�v�re.r sha��nQt destroy, damage�r impair the Praper�y, allouj�he Property�a deteriorate, or cnrn�ni�vvaste nn <br /> the Prope:rty.Barro�r�r shal�be in defau��if any farfeiture ac��on�r proceed�ng,�vhe�h�r civil�r cr�minal,�s begun <br /> that in L�nder's good fai�h judgment could re�ult in forfei�.ire Qf the Property ar axherw�se ma�eria��y impair�he <br /> lien crea�ed by this Security Ins�rumen� vr Lender's securi�y interest. Barrower rnay cure such a defau�� and <br /> reinsta�e, as prav�ded in sectian tit�ed Borrow�r'�Right to Re�nstate, by causing the act�on�r prQceeding�o be <br /> �isnlisse�wi�h a ruling tha�,in Lender's gofld fai�h determination,precludes farfeiture of the Barrower's zn�er�st in <br /> �he PrQp�er�y or other material impairment of�he �ien crea�ed by �his Security Instrument ar L�nder's sec�.ri�y <br /> interes�. �3arrovver shal�also be in defaul�if Borra,wer,during the Ioan appli�a�ion process,gave materially�alse or <br /> inaccurate infarmati�n or statemen�s to Lender ��r fa�led to prov�de Lender �v�ri�h any mater�a� inf�rmati�n} in <br /> conn�ection�vi�h the loan evzdenced by�he Contrac�. �f this S�curity�nstrument�s an a leaseh�ld, Borrower sha�I <br /> comp�y v►ri�h a��the pr�visions�f the lease. If Bflrro�ver acquires fee�i�1e to�he Property,�he leaseh�ld and the fee <br /> title sha��nat merge unless Lender agrees ta the merger�n writing. <br /> ProteCt�on of Lender's Rights in the Pr�p�rty. If Borro�ver fa��s to perform �he cavenan�s and agre�ments <br /> cvn�ained�n this S�curity Instrument, ❑r there �s a legal proceeding�hat may sign�f caritl�r affect Lender's r�ghts xn <br /> the Prop�rty (such a� a prace�ding in b�.r�k�pt�y, �ra�ate, f�r condemna�z�n or forfei�ure or t� enforce �aws �r <br /> regu�a�ifl�zs}, then Lender may do and pa� fo� wha�ever �s necessary to prote�� �he va�ue of th� Property and <br /> Lender's rights in the Proper�y. Lender's actzons may include paying any sums s�cured by a l�en whi�h has pr�ority <br /> aver�his 5ecuri�y Instrumen�,appearing in cnurt,paying reasonable a�torneys'fees and en�ering on�he Proper�y�o <br /> make repa�rs.Al�hough Lender may take ac�ion u�ader this sect�on,Lender d�es n�t hav�to do so. <br /> Any amaun�s disbursed by Lender under �hi� sect�on s�a�I become ad�it�o�a� de�� of Barrower secured by thzs <br /> Se�ur�ty ��. Un�ess Borrawer and Lender agree �o o�her terms flf paymen�, these arn�unts sha�l bear <br /> �2�44-2015 Comptiance Systems,Inc.8C54-S l 8C-2�15.t 1.3.1098 <br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Security I��ment DL�q3b Page 2 of S WWW.CQTri]7�i�i1C�Sy5t�t]�S.GQri1 <br />