2� 1 ��,��87
<br /> vvh�ther or no��hen due,wi�h�he excess,if any,paid ta Barrawer,Such insurance proceeds shal�be applied in�he ord�r
<br /> prov�ded f�r in Secti�n 2.
<br /> If Borrower abandons�he Property,Lender may file,nego�iate and settle any available insurance claim and rela�ed
<br /> mat�e�s.�f B orro,wer does not respond�v`rithin 3��ays to a nat�ce fram Lender that the insu�rance car���r has 4ffered ta
<br /> se�tle a claim,then Lender may neg�tiate and sett�e the claim.The 3�-�day per�od wi�l begin when th�n��ice is gi�en.�n
<br /> either e��nt, or�f Lender acquires the Praperty under Sect�an�Z or o�herwis�, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender
<br /> �a�Borrower's r��h�s ta an��nsuranc�pro�eeds in an amoun�not t�exceed the amounts unpaid und�r�he No�e or this
<br /> S ecurity Instrumen�,and�b�any other of B orrovsrer's rights�a�her�han�h.e righf to any refund of unearned premiums pa�d
<br /> by Borrovver�under all insuranc�policzes covering the Proper�y,insafar as such rights are app�i�ab1�to the co�erage of
<br /> the P�roper�y.Lender may use th��nsuranc�praceeds ei�her ta repair or restore�h�Praperty ar�a pa�axx��unts unpa�d
<br /> under�he Note or�his Security znstrumen�,whe�her or nat�hen due.
<br /> �.�ccupancy.B�rrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Proper�y as Borrower's principal residence within 6�
<br /> days after the execu���n of�his Security�ns�rument and shall c�nfiinue�o occupy the Proper�y as B�rro�nrer's principa�
<br /> �esidence fQr a�leas��ne yeax after the da�e of o�cupancy,unless Lender�the�ise agrees in writing,which cons�nt shal�
<br /> nat be unreasanab�y tivithhe�d,or un�ess ex�enuating circumstances ex�st v�rhich are beyond B�rrower's c�ntro�.
<br /> 7.Preser�at�on,Maintenance and Protection of i�hQ Fraperty;Inspec�ions.Borrovver shall no�destroy,damage
<br /> �r impair the Pr�perty,allflvv�he Property�o deter�arate ar commit was�te an the Property.Whe�her or not B�rrovver is
<br /> ��s�din�in the Property,Borrovver sha�l maintain the Prope�-ty�n arder�o prevent the Praperty.fram d��eriara�ing or
<br /> de�reasing in valu�due ta its cond�t�on.Unless�t 1s deterrn�ned pursuant to Sec�ion 5 that reparr or rest�ration is not
<br /> economica�Iy feasible,Barr�wer sha11 proxnp�Iy repair�he Prap�rty if damage��o av��d furth�r de�eriora�ion ar damage.
<br /> If insura.nce or condemna�ion praceeds are paid in connecti�n wi�h damage to,or the�aking�f,the Property,Borra�er
<br /> shall be respansib�e for repair�ng or restor�ng the Propert�y only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes.L�nder
<br /> may disb�urs�proceeds for the repairs and resto�ration�n a sing�e paymen�or in a series of progress paymen�s as�he work
<br /> is cample�ed.�f the insurance ar condemna�ion proceeds are n�t su�cient�o repa�r�r restore the Pr�per�y,Borra�er is
<br /> n��r�li��ed of�.3orrovsrer's�bligation far the c�mplet��n of such repair or re�torat��n.
<br /> Lender or its agent ma�r ma.�e reasona�le en�ries upan and inspec�ions of the Praperty.If i�has reasonable�ause,
<br /> Lender may�nspect�he�n�erior of the improvemerits on�he Praper�y,Lender sha�l g�ve Borrovver na��ce at the�ime af or
<br /> prior ta such an interzor znspec�i�n specifying such reasonable Cause.
<br /> S.Borrower's Laan App�ication.Bor�rawer sha�1 be in d�faul�if,during�h.e L�an appiication pracess,B�rrower or
<br /> any persons a�en�ities ac�ing at the direct�an of B�rrawer flr with Barravver's kno�ledg�or c�nsen��a�e materially
<br /> false, misleading, or ina�cura�e information ar sta�emen�s t� Le�.der �ar failed to pro�ide Lender with material
<br /> �nf�rma�ion} in �onnection with the Loa.�. Ma�erzal representations include, but are na� limi�ed to, representatians
<br /> conc�rning Barrovver's accupancy of�he Proper�y as Bo�rovver's pr�ncipa�re�idence.
<br /> 9.Prate�tion flf L�nder's Interest in th�Prop�rty and l�ghts Under�his Security Instrument.If�a}Bvrrower
<br /> fai�s�o p�rform�he covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument,(b�there is a Iegal proceeding that
<br /> might significantly affect Lender's in�erest in th� Propert�y andJor rights under th�s Securifiy Instrum�n� �such as a
<br /> praceeding in bankruptcy,prabate,for condemnation or forfei�ure,for enforcemen�of a�ien vvh�ch may at�ain pr�or��y
<br /> over�his 5e�uri�y Instrumen�or��enfor�e laws or regulati�ns},ar�c}Borrower has abancianed the Property,�hen Lender
<br /> may do a,nd pay far vvhate�er is reasonable ar appropriate to pro�ec�Lender's in�eres��n�he Froperty and righ�s under�t1�is
<br /> Securi�ty�nstrument,including protecting andl�r assessing�he va�ue af th�Proper�,and securxng andlar repairing the
<br /> Pr�perry.Lender's ac�ions can include,but are not iimited to:�a�pay�ng any sums secured by a���n vvhich has priority
<br /> over this Security�nstrument;�b}appearing in cawrt;and�c}paying reasonab�e a�ta�rney�'f�es to pratect��s interest in the
<br /> Property andlor rights under this Security�ns#xument,including its se�u�re�pos�tian in a bankruptcy proceeding.Securing
<br /> th�Proper�y in�ludes,but is n�t 1imi�ed�o,en�ering the Pr�per��a make repa�rs,change�ocks,r�piace or b�ard up doors
<br /> and windows,dra,�n wa�er from p�pes,eliminate bui�ding or o�ther code vio�atians or dangerous cand�t�ons,and have
<br /> ut��i�ies turned on ar off.A�though Lender rnay�ake action under this Se�tion 9,Lender does nat�a�e�o do so and is not
<br /> ;�
<br /> NEBRASKA-5in ��Famii -Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiF�RM lNSTRIlMENT FQ�m 2� �� '� �
<br /> 9 Y
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<br /> �os,�n�. Borrvwer�s}Ini�ials
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