2� 1 ���375
<br /> D�� ID #: **�*****766��1O16
<br /> Lender may require Borrower to pa� a one-#imQ charge for a real estate tax verificatinn andlor repvrting
<br /> ser�ice used�y Lender in connec�ion with#his Laan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Sorrvvver shal� keep the impro�emen�s now e�is#ing or h�reafter erected on the
<br /> Property insured against loss by fire, hazards inc�uded within the term "extended coverage," and any�ther
<br /> hazards inc�uding, but no� Iimi�ed to, �arthquakes and flvnds, for which Lender r�quires insurance. This
<br /> insuran��sha1�be main�ained in the amoun�s �including deductible l�vels} and for the periods that Lender
<br /> r�quues.What Lender requires pursuant to the preeeding sentences can change during the term of the Loan.
<br /> The insurance carrier pro�iding #he insurance shall be chasen �y Borrower subject �� Lender's righ� ta
<br /> di.sapprove Borraw�r's choice, which right shal� not �e exercised unreasona�ly. Lender ma� requue
<br /> BvrrovWer to pay, in cvnnectivn v��th this Loan, either: �a} a ane�time charge for flvod zvn�d�termination,
<br /> certi�cat�vn and tracking s�r�ices; vr ��} a�ne-tirne charge for flood zvne determination and certification
<br /> ser�i�es and subsequent charges each time remappings or s' 'ar changes occur vvhich reasvnahly might
<br /> affect su�h determination nr certification. Sorrower sha11 alsa be responsible for the payment vf any fees
<br /> irr�pas�d�y the Federal Emerg�nc�r Management Agenc�y in�ann�ction wi#h the reviev�of any flavd z�ne
<br /> determinativn resul�ing fram an o�j��tion by Bvrrower.
<br /> If Svrrovv�r fails to main�ain any of the co�erages d�scribed abo�e,L�nder may obtain insurance co�erage,
<br /> at Lender's option and Sorrn�ver's expense.Lender is under n�o�ligation tv purchase any particu�ar type or
<br /> amvunt of cvverage.Therefore,such cv�erage shall cv�er LendQr,but might or muight nvt protect Sorrower,
<br /> Borrower's equity in the Property, or the cantents of the Praperty, against any risk, hazard or liability and
<br /> might pro�ide gr�ater or �esser �ov�ra�e than v�as previous�y in effect. Borrvv�er acknow�edges that the
<br /> cost of the insurance cv�erage sa obtained nught sxgni�cant3y e�c�ed �he�ost�f u�.suran�e that Sar�o�ver
<br /> cou�d ha�e❑btained. Any amoun�s d�s�ursed�y Lender under this Section 5 shall become additiona� debt
<br /> nf Bvrro�rer secured by th�s Securit� Instrument. These amoun�s shall bear intere��at the Note rate frvm
<br /> the date vf disbursement and sha11 be paya�le, with such �nterest, upvn notice from Lender tv Borrower
<br /> reque�ting payment.
<br /> A11�nsurance palicies requued by Lender and renewals of such policiQs shail be subject to Lender's r�ght tn
<br /> disapprove such pvlicies, sha11 include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as mortgagee
<br /> andlar as an addit�onal lass payee. Lender shal�ha�e the right to hald the policies and renewa�certificate5.
<br /> If Lender requires, Bvrraw�r shall promptly give ta Lender aI1 rece�pts vf paid premiums and renewal
<br /> notices.If Bvrra�er v�tains any f�rm af insurance coverage,nnt othervv�se required�y Lender,f�r damage
<br /> to, or destruc�ion of, the Pr�perty, such policy shall include a standard mar�gage clause and sha11 name
<br /> Lender as martgagee andl�r as an additiona��ass payee.
<br /> In the e�ent of 1�ss, Bvrrvwer �ha�l g��e prvmp� notice tv the insurance carri�r and L�nder. Lender may
<br /> make prvof of�oss if nat made prompt�y by Borro�ver. �Jn�ess Lender and Bor�awer athervwise agree in
<br /> v�riting, any insurance proceeds,whether or nvt the underly�.r�g insurance was required by Lender, sha�1 �e
<br /> applied to r�storativn or repair of the Pr�perty, if th� restarat�vn or repair is ecvnvmically feasiblQ and
<br /> - Lender's security is not lessened. During such repair and restorafiion period, Lend�r sha11 have the right tv
<br /> hald such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an vpportunity�v inspect such Prvpert� ta ensure the
<br /> work has heen completed to Lender's satisfaction, prv�ided that such inspec�ion shall �e undertaken
<br /> prvmptly.Lender may disburse proceeds for the r�pairs and restoration in a single payment vr in a series of
<br /> prv�ress paym�nts as the wvrk is campleted. Unless an agr�emQnt is made in writing ar Applica�l� Lav�
<br /> requires interest tv be paid vn such insurance proce�ds, Lender sha�I nv�be required�o pa�Bvrrvwer any
<br /> interest or earnings on such prviceeds. �ees for pu�l�c adjusters,or vther third part�es,retained�y Barrower
<br /> sha11 not be paid vut af the insurance pr�c�eds and sha11 be the so�e abligation of Barrower. If the
<br /> restoratinn or repair is n�t ecanvmically feasible or Lender's security �vould be lessened, the insurance
<br /> proc�eds sha�l b�applied to the sums secur�d by th�s Security Instrument,vvhether or not then due,v�ith the
<br /> excess, if an�r, paid to Borr�wer. Such insurance proceeds sha1� be appli�d in the vrder provi�ed for in
<br /> Sectivn Z.
<br /> If Borrower abandvns the Pr�perty, Lender may fi�e,negvtiate and set#le any avai�able insurance C�aim and
<br /> related matt�rs. �f Borrn�rer does nvt respvnd v�i.thin 3D days tn a notice from Lender �ha� the insurance
<br /> carrier has offered to se�tl�a c�aim,then Lender may negatia��and settl�the claim.Th�3D-da�period wi11
<br /> begin when the not��e is gi�en. In either e�ent, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 2 Z or
<br /> o#hervWise,Borrav�rer hereby assigns tn Lender�a}Borrower's rights��any insurance proc�eds in an amount
<br /> not to exceed the amoun�s unpaid under #he Nflte ar this Security �nstrument, and �b} any vther vf
<br /> Borrower's rights �oth�r than the right tv any refund of unearned premiurns paid by Borrov�er} under a11
<br /> insurance policies �vvering th� Prvperty, insofar as such righ�s are app�icahle tv the caverage �f th�
<br /> Prvper�y. Lender ma�use the insurance pr�ceeds e�ther tv repair or restore the Prvperty vr to pay amounts
<br /> unpaid under the Nv�e or this Security�nsfrument,v�hether or not then due.
<br /> NEBRASKA-�Sing�e Family--Fannie MaelFre►ddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3028 "�107
<br /> Deed of Trust-N E
<br /> �Oafi--NE t�81�3� Page 5 of'��
<br />