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2� 1 ���23� <br /> �nterest fram �he da�e �f dishurs�ment a� the same ra�e assessed fln ad�anc�s under �he �on�rac� and shall be <br /> payable,v���h�nterest,upon natice from Lender ta Borro�ver requesting payrnen�. <br /> Inspec���n. Lender �r ��s agent may make reasonable en�ries upon and �nspections of�he Proper�y. Lender shal� <br /> g��e B�rrovver notice a�the��m.e of or pr�or�o an�nspectx�n spec�fying reas�na�le�ause f�r�he inspection. <br /> Condemna�ion. The pr�ceeds of any avvard or c�a�m far damages, direc��r�o�sequen��a�, in conne���a�w�th apy <br /> condemna�ion or a�her�ak�ng �f an�par�of.the Proper�y, flr f�r can�eyan�e �n lieu �f c�ndemnatian, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha��be pa�d�a Lender. <br /> �n �he even� of a�o�a� �ak�ng of the Prnper�y, the praceeds shall be applied �� ���e sums secured by �h�s Securi <br /> � <br /> �nstrument, whe�her or not �hen due, w��h any excess pa�d to B�rrovver. In the ev�nt of a part�al �aking of the <br /> Praperty in �h�ch �he fa�r market �a�ue �f the Praper�y immediate�y before the tak�ng �s equal t� �r greater than <br /> �he amount af�he sums secured by this Secur��y Ins�rumen� �mmed�a�ely before �he tak�ng, un�ess Borro�er and. <br /> Lender otiherw�se agree in wr�t�ng, the sums se�ured by�his Secur��y �ns�rumen�sha��be reduced by the amount of <br /> the proceeds mul��plied�b��he fol�ow�ng frac��on: �a)the�o�al amoun��f�he sums s�cured �mmed�ate�y before the <br /> tak�ng, di��d�d by �b} �he fair marke� value of the Prop�rty �mmed�a�e�y before the �ak�ng. Any ba�ance sha�� be <br /> pa�d to Borrowver. �n �he e�en� �f a par�ia� ta�ing �f the Proper�y �n v�hicl� �he fa�r marke� va�ue of the Pr�per�y <br /> �mmediate�y befare �he �ak�ng �s Iess �han �he amoun� �f�he s��ms secured �rnm�ed�a�ely before the tak�ng, uniess <br /> Borr�vver and Lender otherwXse agre� �n v�r��i��g or uraiess App��ca�le Law�ther��se pravid�s, the pr�ce�ds shal� <br /> be app�i_ed���he sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty�nstrume��t w�e�her ar nat�he sums are�hen du�. <br /> �f.the Praperty �s abandoned by Borrawer, or if, after no�ice by Lender�a BQrrower tha��he condemnor affers ta <br /> �nake an a,vsrard�r settle a c�aim f�r damages, Barro�ver fa�1s �o resp�nd�o Lender w��h�n the minimum number�f <br /> days established by AppZ�cab�e Lav�r after�he da�e the no�ice�s givep, Lender�s author�zed to ca�lec�an�app�y the <br /> proc�eds, at xts ap�tian, either ta restnra��an ar r�pazr of the Prope�-�y or ta �he sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> Ins�rumen�,whe�her ar no��hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower a�herw�se agree �n wr�ting, any appli�a�io�of pro�eeds t�princ�pal shal�n��ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due date of the paymen�s due under�he Cantra�t ar change�he amaun��f�uch paymen�s. <br /> B�rrower �ot Re�eased; Fvrbearance By Lender No� a 'VVai�er. Ex�ensian of the ��me for pay�r�ent �r <br /> mod�fca�ion of amor��zat�an of�he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rurnen� gran�ed by Lender �o Borrawer ar <br /> an� success�r �n �n��r�5t �f Barr�v�er shal� n�t opera�e �o re�ease the ��a�il��y of the arig�na� B�rro�ver or <br /> Borrower's successt�rs xn �n�eres�. Lender sha�� n��be required�v comm.ence praceed�ngs aga�nst any su�cess�r in <br /> �n�erest�r refuse�a extend time payment or o�herwise mod�fy amor�izat�fln of�he sums secured by�his Secur��y <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason of any demand made by �he or�gina� Borravver or Borrov�er'� su�cessors in �n�eres�. Any <br /> forbearan�e by Lender in exerczs�ng any rxgh�or remed� sha��no�be a wa�ver of or preclude the exerc�se flf any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> SucceSsors and ASs�gns Bound; Jo�n� and Se�erai L�abi��ty; Accommadati�n Signers. The co�e��ants and <br /> agreements of�his Securi�y �nstrumen� sha�I b�nd and beneft�he succ�ssars and assigns af Lender and Borrower, <br /> subject �o the prQ�is�ans of section t��Ied Transfer of �h� Property or a �ene�cia� �nteres� �n Barrower. <br /> Borrower's c��enants and agreemen�s shall b��aint and se�era�.Any person�ho co-s�g��s�his Secur��y Ins�rument <br /> bu� has na persanal ��a�i���y under the C�n�ract �"Accommoda�ion Signer"�: �a) is co�Slgnit��; �h�5 Se�ur��y <br /> Ins�rument �n�y �o mar�ga�e, grant an� �anvey tha� Accommodat�on S�gner's in�erest in �he Prope�-�y under �he <br /> �erms af the Se�urity �ns�rurnent; �b� is na� personai�y o�l�ga��d to pay �he sums secured i�y �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c}agrees tha� Lender and any o�her BQrrawer ma�agree�o ex�end,�m�d�fy, f�r�bear�r make any <br /> accommt�da�i�ns with regard�o the terms of th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�or the Con�rac�vv�thout tha�Accommoda�ion <br /> S�gner's consen�. <br /> Lnan �harges. If the loan secured by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen� is subject ta a �aw vvhich se�s max�mum ��an <br /> charges, and tha� lavv is fna��y in�erpre�ed sfl�hat the �nteres��r��her loan �harges coi�ec�ed or��be col�ec�ed �n <br /> cannec��on wi�h the �aan exceed the perm��ted ��m�ts, �hen: �a} any such �oan charge shal� be reduced by the <br /> amaun��.ecessary�o reduce�he charge t� the perm�tted. X�m��s and�b� any sums alrea�y cal�e��ed fr�m Borr�vver <br /> wh�ch exc�eded perm�tted limi�s w��� �e refunded �a Borrovver. Lender may choflse to make �his refund hy <br /> reduc�ng�he pr�nc�pal ov�ed under�he ��ntrac� ar by making a d�rec�paymen� fio Borr�vver. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�n��pal,the reduc�ian��ll be trea�ed as a par�zal prepayment under the�ontrac�. <br /> Nvt�ces. Any na�ice �o Borrower pra���ed for �n �h�s Securz�y Ins�rument sha�� be g�ven by del��er�ng �� �r by <br /> rna���ng��by first c�ass mai�unless App�icable Lav�requ�res use of ana�her method. The na��ce sha�l be directed�a <br /> �he Proper�y Address ar any �th�r address Borrov�er designates by n�t�ce �o Lender. Borrovver agrees �o pra�ide <br /> Lender �i�h Borro�v�r's most curren�ma�ling addre�s, as ��may �hange fra�n tim�-�a-��me. Any no�ice �� Lend�r <br /> sha�l b�g��en by first c�ass mail�fl Lender's address stated herein�r any n�her address Lender des�gna�es by no�ice <br /> to Barrower. Any na�iGe pra��ded f�r�n�h�s Security�ns�rument shal�be deemed�a have been g�ven�fl B�rro�ver <br /> or Lend�r�hen g�ven as pr�v�ded zn�h�s paragraph. <br /> �o�ern�ng Law; Se�erab��i#y. Th�s Se�ur�ty�x�strumen�shal�be gn�erned by federal law and�he Ia��of t��e sta�e <br /> af Nebraska. in the even� tha� any pro��s�on or clause of�h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument ar ���� Can�ract canflic�s with <br /> App��cable Lavc�, such conf�ic� shall not affect��laer pr��isions �f�his Security �nstrumen� �r the �ontract wh�ch <br /> can be given effect�wi��.�out�he canfl�c�i�g pr�v��ion. T��h�s end�he pro�isi�ns af�h�s Security�nstrumen�and the <br /> C�n�ract are dec�ared�o be se�erable. <br /> Borrower's C�py. B�rr�vver sha�I be g�ven one copy flf�his Secur���ns�rumen�. <br /> C��Qa4-2D l 5 Campliance Systems,In�.$C5�-S�F�'-2�i 5.1[.3.�098 <br /> Cvnsumer ReaI Estate-Se��rity Instnemer�t DL��3� Pa�e 3 of 5 www.c�r�pliar�cesystems.��m <br />