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2� 1 ���4�7 <br /> xnterest frflm �he date af d�sbursemen� a� the �arne ra�e assessed on advances under the �on�raGt and sha�l be <br /> payable,w��h��.�erest,upon na��ce from.Lender t�Bor�ovver requestir�g pa�rment. <br /> Inspect�vn: Le�.der or i�s agent may m.ake reasanable en�r�es upan and insp�ctzoris af the Propez�y. Lender sha�1 <br /> give Barr�wer n����e a��he time�f or pr�nr�o an inspectiQ�a specxf�ing reasonab�e cause for the inspec�zvn. <br /> ��ndemnativn. The prflceeds of any a�rard or c�aim far damages, d�rect ar conse�uen�ial, �n��r�nectior�wi�h any <br /> canden�atio�.ar a�her taking af a�ay part of�he Property, ar fflr canveyance in Iieu af c�ndemna��on, are hereby <br /> as�ign�d aric�shall be pa�d�v Lender. � <br /> �n the e�en� of a �o�al �ak�ng of�he Praper�y, �he proce�ds shall be applied to �he sums secured by this Secur�ty � <br /> � Instrument, whether ar na� �hen due, wi.�h ariy excess paid �a.�arro�ver. In the even� of a,part�a� �king of t�ie <br /> Pr�perty i��vhi�h th� fair marke�va�ue of the Pr�perty im�ried�ate�y before �h� �akir�g rs equa� �o or.grea.�er�han <br /> �he amount of�he surris secured by this S�curi�y �nst�umen� immed�ate�y before �he taking, un�ess �.3orravver and <br /> Lender o�her�r�se agree in�rri�ing,the sums secured by.�his Secur��y Instrumen�sha��be reduced by��ie amoun�of <br /> � the proceeds rnul�ipl�ed hy�he foX�o�vv�ng firac�ion: �a�the t�tal amount of the sums secured zmurn�diately befar�the <br /> �ak�.ng, d�v� �b� the fa�r market value of�he Proper�y imrnediately befnre �he � Any ba�an�e shall be <br /> pazd �a �3orra�ver. �n ��ae �vent of a partial taking of�h� P�r�perty �n v�rh�ch �he fa�r marke��alue of the Proper�y <br /> �mm�d�ate�y before the �aking zs less than �he amount of the sums secure� immediate��r befare th� taking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwzse agree zn writ�ng ar urile�s Applicab�e Lativ othervvise pr���des, the proceeds sha�l <br /> be applied to�he sums secured by�his.Security�nstrument vvhether or n�t�h�sums are�h�n due. <br /> If�he Praperty is abar�daned by Borrawer, or�f, after natice by Lender�Q �orra�rer that the co�derr�t�or offers to <br /> ma�e an avvard ar se�tle a claim for damages,F3orrov�rer fai�s t�respond ta Lender w�thin the m�n�r�u�ri number of <br /> days es�ablished by:Applicab�e La�w af�er the�ate th�nat�ce�s g�ven;Lender�s au�hori�ed ta�ol�ect and app�y the <br /> proceeds, a� its �pt�on; either t� res�aratio� or repair of the Proper�y or �o �he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rume�t,vvhe�he�or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borro�er o�herwise�agree in v�riti�.g, any app��ca��an af pro�eeds ta principal shal�not ex��nd <br /> or pos�pon�th.e due date of�he payments due under�he�antract�r char�ge the amoun�af such payme��s. <br /> Borrower Nat I�e�eased; Forbearance By Lend�r Nnt a .�Va�ver. Extens�an �f �he t�me fo�r p�y�men� or <br /> mod�f catz�n af amor�iza�ion of the sums secured by �his 5ecurity Insxrument gra�.ted by Lender �n $orr��ver or <br /> any successor �� �nteres� of �orrawer sha�� not apera�e ta release �he I�ab���ty af the orig��a� �3orroWer or <br /> Borrower's successors in inter�s�:Lend�r sha��n��be required�o commence proceed�ngs �gai�st any success�r in <br /> znt�res�or refuse to extend tzme for paymen��r o�herwise mod�fy amor�izatio�of�e sums secured�y�his Security <br /> �ns�rument by rea.san of any demand made by �he or�g�nal Borrovver or B�rrower's successars in ix�teres�. Any <br /> forbearance by Len�er in exerGzs�ng any righ�or remedy sha��na�be a waiver of�r pr���ude the e�ercise of an�r <br /> righ�or rem.�dy. <br /> Su��ess�rs and Ass�gns B�und; Joint and Several Liabiii�y; Acc�mmodativn Signers. T�.e covenan�s and <br /> agreements af this Secur�ty I�as�rumen� sha��b�nd and benefit��e successvrs and ass�gns af Lender ar�d Borrovver, <br /> subj ect ta the pr�vis�ans flf sec��on �itled Transfer of the 1'r�perty �r a Benef�c�a� Interes� in Borrower. <br /> Barravver's covenants and agreemen�s shal�be joint and s�vez a�.Ar�y person v�ih� ca-signs�his Se�ur�ty�nstrumen� <br /> bu� has no persa�.a� �iability under the Cfln�ract ("A��arnmada�ion Signer"�: �a} is co�sigr�..��.g this Security <br /> Ins�rumen�. only to martgage, gran� and convey �hat Accnmmoda�ion Signe�r's interest in the Prapert� under the <br /> �erms af �he Secu.rz�y Ins�rumen�; �U} is no� persazaa��� obliga�ed �o pay �he sums seeured �y th�s Securzty <br />�; and�c} agrees�ha�Lender and any other Borrower may agree�� extend, m�difyy forbear�r make any <br /> accomm�dativns wi�h regard�o the�erms af�his Security�ns�rument or�he �an�rac�vvi�hau��ha�Accamrnada��an <br /> S�gner's cflnsent. <br /> Lvan Charges. �f th.e �oaz� secured by thi.s Security Instrument is subjec� �a a Iaw which se�s max�mum �aan <br /> charges, and tha�la�r�s finally interpreted so tha�the in�eres��r a�her�aar�charges co�lected or��be col�e��ed�n <br /> connectian wa.�h the laa�a exceed the pernai�ted limi�s, then. �a� any such laan �harge shal� be reduced by the <br /> amaunt necessary to reduce �he charge ��the permitted Iim��s a�xd �b} any sums a�ready co��ected�`rom.Barrower <br /> � W�IIC�I exceed�d permitted �ixni�s ,w�l� be refunded �o $orro�ver. Lender may choose �� rnake �his refund by <br /> reducing the principa� otived under �he C�n�rac�or�y maki�xg � direc�payment tio �orro�er. If a refund reduces <br /> principal,�he reduc�ion vt�i11 be�reated as a part�a�prepayme�.t under�he Con�ra�t. <br /> No�ices. .Any no�ice ta Barravver provided far xn this Secur�ty �ns�um.en� sha�� be g�v�n by deliveri�ng i� or by <br /> mai�ir�g i�by f rs�class ma��unle�s App�xcab�e Lav�r requires use of another me�had. Th�no�ice shall be direc�.ed�v <br /> the Proper�y Address or any oth�r address �3arrower desig��.a�es by no��ce ta Lender. Borrov�er agrees to provzde <br /> Le�der with Borrower's mos�current�ing address, as i� may change from time-to-�t�me. Any n��zce �a Lender <br /> shall be given b�r f��rst ciass ma��to Lender's address sta�ed herein or any o�her address Lender desigriat�s b�na�ice <br /> �o Borravver. Any no�ice provided for in this Se�urity�ristrument shal�be deemed t�have been given to Borrower <br /> or L�nder vvhen giVen as prnvided�n this paragraph. <br /> Gov��ning Law; Severability.This Secur�ty Ins�rument sha��be governed by federa�Ia�and the laws of the s�a�e <br /> of Nebras�a. In �he �ven��ha� any provis�t�n or c�ause of this S��uri�y Instrumen� or the ��n#ract canfli�ts v�ith <br /> App�icable Lav�r, such cQnflict sha�� na� affec� ��her provisi�ns af this 5ecur�ty Instru�m.ent or the �on�rac�wh�ch <br /> can be gzven effec�wi�hout�h��onflic�ing provision. To this end�he pr�v�sions of this Secur��y Instrument a�.d�he <br /> �ontrac�are dec�ared�fl be severab�e. <br /> Borroyver�s�opy.Bo�rrovver sha�l be g�v�n one copy of�h�s Securzty Zns�rument. <br /> C�?2�04-24�5 Compliar�ce Systems,inc.$C54-5714-2415.11.3.I498 <br /> Cvnsumer Itea]Estate-Secur�ty Instr�met�t DL��35 Pa�e 3 of 5 www.�om� <br />