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2� 1 ���272 <br /> Fi�e fV�.: V24�7�'S <br /> ��H�E3�T►4� <br /> PR�PERTY DE��R��'TI�N <br /> The land r�ferred �o in th�s Camm��men�is describe� as fo[fav�s: <br /> PAR�E L �: <br /> A trac� afi ground in the 5outhv�rest quarter �f 5ection 23, Tavtirn�hip �� N�rfih, Rang� 9 <br /> Vlles� �f�he 6th P:M,, in Hall ��unty, Nebraska, d�scri�ed as folIa�nrs: �fiar��ng at a pain� <br /> an the Vll�s� s�c�i�n Iine �f sa�d S�c�i�n �3, 42� f�e� �Vorth of �he Southwes� corner of <br /> s�id Se��ion, this �oinf also ��ing an �he centerl�ne �f �he �Ilload R�v�r chann�l; fihen�e <br /> Northerly on the Secfiion iine a dis�ance of 9�9 fee�; �hence a� an �ngl� of 9�° �o fih� right <br /> a d is�ance of �55 fee� ta the centerlin� o�F �he Il��od River channel; fihence ups�ream �n <br /> the center line �f su�h �Voad River channel to fh� poin� of beginning and �on�a�ning 7,D <br /> acres; more or less, and such �ract be�ng a part of �overnm�n� Lo� � of �h� Mainland, <br /> which tra�� of ground is describe� �y me�es and baunds �n �he P�a� of �urvey ��rt��i�d �o <br /> �y Les��r Eh[er�, Regis�ered L�nd �urveyar and Hall �aun�y Survey�r, on ���ober �9, <br /> �959, iden�if�ed as Exh`rbit A af�ached fio and made a par� of �he �a��anty Deed f�led for <br /> rec�rd in �he �ff�ce afi the R�g�sfi�r of Deeds of Hall ��un�y, Nebraska, an N�v�mb�r �4, <br /> �959, recarded in Soo�C �29 of l�eeds, Pa�e 447, subjec� �o �he "use for ��ad purpose�`� <br /> of a s�r�p 2�' feet wid� ofiF�he leff �ide fihereof as praVided in �he Deed recorded in B�ok <br /> 37, Page 98, Deed Records af HaCI �ounty, Neb�aska. <br /> PAR�EL �: <br /> A tr�c��f�and in the 111�est h�lf of Secfiion �3, Township �� fVorth, Range 9 V1Ies���the�fih <br /> F'.M., �n Hall �aunty, Ne�raska, m�re particularly desc��b�d �s foll�v�rs; B�ginning a�the <br /> 111�es� quarter c�rner of sa�d Sec�E�n; �hence running Snutherly a disfiance of 954.�5 fee� <br /> alon� �he 'l�les� �ine of sa�d Sec�i�n �o �he poin� of b�ginnin�; fi�enc� con�'rnuing 5ou�h <br /> along said 1lVes� line ��5.38 fee� �� a pain�; �h�nce de�`le��in� lef� �9° 5�` 4�"' and running <br /> Easterly a dis�an�e of��4.2� fee��o a �oin� on a randarn line running along �he W�st��ly <br /> high ban� of th� N�rth Channei �f the Platte River, als� �ein� kn�vtirn as �he UV�od River; <br /> �hence runn�ng alang said randam [ine described as foilows: �hence deflec�ing lef� 55° 53' <br /> 5�" and runn�ng Nnrtheas�erly a disfiance of 493.8� f�e�; �hence d�fl�cting righ� 34° 45' <br /> �4" an� runn�ng Nor�heasterly a dis�ance of 33�.0� feet; �hence defle���ng I�ft 15�° 5�' � <br /> ��" and running lllles� a distance of �,�1�.�� f�e� ta �he po�nt flf �eginning, ��n�ainin� <br /> 1 D.4�4 acres, more �r less, including the County Raad �ight of way al�ng th� IlVest sid� �f <br /> said Tract; <br /> T�GETHER III�ITH all lan� and ac�re�i�n [ying b��irveen �he abnve descr�bed random line <br /> and the center�r thread of the 1111�od Ri�rer. <br /> Exhibi�A <br />
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