2� 1 ���4�3
<br /> A�1 �nsurance poiici�s r�quired by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject t� L,end�r's righ�ta
<br /> d�sapprove such pa�ic��s, sha�l �nclude a s�andard nlor�gag�clause, and shall nam�e L�n�ier as m�rtgagee
<br /> andl�r as an addi��ona� �oss payee. Lender shall hav�the rx�ht to�old�he polic�es and renewal. cer�if�cates. �f
<br /> Lender requires, B�rrower shal�promptly give tfl Lender al� receipts of paid premiums and renewa�notices.
<br /> �f B�rrov�er�b�ains any f�rm of insuranc�coverage, not�therwise required by Lender, for damag�to, ar
<br /> destruc��an of, �he Property, such policy sha�l include a�tandard�nortgage ciause and shali name L.end�r as
<br /> mor�gagee andlor as an addi�ional loss pay�e.
<br /> �n the e�ent of��ss, Borrovver sha��g�ve prompt natice�a t�e insurance carr�er a.nd Lender. Lender ma�
<br /> make proaf af lass if not made prompt�y hy Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer o�hervwise agree in
<br /> v�r��ing, any�nsurance prac��ds, whe�her or no��he u�de�Iying insuranc�was required by Lender, shali be
<br /> appl�ed t�restora���n ar repair of the Propert�r, if the r�storat�on or repair is ec�nomica�ly feas�ble and
<br /> L�nder's secur��y�s no�lessened. During such repair and r�s�ora�ion period, Lender shal�have the righ��o
<br /> h�id such insurance proceeds un�i� I.�nder has had an opportun��y�a�nspec�such Praperty��ensure�he
<br /> wark has be�n comp�eted to Lender's satisfact�on, pr��r�ded tha�such inspec�ion shal.�be und�r�aken
<br /> pr�nlpt��. Lender may d�sburse�roceetis for the repairs and r�s�ora�ran�n a single payment ar in a ser�es of
<br /> �rogress pa�rn�ents as the wo�k is comp�e�ed. �..3�niess an agreement is made�n wri�ing or App�icable Law
<br /> requires interes��o he paid on such insurance proce�ds, Lend�r sha�I n��be required�o pay Borrower any
<br /> in�eres�or earn�ngs on such proc�eds. F�es for pub��c ad�justers, ar o�her�h�rd parties, reta�ned by Borrower
<br /> sha�� nat be paid out of the insurance proceeds and sha��be�he sole obl�gat�on of Borrower. �f the res�ara��on
<br /> ar repair�s no�e�onomically feas�b�e or Lender's securi�y v�ou�d be l�ssened, �he�nsuranc�praceeds shall be
<br /> app���d to the sums secured b�this Securi�y Instrum�nt, v�hether or not then due, w�th�he excess, if any,
<br /> paid t� Barrower. Such insurance proceeds sha11 be ap���ed in the order pra��ded for in Section 2.
<br /> �f Barrawer abandons�he Proper��, Lender ma� file, nego��at�and set��e a�a.y avai�ab�e insuranc�cla�m and
<br /> re�ated mat�ers. �f Borrower does not r�spond with�n 3fl da�s��a no�ice from Lender tha��he insurance
<br /> carrier has�ffered��set��e a cla�m, �hen Lender may neg�tia��and settle the claim. The 3D-day period wi�1
<br /> beg�n v�hen�h�not�ce�s given. �n e�ther even�, or if Lend�r acqu�res�he Praper��under Se�t�on 22 or
<br /> �t�erw�se, B�rrower hereb�assigns�a Lender�a} Borrawer's righ�s�o an�r �nsurance pracee�s in an am�unt
<br /> not�a�xceed the amaun��unpaid under�he Note or this Secur��y�ns�rumen�, and��} any��her�f
<br /> Borrower's rights �o�her than�he r�ght ta any refund of unearned prem��ums paid by Borrawer}under all
<br /> insurance po�icies cov�ring�he Proper�y, insofar as such rxgh�s are applical�le��th�coverag�of the
<br /> �'r�p�x��. L,�nd�r may us��he�nsurance pro��eds ei�her to repa�r ar res�ore�he Prope�y or to pa�amounts
<br /> unpaid under the Note or this S�curi��Instrument, w�ether or na��hen due.
<br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrovver sha�l o�cupy, establ�sh, and use the Propert�r as Borrow�r's principai res�de�ce
<br /> within 6D days af�er the execu�.ion of th�s Security �ns�rument and sha�l c�n�inue�a o�cup�th�Proper�y as
<br /> Borr�wer's pr�ncipal residence for a�Ieast�ne�ear after the da�e of occupan.cy, un�ess Lender o�herwise
<br /> agre�s in wr��ing, which�onsent shal�nat be unreasonab�y w�thhe�d, or un�ess ex�enuating c�rcumstances
<br /> exist whi�h are beyond Borrawer's con�rol.
<br /> 7. Pres�r�ation, Ma�nt�nan�e and Pr�tection of the Praperty; �nspe�tinns. Borrower shall not destroy,
<br /> damage or impair�h�Proper�y, al�ow�h�Property�o deter�ora�e or cam�mit was�e on the Proper��. 'L�Vhether
<br /> �r not Borrov�rer is resid�ng in the Property, Borrnwer sha�l ma�n�ain�Yie Propert�in�rder to prev�n�the
<br /> Proper�y from de��ri�ra��ng or d�creasing in va�ue due��its candi�ion. Unless �t is de�erm�n�d pursuant t�
<br /> Sect��n 5 that repaxr or restoratinn is not economical�y feasib��, Borrower sha��pr�mp�i� repa�r the Prap�r�y
<br /> �f damaged�o a���d fur�her deter�ara�ion�r damage. �f�nsurance or cond�mnation pro�eeds are paid in
<br /> c�nne��ion with damage�o, or the taking of, the Proper��, Borrower�ha11 b�resp�ns�ble far r�pa�r�ng or
<br /> restoring�he�'roper�y anly�f i.,ender has released pr�ceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds
<br /> 1V�BRASKA-Singfe Fami#y-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac UN���RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 71�1
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE)��302)
<br /> Wvlt�rs Ktuwer Financiaf 5er�ices Page 7 0�17
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