. 2� 1 ���23�
<br /> Transfer�f the Proper�y or�Benefi�iai Interest in �arror�ver. �f a1��r any par�of�he Property or any i��eres�
<br /> �n it is s��d or �ransferred �or �f a benefi��al in�eres� in Borrovv�r is sold or transferred and B�rrov�rer is not a
<br /> natural person} v���hou� I�end�r's prior written c�nsent, Lend�r rr�ay, a� its aption, require �mmed�a�e pa�rrYent in
<br /> full of a�i sums secured by th�s Secur��y �ns�rumen�. Ho�e�er, �h�s opt�fln shall nat be ex�rc�sed by Lender �f
<br /> exercise�s prohib��ed by federal�aw as of�he date�f th�s Security�nstrumen�.
<br /> �f L�nder e�ercises this �pt�ori, L�nder sha11 gi�e Borrower na�ice of a�ceieration. The n��ice shall pra�ide a
<br /> peri�d of not Iess �han the m�n�mum number of days es�ablished by App��cab�e Lavv from the date �he no�ice is
<br /> del��ered or mailed w�thir� �hich B�rrovver mus� pay a�l sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty Instrumen�. rf Borro�er
<br /> fails t� pay these sums pr��r t� the expira��on of t��s period, Lender �na� invoke any rem�dies perm�t�ed by this
<br /> Securi�.y Ins�rument v���h�ut fur�her notice or�.emand�n Borrov�re�.
<br /> B�rr�we�'s Right �o �eir���ate. If B�rrower meets cer�ain conditions, Borro�rer sha�l have �he r�ght �o have
<br /> enforcement af�his Security Instrumen� discon�inued a� any t�me p�-i�r t��he earl�er of: �a} 5 days (or such��her
<br /> perifld as App�icable Law may spe�ify for rexnstateme�t�befare sa�e of the Praperty pursuan�t�any povver af sal�
<br /> c�n�a�ned in �his Securi�y �nstrumen�; ar (b� en�ry of a �udgmen� er�farcing this �Security Xnstrumen�. Thase
<br /> candi�i�ns are �ha� Borrawer: �a} pays Lender a�l sums which �hen vvould be due under th�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen�
<br /> and the�on�ract as�f n�ac�elera�i�n had�ccurred;(b�cures any defau�t af any o�her c�venants�r agreements;�c}
<br /> pays a�1 expenses incurred in enfar�ing this Security�ns�rumen�,i�acluding,but no��in�it�d to,reas�nable at��rneys'
<br /> fees ta th� ex�ent permit�ed by Iaw; and�d��akes such �.ction as Lender may reasonabiy requ�re�� assur�tha��he
<br /> I�en of th�s SeCur�ty�ns�rurner��,Lender's righ�s in the Froperty and Barr�v�er's ab�igati�n�o pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Security Instrument shal� c�n�inue unchanged. Upan reins�atemen� by Bar�rower, �h�s Se�urity �ns�rum.ent
<br /> and�he obl�gat�ons secured �ereb� shall remain fully effec�ive as �f no ac�eleration had oc�urred. H�we�er, th�s
<br /> right tQ reins�ate shall na�apply in�he Case af a�celerati�n under�he secti�n t�t�ed Transfer Qf the Pr�perty�r a
<br /> Benef�cial I�tere�t in Borrvwer.
<br /> H��ardous Subs�ances.Bo�-r�wer sha�l nat cause ar permi�the presence,use, disposa�, st�rage, or release�f any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substan�es�n or in�he Property.Ba�-r�v�er shatl no�da,n�r a1�ow anyone e�se to dfl,any�hing affec�ing
<br /> �he Properfiy that is �n violatian of ariy En�ironmentat Law. The preceding �t�vo sen�ences s.ha�l n�t apply�� �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage on�he Pr�perty of srna�l quan�i��es af H�.zard�us Substarice�tha�are general�y recogn��ed
<br /> �o�e appr�pria�e to norma�residential uses and to maintenance�f�i�e Pr�perty.
<br /> Borrov�rer sha�i promptly g�ve Lender written n��ice of an�in�es�igation,claim, �emand,lawsui�or oth�r action by
<br /> any gavernmen�al or regu�atary agency nr pr�Wa�e pa�-�y inval�ing �he Prflperty and any Ha�ardous Substa.nce or
<br /> En��ironmental Law �f Wvh�ch Borrower has actuai know�edge. If Borrov�er �earn�, ar is no�ified �by any
<br /> g�vernxnenta��r regulatory autharity,that any rem��al�r�ther rem.edia��on of any Hazard�us Su�s�a��ce affec��ng
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, ��rr�wer shall promp��y �a�:e a1� necessary remedia� actions �n accordance v�rith
<br /> Enviranmentai La�. �
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "I-�a2ardous Subs�ances" are th�se subs�ances defined as�ox�c or hazard�us substances
<br /> by En�iranmen�a� Lawv and the f�l�awing subs�ances: gas�line, kerosene, o�her flammable �r tox�c pe�ro�eum
<br /> praduc�s, �oxic pesti�id�s a�d herb�cides, �ola��le sol�ents, ma�eriais �onta�n�ng as�es��s Qr formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac��ve materials.As used in�his paragraph, "En�i�onmental Lavv"means federal�a�vs and�aws of�h�s�a��of
<br /> Nebraska that relate ta health,safety or en�ironmenta�protection.
<br /> Acceler�t�on; I�.emed�es. L�nder sha�� gi�e notice to Borrnwer prinr to acceleration fol�uvving B�rrower's
<br /> breaclh�f any�ovenant or�gr�ement�n this Secu ri�y I�strur►�ent ar the Cantra�t under which a�cel�ration
<br /> �s permit�ed ��ut not prinr to accelera�inn und�r �he sec�ion tit�ed 'I'ransfer of the property�r a �3er�efic�a�
<br /> In��rest in I3�r�awer, unle�s Appiicab�e Law pro�i��� otherrwise�. The n�t�ce 5ha1� specify: (a) th� default;
<br /> (b� the act�an required �� cure the clefauit; �c} a date, nat l�s� than th� minimum number �f days
<br /> es�a�lished by App��cable Law from�h�da�e the no��ce�s g��en to�3arrower, by vvh�ch the default must be
<br /> cured; and �d} that fa��ur� ta �ure the defau�t ar� or before th� date spec�fi�d in the n�t�ce may resul� �n
<br /> acceieration af the 5�ms �ecured by this �ecur��y Ynstrument ar�d saie of the Prap�rty. To the ex��nt
<br /> permi���d b� Iaw, �he nutic� shall further �nform. Borro�ver�f the right �v re�ns�ate after acce�erati�n and
<br /> the righ��o br�ng a court acti�n tv assert�h�non-e�ist�nce af a d�fau�t ar any❑ther defense af Borr�wer�o
<br /> acceleration and sate. If the defauit is not cured fln nr befor� tl�e date specified in the n�t�ce, Lender at its
<br /> o�tion may require immediate �aym�n� in full of �11 sums secured by this Security Instrument vvithou�
<br /> fur�her demand and may �n�oke the p�wer �f s��e and an� �ther remed��s perm��t�d by Applicabl� Law.
<br /> To the extent perm���ed l�y law, Lend�r sha�� b� e��.t�tled t� co��ec� all exp�nses incurred �n pursuing the
<br /> remedie� pro�ide� in �h�s Secti�n, inciuding, ��t no� I�mit�d tv, reasonabie attorneys' fees and costs of title
<br /> eW�dence.
<br /> If the power of sa�e is in�oked,Tr�stee�ha�� rec�rd a no�ice of defauit in ea�h caunty in whi�h any part�f
<br /> th��ro�erty i�located an�shail rr�ai�cap��s of such notice �r� �he manner pr�scribed �y App�icahle Law��
<br /> I3orrow�r and ta �he o�her per��ns prescribed by .�ppli��b�e L�w. Aft�r the tim� required by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, Trust�e sha�l g�ve public nati�e �f sale to the pers�ns and i� the manner prescribed by Applicabl�
<br /> Law. Trus�e�,�v��h�ut derr�and an Bvrrower, shai�sell the Prflp�r�y a� public auction �a the highest bidder
<br /> at�he�i�ne and place and�nder the terms des�gnated in the nvtice of sa�e in one or nr�ore parcels and in any
<br /> order Trustee determines. Trus�ee m�y p�s�pan� �ale of ail or any parce� of the Prflperty by pub�ic
<br /> announ�emen�at the tim+e and piace of any previous�y schedul�d sale.Lender or��s de�ignee may pwrchase
<br /> the Prvperty�.�any sa��.
<br /> Upon rece�pt of payme�.� �f th� price bid, 'I`rustee shal� dei��er t❑ the purchaser Tru��ee's deed con�eying
<br /> the Property. The rec�tals in �he Trust�e�s deed shal� be pr�ma f�cie�vidence�f the truth�f the��a�ements
<br /> c�����-20I5 Cor�t�Iiar�ce Systems,�nc.8C54-S�F�'-2615.I 1.3.1 D98
<br /> Cans�mer Real Estate-Security Ir�strument DL2�36 Page 4 af 5 ww�v.coanpliancesyst�tns.carn
<br />