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<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Laan Na: �����zo�� �Continued} Page 9
<br /> Cap�ion Headings. Capti�n headings Fn this Deed of Trust are for con�enience purpvses only and are nat tv be
<br /> used to interpre�vr define the.pro�isions o�this Deed vfi Trust.
<br /> Merger. There sha�l be no merger of the €nterest or es�ate created by this Deed ��f T�ust with any a�her interes�or
<br /> estate in fihe Prvper�y at any�time held by or�ar the benefit of Lender in any capacity, wi�thout�he writ�en consent
<br /> o�Lender.
<br /> Governing Law. This Deed ❑f Trust will be �vverned by �ederal law applicahle to Lender and, to �he extent not
<br /> preempted by federal law,�he ia►►vs vf the Sta�e of Nebraska v►►i�hvut regard�❑��s con�€I�cts o�law provisivns. This
<br /> Deed vf Trus�has been a��ep�ed by Lender in the Stafie of Nelaraska.
<br /> Choice ❑f Venue. I�there is a lawsui�, Trus�or agrees upvn Lender's request �o submi�to the jurisdiction o�the
<br /> courts ❑�Hall County, S�afie of Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Several Liahili�y. Alf ohligativns o� Bvrrower and Trustar under this I�eed ❑f Trus� sha�f be �oint and
<br /> se�eral, and a11 referen�es tv Trus�or shall mean �ach and e�ery Trustvr, and a�[ referen�es tv Borrower shall mean
<br /> each and e�ery Bor�-vwer. This means that�ach Trusfior signing below is respansible far all a1��igations in this ❑eed
<br /> of Trust. ,
<br /> No 1Nai�rer hy Lender. Lender shall nvt 1�e deemed�❑ ha��wa��ed any rights und�r�his aeed of Trus�un�ess such
<br /> wai�er is gE�en in writing and signed k�y Lender. No dslay or❑missian vn the part of Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shall ❑pera�e as a wai�er❑f such right or any ofiher righfi. A waE�er by Lender❑f a pro��sion of�this Deed ❑f Trus�
<br /> shall not prejudice or constifiufie a wai�er of Lender's right �therwise t❑ demand 5fit'iCt compliance wi�h �ha�
<br /> . pr��ision or any ather provisivn af this ❑eed of Trus�. No prior wai�er 1ay Lender� nor any course of deal�ng
<br /> be�ween Lender and Trustor, shall constitute a wai�er o� any of Lender's rights ❑r o�f any o�F Trus�or's obligati�ns
<br /> as �o any future transactivns. Whene�er fihe cansen� ❑f Lender is required under fihis Deed o�Trust, the granting
<br /> of su�h consen�k by Lender in any instance shalf nvfi canstitute con�inuing consent to subsequent instances where
<br /> such cvnsent is required and in all cases su�h cansent may be granted vr withheld in the sole discrefion of Lender.
<br /> Severabi�ity. lf a court of �ompetent jurisdiction finds any pro�isivn of fihis ❑eed o#Trus�k ta be il�egal, in�alid, or
<br /> unenforceahle as t❑ any person ❑r circumstance, that finding shall no�make the affending pro�ision illega�, in�afidr
<br /> vr unen�orceable as to any ❑�he� pers�n or circums�ance. I��easible, the offending pro�ision shafl be considered
<br /> modi�ied s❑tha� it becomes legal, �a�id and en�Forceab�e. I�the o��ending pro�isian cannv� l�e so modEfied, tt shall
<br /> be considered dele�ed �#rom �his D�ed ❑# Trus�. Unless oth�rwise required by faw, �he ilfegality, in�alidi�y, or-
<br /> unen�vrceabili�y a� any pro�ision of�his ❑eed ❑f Trust shall nvt af�FeGt the legality, �alidi�y ❑r en�orcealaility ❑fi any
<br /> vther prv�ision❑f�his �3eed of Trus�.
<br /> 5u�cessors and Assigns. Subject�❑ any limitatians sfiafied in this ❑eed of Trust on trans�er ❑f Trus�o�-'s interest,
<br /> this De�d a#Trus� shal� be bindin� upvn and inure to �he benefi� ❑f �he parties, fiheir successors and assigns. lf
<br /> ownership vf the Property }�ecomes �es�ed in a person other than Trusfivr, Lender, withau�noti�e�❑ Trus�or, may
<br /> deai with Trustar's successars with refer�nce to�his Deed of Trust and�he lnde�tedness by way o��vr�ea�-ance ar
<br /> extension wi�hout r�feasing Trustor from the ob�igativns af this Deed ❑f Trust or liah�lity under�he lndebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Essen�e, Time is of the essence in the performance❑f�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> V�ai►rer of Homestead Exempfiivn. Trus�or hereby �-eleases and wai�es all rights and bene�i�s ❑f the homesfiead
<br /> exemptivn laws��the S�ate of Nebraska as to af[ lndebtedness secured by�his ❑eed❑�Trust.
<br /> aEFINITIDNS. The ��Ilawing capi�alized words and terms shall ha�e the�o[lowing meanings when used in this Deed of
<br /> Trust. Unless speci�ically stated to the contrary, all references tv d�EEar am�unts shal� mean amoun�s in lawful money
<br /> of fihe Uni�ed 5ta�es of America. V1lords and terms used in �he sEngufar shall include fihe plural, and �he plura� shal�
<br /> include the singular, as the cvn�ext may require. Wards and terms not o�herwise defined in this Deed o�Trust shall
<br /> ha�e the meanings at�ribu�ed�o such terms in the Unifvrm Commercial Code:
<br /> Bene�iciary. The word "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Pain�s Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The word "Borrower" means JASEN DIIIlIM1TT, AMANDA J DENiMITT, JERRY G ❑IMIUl1TT and PATTY J
<br /> DfMMITT and includes all �o--signers and �o--makers signing the Note and aEE�heir successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed vf Trust. The words "Deed of Trus�" mean this ❑eed of Trust among Trus�or, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> includes wi#hvut limitation all assignment and securi�ky interes� prv�is�vns rela�ing �v �he Pers�nal Prnperty and
<br /> Renfis.
<br /> . ,
<br /> L�efauE#. The word "Defiaul�" means�he Defaulfi set fvrth in thEs Deed of Trust in the section�itled "Defiauifi".
<br /> Envir�nmenta� Laws. The wvrds "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and all s�ta�e, �ederal and lacal sta�u�es,
<br /> reguiations and ard�nances re�ating to the protec�ivn of human heal�h or �khe en�iranment, including without
<br /> fimitation the Comprehensi�e Environmental Response, Compensativn, and Lial�ility Acfi of 'i 98�, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Sec�ion 9��1, e� seq. �"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reau�horization Act of '1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99--499 �"SARA"y,�the Hazardous lUlat�rials Transpvrtation Act, 49 U.S.C. Sect�on �8�1, efi seq.,the Resvur�e
<br /> Canser�atian and Reca�ery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. 5ectian 69�1, et seq., or vfiher applicable s�a�e ❑r federaE laws. ru�es,
<br /> or regulations adopted pu�suant�heretv.
<br /> E►ren#af Defauit. The words "E�ent❑�❑efault" mean any af the e�ents of de�aul�k se�-Farth in�his Deed v�F Trus�in
<br /> �he eWents af default section❑f�his Deed vf Trust.
<br />