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2� 1 ���312 <br /> l��J'I'UI���i�DVA�IC��.To�he ex�en�pe�mit��d by law,thi�S�curity Instrument�vill secure fu�ure advances as�f <br /> such adWances were made an�he date�f�his Securit�rns�rument regardless of�he fac��ha�fi om time t�time there <br /> may be n��alance due under i.he n�te ai�.d regard�ess af whether Lender is o��igated to make such fu�ure advances. <br /> �ItUSS C�LLA�CER.AI1��i'Y`I�N. �� Ys the e�pressed �n�en� of �ran�vr to c�'�55 ��l�ateralize al� of its <br /> �ndebtedness and o��igai:ions t� Lender, h�ws�eWer arising and �rhensoeWer in�ur�ed, except an� �bl�gat�on <br /> existu�g or a.rising against the�pr��cipal dwe�lin��f any Grant�r. <br /> 'L76�A��.tA�'T�ES. Gran�or, for �tse�f, 1�5 �l�lll5, pers�nal rep�-esen�a�iWes, 5L1C��S50r5, and assigns, I'�pr�Sel��S, <br /> �rarrants,��venan�s and agrees wit�i Lender,I�:S SU�C�SS��•s and ass�gns,as f�Il��s: - <br /> Performanc� of �bligatio��s. Gran��r prom�ses tv perf�r�n all �er�ns, condi�ions, and co�renants of this <br /> Secur�ty�ns�ru�nent and Rela�ed Dacuments in acco�dance with�he terms con�ained therein. <br /> �ef�nse andl T�tl��o]Prvperty. A��he�une�f exe�utifln and delive�y of this iY�st�umen�,Gran�or is la�fu�ly <br /> seised of the es�at�hereby �a�lWeyed �nd has the e���usiv� right�a mQ�-�gage, gran�, con�ey and assign�he <br /> Pr�per�y.Gran�:or co�renan�s that�he Pro�er�y is u.n�ncunlbered and fi ee of all liens,excep�f�r encumbrances <br /> �f reco�-d acceptable�o Lender. Fur�her, Grantor covenan�s tha� �ran��r v�il� v�rarran� and def�nd general�y <br /> the ti�le �o �he Proper�y agains� a��y and a�� c�aims and den�ands v�hats�ever, subj e�� �o the easements, <br /> res�rictions, or o�her enculnbran�es of rec�rd accep�abie to Lender, as may be 1�sted in �he schedule of <br /> except�on� �a co�erage: �n any abstraG� of���1e or t���e insurance palicy insur�ng Lenderts interes� in �he <br /> Fraper�y. <br /> �andition af�'r�perty. Gran�or pr�lr�.ses at a11 �i�nes t��reser�e and to main#ain �he Prope��.y and every <br /> part�hereof�n gaod r�pair, ��rk��g order, and ca��dition and v�il�fi om time�o t�me, make a�I needfu� and <br /> praper repa�rs so that�he�alue af tlle Pro�er�y shal�no��n any way be im�aired. <br /> R.emo�al of any �'a�-� of the Propea-ty. �rantor�rQmises n�t�o rem��e any�ar��f the ProperCy from r�� <br /> present loca��on,ex�ept far replace�nent,maintenance and r�lvca���n in�l�e ordina��eourse of business. <br /> Alte�'�t1D115 ta �h� Prope�•�y. Granto�' ]]101I1I5eS �� absta�n fi arn �he ��mm�ss��n af any v�as�e on ar in <br /> c�nnec�i�n vSrith the Pr�pert�.Ful�her,Gran�ar shall mal�e no material alterat�ans,addi�ions or impro�emen�s <br /> af any �ype whatsoe��r �o the Property, regardless vf w�ze�her such alterations; additions or impr�vements <br /> v��uid increase i:he �a�ue of�l�.e Proper.�, nor per�nit anyane to d❑ so excep� f�r�enant impr��ements and <br /> completian of i�e�ns puz suant�o appr��red pla.�s a���. speci�ications, Vvith�ut Lender's prior�ritten consent, <br /> which canse��t may be wi�:h�leld by Lender in ��s sole discretion. Grantor �vsril� campi� ��th a11 la�s and <br /> reguiatians of a11 pub��c au�horit�es ha�u�.g�urisdi��i�n over�he Prape�-ty including,wi�h�ut 1imi�a���n,�h�se <br /> rela�ing �o the use, oc�upancy �.nd mav.l�enance �here�f and sha�� upon reques� pr�mp�Iy su�b�nit ta Lender <br /> �Widence af sucl�comp�iance. <br /> �ue nn Sa�e-I.►e��de�•'s�ox�sent. �ran�or shall nat s�li,fur�her encumber or�therv�ise dispos�of,e�cep�as <br /> he�•ein pro�vjded, any �r a�� of��s i��eres� in any pa�-� of�r a�� �f th� P�=oper� �nr�th�u� fu s� obtain�ng the <br /> �t�vrittex� consen� of Lender. If any encumbrance, l�en, �ansfer ar sa�e or a�reement far �hese is �rea�ed, <br /> Lender may de��are unnled�ate�y du�and payable,�he entire ba�ance of�he Indebtedness. <br /> Ins«�•arece. �1•antar_pron�ises#:o k�ep the Property insured against such risks and u�such f�r�n as may v�ith�n <br /> the sQle discre�ian af Lender�be accep�:abl�, �au�ing L���der�o be named as 1�ss payee or �f reques�ed ]�y <br /> Lender, as martgagee. �The insurance c�mpany shal� he chosen by �ran�or subj ec� to Lender's appr�vai, <br /> �vh��h shal� not be u��reasona�Iy withheld. All �nsura�nce po�i�ies mus� provide �hat Lender wvi11 get a <br /> minimun�of 1�days notice prior�o cance�lation.A�Lender's d�scretz�n,�ran#:�r�nay be requ�r�d t�produce <br /> receip�s af paid pre�r�iulns and_rene�a�pa�icies. �f�rantor fai�s�:o ab�ain�he requv-ed coverage,Len�er�nay <br /> do s�at Gra��tar's e�pense. �ran�or hereby d�rects�ach and e�re�y insurer of�he Propet-ty ta mal�e pa�nent of <br /> I�ss�o Lend�r wi�ri the pro�eeds.:�o be applied, onl�at Lender's optian,to�he repair and repla�emen�of the <br /> damage ur Ioss�r t�be appl�ed to tlie�ndeb�edness��ith the surp�us,if any,tfl b�paid by Lender to�ran�or. <br /> 1'ayrnEer�t �f 'I'a��5 a�nd ��her Appl�cabie �ha�•ges. Gran�or promises to pay and to discharge I�ens, <br /> encumhrances,ta�es,assessYr�ents,Iease pa�me��is and any oi;her�harges rela��ng to�he Proper�y when�e�i�d <br /> ar assessed against Gran�or a.r tl�e Property. <br /> E���irnnme�t�l La�s and ]��za�•dou5 0�• Tv�ic �Yla�e�-aa�s. C�ran��r and eve�-y ��nant haWe been, are <br /> presen�ly a�id shal� c�ntinue �o Ue in s�rict �a��Zp�iance with any appl�cable lacal, s�a�e and federal <br /> env�1'Ulllllei7�a��a�5�17C�l'�gL��.�.�1�175. I'ur�her,nei�her Gran�vr n�r any�enant sha11 inanufacture, store,handle, <br /> discharge or disp�se �f hazardous �r#:�xic ma��rials as may be defined by an� s�a�:e or federa� �aw an�.ie <br /> Pr�pe�-�y, excep� �o �:l�e e�ten� �he e�is�ence of suc�� rna�eria�s has been presen��y disc�o�ed �n �riting t� <br /> Le��der. �ran��r wi��.im�nedia�el�no�ify Lend�r iu vsn iti�g�f any asse�-�i�n or�Taun�nade by any par�y as to <br /> the p�ssi��e ��ola�ior� aF applica�le s�a�e and f�de�•a� enviranrnen�al �avWs ll1��U�ln.g �h.� �a�a���n of any <br /> i�azardous or 1:���c�na�:eria�s on�r a�ou��he Property. �rant�r�ndemni�es and ho�ds Lender ha�mless from, <br /> v���:h�u� �imi�a��vn, any 1�aU�li�.� or expense of v�ha��oever na�ure �ncuri•ed directl� or ind�rect�y ou� of or in <br /> cannectian v�i�h: �a}any envirorunenta�lav�s affectinb al�ar any�a��t of the Property or Gran�or;[b}the past, <br /> presen� or fut�u e ex�stence flf an�r hazard�us ma�erials in, �n, under, abou�, ar emanat�.ng from vr passin� <br /> tlu augh the Properly �r an� pa1�t �hereof or any p�-ope�-� adj ac�nt �here�o; t�} any past, present or future <br /> ha2ard�us acti�rity a� �r in c�nnecti�n�ith�he Praper�}� or any par��hereaf; and �d}�he noncomplian�e 1�y <br /> C�•an�ar ar�ra��tor'�failure�o comply fu�ly and t�me�y vvi�:h environmen�al lav�s. <br /> �ina�ic���Infarma�iox�.�ran�vr agrees�a suppl�Lend�r such financial and oth�r�nfarma�i�n concerning its <br /> affairs and the s�a�us of any �f its asse�s as Lender, from �ime �o �ime, may reasonabiy request. Grantar <br /> ��0�4-2U15 Cam�liance Systems,In�.G8F9-9E9D-2�15.1�.3.1025 <br /> Car�ir�nercial Rea!Estate Security Instrument-DL4�Q7 i'a�e?of 5 www.comgliancesystems.�om <br />