2� 1 ���313
<br /> to execute and de�iver to the purchasex or purchas�rs �t Sucl�sa�e any deeds of�anveyanc�go�d and su�c�ent at
<br /> �aw,pursuant to the statute in such case r�ad.e ar��prov�d.ed. T�e Tru.stee sha�l apply��e proceeds of the Trustee's
<br /> sale, first, to the c�sts and expenses of exercising th��awer of s��e and of the sale, inc�uding�.he payment of the
<br /> Trustee's fees actual�y incurred; secand, to �ayr�e�� o��i� obligat�an s�cured by the trust deed; th�rd, to �he
<br /> payment of junior trust deeds, mortgages, o� ot�aer ���r�hold�rs and the �alar�ce, i�an�, to the person or persons
<br /> legally ent�tled thereto. The recitals in the Txustee's d�ed s�a�l be prima facie e�idence �f the truth of the
<br /> statements made in it.�f Lender chooses to in�roke the power o�sale,Lender or Trustee v�rill provide natice of sa�e
<br /> pursuant to app�i�able 1aw. Any such sale o�a sale made pursuant t� a judgrnent or a decre� for the foreclosure
<br /> hereof may, at the optian of Ler�d�r, be n�a�e en masse. �'he commen�ement of proceedings to foreclose this
<br /> Security Instrument xn any manner authorized by 1aw s�a1l be de�n�ed as exercise�f th�aborre option.
<br /> Upnn the occurren�e of an E�ent of D�fa��t, I�ender shall �mm�d�ate�y be enti��ed to make applicat�on for and
<br /> obtain tk�e appointment of a rec�iver for the Pro�er�y a.�d�f the earni.r�gs, income, issue and prof ts of it, with the
<br /> pov�rers as the court making the appQintmen�s cor�f��rs. �rra�tor�ereby irrevocably consents to such appointment
<br /> and waives notice o�any ap���cati�n therefor.
<br /> N4 WAI'L�ER. No de�ay or failuxe of L�er�d�r to �xe�cis� ��y right, remedy, pawe� �r privilege hereunder sha��
<br /> affect that right,remedy,power or privilege nox s�all any singl���part�a�exercise thereof preclude the exercise of
<br /> any right, remedy, power or pri�ilege. No Lender de�ay or faiiure to demand strict adherence to the terms of th2s
<br /> Security Instrument sha11 be deemed to cons�it�te a course of condu�t incansis�ent with Lender's right at any time,
<br /> before or af�er an event of default, to demand str�ct adherer�ce t� the ter�ns Qf thYs Security �nstrument and the
<br /> Related Documents.
<br /> SUSSTITUTE TRLTSTE�, L,e��e�, at its o���on, may fror�������t��e r��4v�'�x�stee and appQint a successor
<br /> trus�ee to any Trustee a��oxnt�d k���eux���r by an instrur�e�t ��Gor��d � t�e cou�ty ix� which this Security
<br /> rnstrument is r��orded. W�thout convey��ce a�t�a� Prope�-ty, t�� suc��ssor�st�� shall succeed �o a�1 the title,
<br /> power and dut�es conferred upon Trustee berein and by applzca�le law.
<br /> J�INT��1TD SE'Ll�RA�I,I�$IL,IT�, �f t�is S�curity I�s���.t sk�ou�d�e sign�c�by mare than one persan, aIl
<br /> persons exec�ting this Secur�ty������t agr��t�at they shall b�jo�tl}��d se�reral�y bound,where permitted by
<br /> law.
<br /> SURVIVAL. Lende�'s r�g�ts i�this S�cu.��t�Ir�s��x�t will �a�ti�u� i.�its successo�s and ass�gns. This 5ecurity
<br /> Ins�rument is binding on all I�eirs,exec�tars,ad.r�i��strators,�SSig�S��SL�C�BSSOxS o��rr�ritor.
<br /> NUTICES AND WAI�ER 4F �V'QTIC�. U���ss otkierwise r�qu.�r�d by applicabl� law, any notice or demand
<br /> given by Lender to any par� is cansidered ef�ec�ive; �x� whe� �t is deposited in the United States Mail with the
<br /> appropriate postage; �ii} when it �s sent via �Iectro�ic mai�; �i�i} when it is sent �ria �acsimi�e; �i�� when it is
<br /> deposited with a natxona�ly recognized overnight courier servi�e; (�� on the day of pers�nat deli�ery; or �vi� any
<br /> other commercially reasonab�e means. A copy af any notice shall be sent to each par�y a�the address of the party
<br /> given at the beginning of this Se�urity Instrument u.nless an a�ternat�ve address has been provided t� Lender in
<br /> writing. To the extent perm�tted by law, �rrantor waives notice �f L�nder's acceptance of this Security�nstrument,
<br /> defenses based on su.retyship, any defense arising from any electian by Lender under the United States Banl�uptcy
<br /> Code, Uniform Commercial Code, as enacted in the state where Lender is located ar other applicab�e lav� or in
<br /> equity, demand, notice of acceleration, notice of nonpaymen�, pres�ntmen�, pxotest, notice of dishonor and any
<br /> other notice.
<br /> REQUEST F�R N�TICES; �rantor requests that copies o�t�e notice of d�fault and r�otice of sa�e be sent to the
<br /> address of each party given at the beginning of the Security Instr�xnent.
<br /> WAIVER �F APPRAIST�MENT RIGI�TS. Grantor vvaive� al� appraisement rights relating to the Pr�perry to
<br /> the extent permitted by�aw.
<br /> LEI�TDER'� E�PENSES. Gran��r agre�s to pay aIl exne�ses �curred by Lender in�onnection with enforcement
<br /> �f its riahts und�r��1e Indebtedn�ss, this Se�uri�y Instrumen�or ix�the e�en�Lender is made par�y to any�iti ati�n
<br /> g
<br /> b�cau5e �f t�e e�istenez of the Indebtednes� �r this Securin��nstrur�ent, as�e1� as court costs, col�ection charges
<br /> and reasona�bl�attorneys'fees and disbu.rsements.
<br /> ASSIGNABILITY. Lender mav ass�gn or �then��is� transfer �his Security Instrumen� or any of Lender's rights
<br /> under this Security rnstrum�nt ���i:haut nati�e �o Grantor. Gr�ntor may n�t assign this 5ecurity Ynstrument or an
<br /> y
<br /> part ofthe Security instrument with�ut th�express��rrit�er.consen�of Lender. �
<br /> GUVERNING LAW. This Seeurity Xnstrument�ill be gove�e�by the �a�rs of the State of Nebraska includin
<br /> a11 proceedings arising from th�s Security Instrumen�.
<br /> �
<br /> SEVERABILITY. If a court of compet�nt jurisdi�tion det�rmin�s un}� t�rm or pro��lSi�n af this Securi
<br /> �
<br /> Instrument is inWa�id or prohibited by applicable la«�, that term or pravisian ��ill b� inef�eetiti�e �o the extent
<br /> required. Any term or provision�hat has been dztermined �o be �n�a�id �r prohibited ��rill b� sevzred from the rest
<br /> of the Security Instrument �vithout inva�idatirlg the remaind�r of either the affected rovision ar this Securi
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> p �y
<br /> O 2004-2p 1 S Compliance Systems,Inc.68F9-F7F9-20�5 17.3.]D25
<br /> Commercial Re�al Estate 5ecurity Instrument-DL4�07 P�ge 4 af 5
<br /> www.cvmpliancesystems.com
<br />