. 2� 1 ���4�7 .
<br /> Transfer of the Praperty or a I�enefi�ial Interest in Bflrrflvver.If aIl or any par�of the Property or any in�eres�
<br /> in it is sold ar tran�f�rreci �or �f a benef cial in��res� in Borrower is sold or �ransferred and Borra�wer is nat a
<br /> natural persan} with�ut Lender's priar v�rri�ten consent, I�end�r may, a� i�s op��or�, require immed�a�e��ayment zn
<br /> ful� of all st�ms se�ured by �iis Securi�y �ns�rument. �Iowe�rer, this option sha�� not be exercised b�� Lender if
<br /> ex�rcise is prahibited by federal�avv as�f�he date of�his�ecurity Ins�rurnent.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give B orroWer nat�ce af accelerat�on. Th� no�i�e shall provide a
<br /> peri�d of no� Iess t�.an the minimum number of days es�abli�hed by Applicable Lavv frflrri �he da�e �he notice is
<br /> de��vered flr mailed w�.th�n Whi�h Barro�ver must pay a�1 sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen�. If Borrav�er
<br /> fails to pay these sums pri�r �o trie expiration flf�his period, Lender may invoke any remedies perm�tted by �his
<br /> Security�nstrumen��vithou�fur�her no�ic�or demand�n�orrnv�rer.
<br /> Borr�wer's Right ta Y�ei�state, rf BQrr�wer meets �er�ain cond��ions, Borra�ver shall ha�e �he right ta have
<br /> enfarcemen�af this �ecuri�r Ins�rument discontinued at any time prior t��he�earTier of: �a} 5 days �flr such��her
<br /> periad as Appl�cable Law may specify far re�nstatemen���ae�'�re sa�e af the Pr�perty pursuan�to any pnwer of sale
<br /> contained in �his 5ecu.r�ty Instrumen�; or tb} e�.�y of a jt�dgm.en� enforcing �his Securzty �nstrument. Th�se
<br /> �and�tions are that B orrawer: �a} pays Lender a1� su.ms yvhich then�iou�d �e due under�his`Security Ins�rument
<br /> and the�on�ract as if no accelerati�n had occurred;�b�cu.res any default of any fl�her c�venants or agre�ments; �c�
<br /> pays al�expenses�nCurre�l in enfarcing this Security Ins�rumen�,in�luding,but not��mxted to,reasonab��a�torneys'
<br /> fees ta �he ex�ent pernutted by�aw; and�d}�akes such ac�ion as Lender may reas�nably require�a assure tha�the
<br /> X�en❑f th�is Security Instrument, Ler�der's r�ghtis in�he Property and Barrower's flblrgat�on to pay the swms secured
<br /> by �his Security Instrument sha11 con�inue unchanged. Upon re�nstatemen�by Borrov�er, this Securi�y Instru.men�
<br /> and�he obliga�ions secured h�reby shall ren�ain fuliy eff�c�ive as if no accel�rati�n had occurred. Hfl�vever, �his
<br /> r�ght to reinstate sha�l no�app�y�n the�ase of acceleratian un�er�he sec�ion t�tled Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Bene�cial In�erest in Bflrr�wer,
<br /> Hazardous Substances,�3flrrvwer s�al�n��cause or pernut th�pr�s�n�e,use, disposal, s�orage; or release of an�r
<br /> �-Iazardous 5u�s�ances ari�r�n�he Praperty.Barrower sh�.l�no�do,nor allQw anyon�else ta do,any�hi�g affec�ing
<br /> the Property.that is �n vio�ativn af any �nvironmental Law. The preceding �wo sentences shall not apply to the
<br /> presence,use,or storage on the Proper�y of sma��quan�i�i�s of Ha�ard�us St�bstances�ha�ar�general�y�ec�gnized
<br /> �o be appropria�e to nvrm:a�resider��ia�uses and to main�er�ance of the Proper�y:
<br /> Borro�ver shall promp�ly give Lenc�er writ�en no�ice af an3r i�IVeSt1���l�n,claim, demand,lawsuit or ather action by
<br /> any governmental �r regulatory agency or private party invalving �he Praperty and any �azardous 5ubs�anee or �
<br /> Environme��al Lavv �f which Borrovver has actual know�e�ge. If �orro�ver Iearns, or is no��f ed by any
<br /> g�vernmenta� ar regulatory authari�y, �h.at any remova� or o�h�r remediation of an�Hazardous Subs�ance affecting
<br /> �he Proper�y is necessary, BorroW�r shal� promptly tal�e a�l nec�ssary remedial actions in acc�r�ance vvx�h ;
<br /> Env�ranmen�al Law, '
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Su�stances" are�hase substances def�ne�i as,toxic or ha�ardous substan�es
<br /> by Environmen�a� LaW and the follovving substances: gasn��ne, kerosene, other flarnmable or t�x�c pe�ro�eum
<br /> products, �oxz� pes�ic�d�s and herbicides, �o�ati�e solve��s; nla�er�a�s �an�aznzng asbestos or f�rmald�h�de, and
<br /> radioactive ma�er�als. As us�d in�his paragraph, "Environrrlen�a�Lavcr"means federa�laurs and Iaws of�he s�ate of
<br /> Ne�araska�ha�rela�e to h�al�h,safe�y or environmen�a�pr��ec�ion.
<br /> .A.cceleration; Remedies. Lender �ha�l give nu���e to �orro,wer pr�or to a��elera�ion f�ll�wing ��rr�wer�s
<br /> brea�h of any c�venant vr agreement.in this Se�urity Instrument�r the�ontract under which acce��ratinn
<br /> i�permit�ed ��but not priar to a�celeratifln under�he 5�ction ti�led Transfer�f the Property�r a�Q�e�c�a�
<br /> In�erest�n Barrower, unless App��cable Law prov�des athervv�se), The notice shal�spe��fy: �a� t�� default;
<br /> �b� the action reqnired tn cure the default; �c} a date, not tess than the minimum number �f days
<br /> established by Applicable Law from th�date�he noti��Ys given �o Borrvv�er,by wh�ch the d�fau�t mus�be
<br /> cured; and �d� that faiiure to cure the default �n or �ef�re the date spec�f�ed in �he n�tice�ma� result in
<br /> acceleration of the sums secured by th�s S�curity Instr�xrn�ent and sa�e of the Property. To the extent
<br /> permitted by law, �he nflti�e shall further infornc�Borr�w�r of the r�ght to reins�ate after a��elera�ion and :
<br /> �he rxght to br�ng a court act�on to ass�rt the n�n-�xist�nce flf a defaul�vr any oth�r defen5e�f B�rrovv�r to
<br /> a�ce�era�ion and sa�e.If the default is no� cured on or before the date spe�ified xn �he not�ce,Lender at�ts
<br /> optifln may require �rr�mediate paymen� in full of all �ums secured by �his Secur�ty Insfrumemt �vxthout
<br /> fur�her demand and may�nvoke the power �f sale an�. any oth�r remedie� perm�tted by Applic�.�ie Law.
<br /> To the ex�en� permutted �y �ayv, L�nder 5ha�� �e ent��led to co�IeCt a�l e�penses incurred in pursu�ng �he
<br /> rem�d�es prov�ded in th�s.Sectian,including,but no�_limit�d to,reasonable at�orneyst fees and costs af ti�ie
<br /> ewxden�e.
<br /> If th�power of sa�e is inv�ked, Trustee shall record a�o�i�Q of defau���n each county in wh��h amy part of
<br /> the Property fs l�cated and shall mai� cop�es of su�h no�ic��n the manner prescribed by Appiica��e Law to:
<br /> B�rrnwer and to the oth�r pers�a�s pre�crxbed by Appl�c�ble Law. After the ��me required by �ipp��cab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�I, g�ve public not��e of sale t� the p�rsons and �n �he mann�r pre��ribed hy��pp�i�ab�e
<br /> Lavv.Trustee,vv�th�ut demarid on Barrflwer,shal� se�l the Property at public auct��n to the high�st bidder
<br /> a�the time and p�ac�e.and under the terms designa�ed in�h�n�tice of sale in one or�rn�re parce�s and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determ�nes. Trustee may postp�ne 5a�e �f all or any parcel of the Property ]by publi�
<br /> annauncement�t the time and pla�e af�ny prev'ously sch�du�ed 5ale.Lender vr its des�gnee may purchase
<br /> the Pr�perty at any sale.
<br /> Upon rec�ipt vf payment�f the pri�Q b�d, Trustee sha�ll delfver to the purchaser Trustee's deed �onv�y�ng
<br /> the Property. The rec��a�s in �he Trus�ee's deed 5hall be p�°��x�.a facie eviderice of the truth of�he stat�ments
<br /> C�2Q44-��I5 Cvmpliar�c�Systems,Inc.8C54-5714-2��8
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Inst�-ument DL�436 Pa��4 of 5 www,camgliar�cesystems.cvm
<br />