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2� 1 ���375 <br /> D�� ID #: ********766��1�1� <br /> Parcel II] Number: 4 4��3 4 8 2 4 v�hich currently has the address of <br /> �2D8 N GRAND ISLAND AVE� �RAND ISLAND , <br /> [5treetlCity� <br /> Ne�raska 6 8$0 3-�13� �"Property Addr�ss"3; <br /> [�ip eode� <br /> TD�ETHER VLIITH a11 the imprv�ements novv ar hereafter erected on the pr�perty, and aI1 easements, <br /> appur�enance�, and fixtures nn�vr hereafter a part of the propert�. A.��r�p�acements and additi�ns shall also be <br /> cv�ered by this 5ecurity Instrumen�. A11 �f th� foregning is referr�d tv in this Securit� Instrument as the <br /> "Property." <br /> B�RR�WER�DVENAN�S that Barrvwer xs Iawfully seised vf the es�a�e herehy conveyed and has the right t� <br /> gran� and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, exc�pt far encumbrances of re�vrd. <br /> Bvrrvwer vvarrants and vvi11 defend generally�he title to the Property against a11 claims and demands, subj ect ta <br /> any en�umbrances of recvrd. <br /> THIS �ECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform cv�enants far nativnal use and nan-uniform cv�enants <br /> w�th��.m�ted war�at�or�s by jur�sd�ctio���const�tu�e a un�.fvrm sQcurity instrument cover�ng reai property, <br /> UNIF�RM��VENANTS.Borrnwer and Lender cv��nant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment vf Principal, Interest, EScrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrov�er <br /> sha11 pay when due t�e principal vf, and interest vn, th� deb�e�ideneed by�he No�e and any pr�paymen� <br /> charges and late charges due under the Nvte. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrav`r Items pursuant tn <br /> S�ction 3. Paym�nts due under the Nvte and �us Security Instrument sha.�� he made in U.S. currency. <br /> However, if any ch�cl�or other instrument recei�ed �by Lender as payment under the Il�ote or�.hi�Securi� <br /> Instrument is returned tv Lender unpaid,Lender may require that an�or all subsequent payments due under <br /> the Nvte and this Security �ns#rument be made in vne or more vf the fol�ov��ng forms, as selected �y <br /> Lender: �a} �ash; ��} mvney order; �c} cert�fied check, bank �heck, treasurQr's check or �ashier's check, <br /> prov�ded an� such check is drawn upon an institutinn whose depnsits are insured b� a federal agency, <br /> instrumentality,ar�nt�ty;or�d} Elec�ronic Funds Transf�r. <br /> Payments are deemed received�y Lender when received at th�location designat�d in the Nvte or at such <br /> �ther location as may h� designated by Lend�r in accordance v�ith the notice prov�s�ons in S�ction 15. <br /> Lender may return any paymen�or par�ial payment if the payment or partial payments are insuff'icient ta <br /> �ring th� Lvan current. Lend�r may accept any payment ar partial paymen�insufficien�to bring the Laan <br /> current,withvut waiver of any rights hereunder vr prejudice�o its r�gh�s to refuse such paymen��r partial <br /> payments in the future, but Lender is not obligated tv apply such payments at the�ime such payments are <br /> accepted. If each Periodic Paymen� is app�ied as af its schedu�ed due da�e, then Ler�der �.eed not pa� <br /> interest nn unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Barrvvver makes payments tv <br /> hring the Loan cun�nt. If Borrower does nvt da so v�ithin a reasona�l�per�od of tim�, Lender sha1� either <br /> apply such funds or return them ta Barrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will he applred tv the <br /> out.s�anding principal balance under the Nate immediately priar ta fvreclosure. IVo offset ar claim which <br /> B�rrov�rer rnight have n�w �r in the future against Lender sha1l relieve B�rr�v�er from making paym�n�s <br /> due under the Note and this Securit� Instrument or perforaming the cv�enants and agre�ments secur�d �y <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> Z. Applicativn of Payment5 or Proceeds. Except as v�herwise descrihed in this Section 2, all payments <br /> accepted and applied by Lender sha11�e appl�ed in the folla�ing arder of priority: �a} interes�due undQr�he <br /> Note; �b} principal due under the Note; �c} am�unts due under Sect�on 3.5uch payments shal�be applied to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the vrder�n which it�ecame due.Any remaining amounts shall b�appiied�irst to <br /> �ate charges, second �o any vther amoun�s due under �his 5ecurity Instr�nent, a�d then t� reduce the <br /> princ�pal�alance of the Note. <br /> If Lender receives a payment fram Borrvwer for a delinquent Perivdic Payment v�hich includes a sufficient <br /> a�nvunt to pay any late charge due, the payment may be appiied to th� delinquent payment and the late <br /> charge. If more than vne Periodic Payment i.s vutstanding, L�nder may apply any payment rec�i�ed fram <br /> Borrower ta the repayment of the Periodic Pa�ments if, and to the ex#ent that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu11. To the extent that an� excess e�ists after the payment i.s applied #o the full payment vf vne vr mare <br /> Period�c Payments, such excess may be app�ied tv any late charges due. Vo�untary prepayments shall be <br /> app�i�d�'u�st to any prepayment charges and�hen as described in the 1Vo�e. <br /> Any applicatian ❑f payments, insurance proc�eds, or Misc�Ilaneous Proceeds tv principa� due under the <br /> Note sha11 nat extend vr pas�pone the due dat�,�r change the amvun�,of the Per�odic Payments. <br /> NEBRaS�A--Single Family--Fannie 1�IIae�Freddie Nlac tlNI��3RM�NSTR�JIV�EIVF Forr�3D�8 71Q7 <br /> aeed of Trust-NE <br /> 20�fi--NE�flS��3� Page 3 of'!2 <br />