2� 1 ���375
<br /> D�� ID #: ********76�6�1D16
<br /> (D� "Trustee" is
<br /> 180D TAP� CANY�N RD, SIMI VALLEY. �A 935�3 .
<br /> (E) "Note" means the prom�ssvey nvte signed by Borrow�r and dated JANUARY �4, z o 1� . The
<br /> Nate states�at Bvrrower ov�res Lender
<br /> Dollars �U.S. $ 5�,��5.o fl } plus inter�st. Borrower has promised tv pay this debt in regular
<br /> Perivdic Payrnents and tv pay the de�t in fu11 not later than F E B RUARY o 1, �0 31 .
<br /> (F) '�Property" means the property tha� is descrihed bel�vv under #he heading "Transfer of Rights in the
<br /> Prvperty.'►
<br /> �G} "LORiI��means the debt eviden�ed by the Note,plus interest,any prepaymen�charges and 1a��charges due
<br /> under the Nvte,and a11 sums due und�r this Security Instrumen�,plus interes�.
<br /> [H} "Riders"means all RidQrs to this 5ecurity Instrument that are executed hy Sorrower.The fol�awing Riders
<br /> are ta�e executed b�Borrvv�er [cheek bnx as appl�cable]:
<br /> ❑ Adjustab�e Rate Rider ❑ Condvm�nium Rider ❑ 5econd Home Rider
<br /> ❑ Bal�a�n Rider ❑ P�anned Unit De�elopment Rider ❑ 1-4 Farr�ily Rider
<br /> ❑ VA R�der ❑ Biweekly Payment Rid�r ❑ �ther�s� [specify�
<br /> [I} "Applicable Law"m�ans a11 cantrolling applicable federal,state and�ocal statutes,regulations,ordinances
<br /> and admin.istrative rules and orders �that hav� the effect of 1aw} as vve11 as a1� applicable �inal, non-
<br /> appea�a�le judicial vpinivns.
<br /> [J} "Cammunity Ass�ciation Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fe�s, assessments and other
<br /> charges that are imp�5ed on B�rrvwer ar the Property b� a c�ndominium assv�iati�n, homeowners
<br /> association or s' 'ar organization.
<br /> (K) "Electranic Funds Transfer" means any�ransfer❑f funds, o#her than a transaction vriginated by check,
<br /> draft, �r s' 'ar paper instrument,vvhich is initiated thraugh an electranic terminal, telephonic instrument,
<br /> �omputer, vr magnetic tape so as tv arder, instruct, or authorize a financial institution�a debit or credit an
<br /> account. Such term includes, but is nat �imited ��, paint-vf sa�e transfers, aut�mated te��er machine
<br /> �ransactions,transfers initiated by t�lephone,wire�ransfers,and automated clearinghouse tran�fers.
<br /> �L} "Es�row Items"means those items that are descrih�d in 5ect�vn 3.
<br /> (M} "Miscellanevu5 Proceeds" means any comp�nsation, se�tlement, avvard of damages, ar prn�eeds paid by
<br /> any third party �other than insurance proceeds paid under the cv�erages descr��ed in Sectivn 5} fvr: �i}
<br /> damage tn, or destruction vf, the Property; �ii} cnndemnativn or ather taking of a11 or any part af �he
<br /> Property; �u�} con�eyance in lieu of condemnatian; ar �iv} misrepresen�ations of, or omissions as to, the
<br /> value andlnr cvnditi�n of the Property.
<br /> �N) "Martgage Insurance" means insurance protect�ng Lender against the nvnpayment of, vr default an, the
<br /> Loan.
<br /> [�) "Periodic Payment" means the regulariy scheduled amvunt due fvr �i} principal and �nter�st under the
<br /> Note,plus �ii} any amvunts under Section 3 vf this Se�urity Instrument.
<br /> (P) "R�SPA" means the Rea� Estate 5e�tl�ment Procedures Ac� �1� U.S.�. Section 26�1 et seq.} and its
<br /> imp�Qm�nting regulati�n,Regu�ation� �12�.F.R.Part 1�24},as they might be amended fram time tv tim�,
<br /> vr any addi�ivnal or successar legis�a�ion vr regula�ion that gv�erns the same su�j ect mat�er.As used�n this
<br /> Security Instrument, "RESPA" r�f�rs �o all requuements and res�rict�vns tha� are impvsed in regard tn a
<br /> "federally related mortgage �oan" e�en if the Lvan d�es nvt qualify as a "federally related mortgage loan"
<br /> und�r RESPA.
<br /> (Q} "Succes�or in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Property, v�he�her or nat
<br /> that party has assumed Borrawer's obl�gat�vns und�r the Nat�andlor th�s Security Ins�rument.
<br /> Th�s 5ecurity Instrument secures to Lender: ��} the repayment of the Laan, and a11 renewa�is, extensions and
<br /> mvdificativns of the Note;and �ii} the perfvrmance of Borrower's covenants and agreemen�s under this Security
<br /> Instrum�nt and the Note. For th�s purpose, Borrvwer irre�vcably grants and con�eys to Trus�ee, �n trust, with
<br /> power of sale,the following d�s�ribed pr�per�y lvcated in the
<br /> C�UNTY Df HALL '
<br /> .
<br /> [Type af Re�ording Jurisdiction] [Name of Recording Jurisdictivn�
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Famify--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFURAA IlVSTRUMENT Farm 3D28 7!�'I
<br /> Deed of Trus�-N E
<br /> �fl�s--N E�D81�3} Page�of'1�
<br />