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2� 1 ���313 <br /> Lender's Right�o Enter.Lender or Lender's agents shall ha�e the right arid access to inspect the Property at <br /> all reasonable times i�.n order to attend to Lender's interests a.rid ensure compliance with the terms of this <br /> Security �nstrument. If the Property, or any pat-t thereaf, shall require inspection, repair or mair�tenance <br /> wh�ch Grantor has fai�ed to provide, Lender, after reasonable notice, may enter upon the PrapeY-t}�ta effect <br /> such obligation; arYd the cost thereaf shall be added ta the Indeb�edness and paid on Ler�der's demand by <br /> Grantor. <br /> ASSIGNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS.As additional s�curxty for the payment af the�nde�tedness and the <br /> performance of the co�enants contained herein, Grantar hereUy assigns and trarisfers over to �end�r all rents, <br /> incame and profits �"Rents"} under atly present or future leases, subleases or licenses of the pr�perty, including <br /> any guaranties, exter�s�ons, amendments or renewals thereof, from the use of the Property. Sa �ong as Grantar is <br /> not in default, Grantor may recei�e, co�lect and enj oy al�Rents accruirig from the Pr�perty, �ut not more than one <br /> month in advaYace of t�ie due date. L�nder may a�sa requu-e Grantar, tenant and any other user of t�e �roperty to <br /> make payments of Re�ts directly to Lender.Howe�er,by receivi�ng any such payrnen�s,Lender is nat,�nd shall not <br /> be considered, an agent for any party or entity. Any amou.nts collected may, at�.�nder's soie d�scretivn,be applied <br /> to protect Lender's interest in the Property, including but nat �imited to the �ayment of ta.xes an� ins�rance <br /> premiums a�d to the �ndebtedness. At Lender's so�e discretio�., atl Ieases, subleases and licenses must f�rst he <br /> appro�ed by Lerider. <br /> CUNDEMNATI�N. Graritor sha��give Lender notice af ar�y action taken or fiht-eatened to be ta�cen�y pr�vate or <br /> public entit�es to appropr�ate the Property vr any pat�t thereof,through condemnation,eminent domai�.ar any oth�r <br /> act�on. Furt.her, Ler�der s�al�be permitted to participate or inter�ene in any of the a�o�e described proceedings in <br /> any manner it shall at its sole discretion determine. Lender is hereby gi�en full power, righ� anc� authari�y to <br /> recei�e and receipt for any and al�damages awarded as a result of the fu�l ar partial taking or appr�p�iation and in <br /> its sote discretion, to a�p�y said awards to the Indebtedness,'whether or not then due or otherwis� it� accordance <br /> with appliGa��e law. Unless Lender otherwise agrees in writ�ng, any applicat�on of proceeds ta the �ndebtedness <br /> shall no� ex�erid or postpone the due date of the payments due under the Indebtedriess or change the amount of <br /> such payments. <br /> GRANT�R'S ASSURANCES. At any time, upon a request of Lender, Grantor wi�l execute a�d deli�er to <br /> Lender, and if appropriate, cause to be recorded, such further mortgages, assignments, assigr�ments of�eases and <br /> rents, security agreements, p�edges, stateme�ts, or such other do�ument as Lender may requir�, in <br /> Lender's sole discretion,to effectuate, complete and to perfect as well as to continue ta preser�e the tndebtedness, <br /> ar the lien or security interest created b�this Security�nstrument. <br /> ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. Grantar appoints Lender as attorney-iri-fact on behalf af Grantor. �f Grax�tar fails to <br /> fulfzll any of Grantor's obligatioris under this Security �nstrument or any Related Dncuments, including those <br /> obligations mentianed in th� preceding paragraph, Lender as attnrney-iri-fact may fulfili the a�l�gations without <br /> notice to Grar�tor.This power of attorney shall not be affected by the disability of the Gra�ator. <br /> EVENTS �F D�FAULT. The fol�owing e�ents shall constitute default under this Securzty Instrument �each an <br /> "E�ent of Default"}: <br /> �a} Fai�ure to make required payments when due un�.er Indeb�edness; <br /> �b} Failure t� perform or keep any of the ca�enar�ts of th�s Security Instrument or a defau�t under any of <br /> the�elated Documents; <br /> �c} The making of any oral or written stat�ment or assertion to Lender that is false or misleading in any <br /> material respect by Grantor or any persnn obligat�d on the Indebtedness; <br /> �d} The death, d�ssolutian, insol�ency,bara�kruptcy or recei�ershrp proceeding of Grantor or of any person <br /> ar entity obligated on the Indebtedness; <br /> �e} An}�assignment by Grantor for the benefit of Grantor's creditors; <br /> �f} A material ad�erse change occurs i.t� the financial condition, ownership or management of Grantor or <br /> any person obligated on tf�e Indebtedness; or <br /> [g} Lender deems itself insecure f�r ar�y reason whatsoever. <br /> REMEDIES �1� DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence �f an E�ent of De�autt, Lender may, wit�iout demand ar <br /> notice,pay any or a�I taxes, assessments,premiums, and Iiez�s required ta�e pai�by Grantor, effect any insurance <br /> pro�ided for herein,ma�Ce such repairs, cause the abstracts of tit�e ar title it�surat�ce po��cy and�ax histories af the <br /> Proper�y to be certified to date, or procure new abstracts of title or title i.nsura�ce and tax histories in �ase none <br /> were furn�shed to it, and procure title reports covering the Property, �ncluding sur�eys. The amounts paid far ar�y <br /> such purposes wt11 be add�d ta the Inde�tedness and will bear interest at the rate of interest otherwise accruing on <br /> the Indebtedness until paid. In the e�ent of foreClasure, the abstracts of title or title insurance shal� become the <br /> property of Ler��er. All abstracts of title,title insurance, tax histories, sur�eys, and other documents pertaining to <br /> the�ndeb�edmess wi11 remain in Lender's p4ssession until the Indebtedness is pa�id in full. <br /> IN THE EVENT�F'THE SALE�F THI S PR�PERTY UNDER THE PR�CEDURE F�R�`�RECL�SLTRE�F <br /> A SECLJRITY INSTRUMENT BY ADVERTISEMENT,AS PR�VIDED BY APPLICABLE LAW, �R IN THE <br /> EVENT LENDER E�ERCISES IT5 R�GHTS UNDER THE ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, THE <br /> LENDER SHALL PR��T�DE ALL STATL�T�RILY RE�U�RED N�TICES �F SALE AND N�TICES nF <br /> JUD�CIAL HEARINGS BEF�RE LENDER E�ERCISES ANY �F ITS RIGHTS UNDER THIS <br /> INSTRUMENT. <br /> Llpon the occurrence of an Event of Default,Lender may,without notice un�ess required by�aw, and at its option, <br /> declare the entire Indebtedness due and payable, as it may elect,regardless of the date or dates of maturity thereof <br /> and, if permitted by state law, is authorized and empowered to cause the Property to�e sold at publzc auction, and <br /> �2004-2d]5 Cvmplia.nce Systems,lnc 68F9-F7F9-�O15 11 3 1D25 <br /> Commer�ial Real Est�te Security lr�strument-DL4007 Page 3 vf 5 w�w�v campZi�rtces} <br />