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2� 1 ���375 <br /> D�� ID #; ********7666�1�1� <br /> 6. Uccupancy. BorravWer shall vccupy, e�tablish, and use the Pr�perty as B�rrvwer's prineipal resid�nce <br /> within sU days after the ex�cution of this 5ecurity�nstrument and shall continue�o occupy�he Prvperty as <br /> BvrrovWer's principal residence for at 1e�st ane year after the date �f vccupanc�, unless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees �n writing, which cvnsent sha�l nvt be unreasona�ly wifhheld, vr unless extenua�ing circumstances <br /> ex�st vvhich are beyond Borr�wer's�nntro�. <br /> 7, Preser�ation, M�intenance and Protectivn of the Proper#y; Inspectivns. Borrower sha�1 not destra�, <br /> damage vr impair the Prvp�rty,a�Ivw the Praperty to deteri�rate vr cammit waste an t�e Pr�per#�r. �heth�r <br /> or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Sorrovver shall maintain the Praperty in order to preven� �h� <br /> Propert�from deter�vrating nr decrQasing in�a1ue due to i�s condit�on. Unless it is d��erm�ned pursuan�ta <br /> S�ction 5 that repair or restvration is nat economica�ly feasible, Bvrrvvver shall promptly repair the <br /> Property�f damaged �v avvid further deterivration or damage. If insurance or cvndemnation prviceeds are <br /> paid in cvnnec�iQn damage to, or th� tak�ng nf, the Property, Bvrrower shal� be responsible for <br /> repau�.ng or res�oring the Prop�rty only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may <br /> d�sb��se prvc�eds for the repairs and res�oration in a 5ingle payment or in a seri�s af progress payments as <br /> the vvork is cvmpleted. �f the insurance or condemnation pr�ceeds are not sufficien�to repair ar res�ore the <br /> Property,Bvrrov��r is no�relie�ed❑f Barro�er's o�ligation fvr�he completion�f su�h repair ar restoration. <br /> Lender nr its agent may make reas�nable en�ries up�n and inspections�f the Prvperty. If it has r�asanahle <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the interivr vf the imprv�emQnts on the Property. Lender sha11 g�ve Borrower <br /> nvtice at the time of vr priar�o such an interior inspect�an specifying such reasonable cause. <br /> S. Borrower's L�an Appiicatioa. Borraw�r sha.�1 be ix�t default if, duru�g �e Loan ap�l��ation gracess, <br /> Bnrrower or any persons or entities a�ting at th� direetivn af Borraw�r or with Bnrrower's knov�ledg� vr <br /> consent gave ma�eria�ly fa�s�, misleading, or inaccurate informativn or s�atements tn Lender �ar failed tv <br /> prv�ide Lender vW�th mat�rial infvrmat�on} in cvnnectivn with th� Lvan. Material representations in��ud�, <br /> but are nvt limited tv, representati�ns concerning Borr�vver's occupancy of the Prop�rty as Bvrrower's <br /> principal residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest �n the Prvperty and Rights Und�r this Security Instrument. If ta} <br /> B�rrow�r fai�s tv perfarm the ca�enan�s and agreements contained in this 5ecurity Instrument, �b} �her�is a <br /> legal pra�eeding that might significantly affect Lender's int�rest in the Prvpert� andlor righ�s under this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument �su�h as a proce�ding in bankruptcy, probate, for cvndemnativn vr f�rfeiture, fvr <br /> enforcemen� of a lien v�hich ma� at�ain privrit� o�er this 5ecurity Instrument vr to enfvrce lav�s or <br /> regulatians}, or �c} Borrvwer has abandoned the Property, then Lender may�do and pa� far �hate�er is <br /> reasonable or appropriate to prvtect Lender's int�rest �n the Property and rights under this 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument, protecting andlor assessing the value af the Property, and securing andlor repairing <br /> t�e Praperty. �ender's aetions can ine��de, b�t a�e no� ��.rr�.�ted to: �a} pa��ng any sums se�ure� by a Iien <br /> which has priority ��er this Securit� Instrument; �b} appearin� in cvurt; and �c} paying reasonable <br /> a�torneys' fees to protect�ts interest in the Prvpert�andlor rights under th�s 5ecurity Instrument, inc�uding <br /> its secur�d position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Pr�p�rt� �ncludes, hut is not �imited tv, <br /> entering the Property to make repairs, change l�cks, rep�ace vr bvard up doors and v�indows, drain water <br /> from pipes,��iminate building or nther cvde�iv�ations or darigerous�anditians,and have ut�lities turned nn <br /> ar off. A�though Lender may take act�on under th�s Section 9, Lender does not ha�e to d� sv and is nvt <br /> under any duty ar obligativn t� do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs nv liability for not taking any or a11 <br /> actions author�zed under th�s 5ection 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed b�Lend�r under this S�ctivn 9 shal�l become additivnal debt vf Bvrrov�er secured <br /> �y #hi5 5ecurity Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from th� date of <br /> disbursement and sha1� �ae payable, with such interest, upon no�ice from Lender to B�rrovver reques��ng <br /> paym�nt. <br /> If this 5ecurit��ns�rument is o�a�easehold, Borro�er sha11 �flmply v�ith a�l the pr��isinns vf the leas�. �f <br /> Borrvwer acquues fe� �i�le to the Prvper�y, the leasehold and the fee title sha11 not merge unless Lender <br /> agrees�a the merger in writing. <br /> 10. Mortgage Insurance.If Lender requ�r�d Mortgage�nsurance as a condi#ion vf making the Loan, Bvrrower <br /> sha11 pay th� premiums required �a maintain the Mortgage �nsurance in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> Mortgage Insurance ca�erage required by Lender ceases to he a�a��able fr�m the mortgage insurer that <br /> previous�y pro�ided such insurance and Bvrrn�er wa5 required �o make separately designated payments <br /> �o�vard the premiums for Mor�gage Insurance, Bvrrower sha�1 pay the pr�m�ums req€��red ta ��ta�r�. <br /> coverage substantially equi�alen� to the Mor�gage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially <br /> equivalent tv the cost t� Bvrrov�er af the M�rtgage Insuranc� previously in effect, from an a�ternate <br /> mortgag� �nsur�r selected by Lender. If substantial�y equivalent Mortgage Insurance caverage is not <br /> ava�lable, Borrower sha11 continue tv pa�r to Lender the amvunt flf the separat�ly designated payments that <br /> NE6RASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UtVIF�RM lNSTRUMENT Form 30�8 '1107 <br /> aeed of Trust-N E <br /> �D�fi--NE��81�3} Page s of'I� <br />