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2� 1 ���272 <br /> PA�.0 E L 3: <br /> A �r�ct �fi land in �h� S�u�h�r�st quart�r of Secfiion 23, T�wnsh�p �� N�rth, Ran�e 9 �1��� <br /> �f the G�h P.M,, being also a por��on �f �overnm�nfi Lot 1 of �he Mainland described �� <br /> fallaws: Be�inntng at a point or� the 11V�s� line of ��id Secfiian 23, 4��3 f��� N�rth of �he <br /> Sou�hwest corn�r of said S�cfi�fln, �hi� p�infi ��so being �n th� center[in� o� �he 11Vood <br /> Ri�er Channel as described on Exhi�i� A a�tacned �o and made a parfi flf �he Vllarran�y <br /> Deed �i�ed fvr rec�rd in �he 4ffzc� �f�he Reg�st�r ofi Deeds of Ha�� Coun�y, Ne�raska, on <br /> Nor�ember �4, �95�, recor�ded in Bo�k 1�9 ofi De�ds, Page 447; �hence N�rtherfy on �he <br /> s�c�ion �r�e a distan�� of 97�.9 fee�; thence, a� an angle of 9U� �� fihe r�gh�, a dis�ance af <br /> �8.5 feet; thence, a�an angle �f 9�° �o the left, a dEs�ance of 19,4 fee�; th�nce, a� an ang�e <br /> of �D° to th� right, a d�s�ance �f �44.5 f�et; thence, �t an an�le af 9�° �� �he left, a <br /> dis�ance o� �6�.�; thence, at an ang�� o� 9�° to �h� righ�, � ���t�nce af�8D feet, mar� or <br /> less, �o �he cent�rline of �he IIICood R�v�r �hannel; �h�nc� ups��eam on �he cenfierlin� of <br /> ���d channel �� a poin� af beginning; s�id trac� car���ining ��.� acres, mare or �ess, �f <br /> wh ich �.�� �cr��, mo re or less, being �ou�ty r�ad ri�h��-af-way. <br /> Exhibit A <br />