2� 1 ����87
<br /> Borrower shall pr�mptly d�s�haxge any l�en�hich has priority over this 5ecur��y �ns�rument un�ess Borrower:
<br /> �a}agrees in wri��ng to the payment of the obl�gation secured by the�ien in a manner accep�ab�e ta Lender,bu�only so
<br /> long as Barrovver is performing such agreemen�;��}can�es�s the li�n in good faith by,orr defen�s against enfo�rcement of
<br /> �he lien in, �ega�proceedings which in L�nder's opinian opera�e to prevent�he enforcement of the Iien while those
<br /> proceedings are pend�ng,but only un�il such proceedings are concluded;ar�c}secur�s from the ho�der of the lien an
<br /> agreement satisfac�ory to Lender subordina�ing�he lien to�his Security�nstruxnen�.If Lender de�ermines that any par�af
<br /> th�Pr�per�y is subje��to a�ien�vh�ch can at�a�n pri�rity over this Secur��y�nstru�nent,Lender may give Borrower a
<br /> no�ice identifying�he iien.�ithin 1�days of�he date on wh�ch�hat notic�is given,Borrvvver sha�l satisfy the lien�r take
<br /> ane or m�r�of the actions set for�i a�o�re in.this Section 4.
<br /> Lende�may require Borrower to pay a one-�zme Ghar�e for a real es�ate tax verification andlor reporting service
<br /> used b�Lender in�ann�c�ion,wi�h this Loan.
<br /> 5.Property Insurance.Borrovsrer sha�l keep the impravem�n�s naw existing ar hereafter�r�c�ed on the Froperty
<br /> insured against l�ss by f r�,hazards�nclud�d wi�hin�he term"extend�d�average,"and ax�y other hazards includ�ng,bu�
<br /> no�limi�ed�a,earth�uakes and floods,far which Lender re�uires insurance.This�nsurance shall be maintained in th�
<br /> amoun�s�including deductible leveis}and far�he periods tha�L�ender requires.Wha�L�end�r r�quires pursuant to�h�
<br /> preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan.The insuran�e carrier pravidxng�he�nsurance shall be
<br /> chasen by Borrower subje�t to Lender's right to disappro�e Borrovver�s chaice, which right shall no�be exere�sed
<br /> unreasona���.Lender may require Borrovv�r�a pay,in connect��n vvi�h th�s Loan,ei�her;�a�a nne-time charge fnr flood
<br /> zone determina��on, cer�if cation and�racking ser�vices; or �b3 a one-time chaxge for fl�ad zone determination and
<br /> cer�if cat�on ser��c�s and subsequent chaxges each time remapp�ngs or sixni�ar changes occur which reasanabl�might
<br /> affec�such determina�ion or certifcation.Borrovver sha�l also�e resp�nsibl�for�he payment�f any fees�mpos�d by the
<br /> Fede�al Emergency Management Agency in connec�i�n wi�h the review�f any fload 2one determination resulting fr�m
<br /> an�bj ec�i�n by B orrower.
<br /> If Borr�wer fa��s�o maintain any of the caverages described abo�ve, Lender may obtain insurance coverage, a�
<br /> Lender's op�ion and Borrower's expense.L�nder is under n�o�liga��on ta purchase any particu�ar type or amount of
<br /> co��rage.Therefore,such co�erage shall�over Lender,bu�mzght o�xnigh�not prote�t Borrower,Borrower's equi�y in
<br /> �he Proper�y, or the con�en�s of�he Proper�y, aga�nst any risk,hazard or liabi�ity and might provide greater or�esser
<br /> co�erag��han was previously in effec�.Borr�wer acknow�edges�that�he cas�of�the�nsurance c�ve�age so o�btained m�gh�
<br /> si�nif can��y e�ceed�he cost of insurance�ha�Borrawer cou�d have obtained.Any amounts disbursed by Lender under
<br /> this Section 5 sha11 became additianal deb�af Borr�w�r secured by this Security�nstrument.These axnounts shall beax
<br /> interest at the N���rate from�he date of disburs�ment and shall�be payable,wi�h such in�erest,upon natice from Lender
<br /> to Borrower r�ques��ng payment.
<br /> AI� znsuran�� poiicies required �y L�nder and ren�wals of such policies sha�l be subj ect�a L�nder's �right to
<br /> disapprove such policies,shall�nclude a standard mor�gage�lause,and shall name Lender as mor��agee a.r�dlor as an
<br /> additi�na� loss payee. Lender sha�l have�he r�ght�o hold the pa�icies and ren�wal certificates. �f Lender requires,
<br /> �nrrovver sha�l promptly g;ive�o Lender a��rece�p�s ofpaxd pr�miums and renewal no�i�es.�fBorrower obtains any form
<br /> of insul an�e coverage,not o�h�rwise required by Lender,for dama�e t�,or des�ruction of,the Property,such policy sha11
<br /> inc�ude a standard mortgage c�ause and shali name Lender as mor�gagee andlor as an addit�anal�oss payee.
<br /> In�he even�of Iass,Borrower shal�g�ve prompt notice�o the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf
<br /> of lass if not made promptly by Barrower. Unless Lender and Borrawer atherwise agree in writing, any insurance
<br /> proceeds,wh�ther or not�he under�ying insurance was required�y Lender,shall be applied to restora��on or repair of the
<br /> Praperty,if the rest�ration or repair is ec�nomica�ly feasihle and Lender's security is not l�ssened.During such repair and
<br /> restora�iari per��d,Lender shall have�he right to ho�d such�nsurance proceeds unt�l Lender has had an nppor�unity�n
<br /> insp�ct such Property ta ensure the vrrark has been completed�o Lender's sa�isfac�ion,pro�ided�ha�such inspec�ian shall
<br /> be undertal�en pramp��y.Lerider may disburse proceeds for th�r�pairs and restarat�on in a single paymen�or in a series of
<br /> p�o�ress payments as�h�work is compi��ed.Unless an agreemen�is made in writing ar App�icable Law requires i.nterest
<br /> ta be paid�n such insurance proceeds,Lend�r shall not be re�u�red to pay Borrow�r any in�erest or earnings on such
<br /> proceeds.Fees for public ad�us�ers,or�ther third pa�r�ies,retained by Borrower shall no�be paid out of the insurance
<br /> proc�eds and shal�be the s��e obligation of�orrower.�f�he res��ra�ian or r�pazr is not ecanomically feasible or Lender's
<br /> security wou�d be lessened,the insurance proceeds shal�be applied ta the suxns secured by�his Security Instruxnent,
<br /> NEgRAS�CA-5ing�e Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RN!lNSTRUMENT Farm 0�8 ��l�
<br /> Page 5 of�3 r�
<br /> �os,fnc, B��l'�W�'C�5}Inl�la�5
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