� 2� 1 ����72
<br />; DEED �F TRUST
<br />; Laan Nv: ���2��0�7 �Continued} Page 8
<br />' and either of them may pu�sue inconsistent remedies. Nv�hing in �his Deed o�F Trus� sha�l be Ganst�-ued as
<br /> prahihiting Lender from seeking a de�iciency judgmen�agains�the Trusta�to the ex�en�such ac�ion is permi��ed by
<br /> law. Election by Lender t❑ pursue any remedy sha�l no� exclude pursuit af any a�her remedy, and an e�ectian fia
<br />' make ex�enditures or�❑ �ake ac�ion t❑ perform an ❑bligation �f Trustvr under this Deed a�Trust, af�ker Trus�or's
<br /> �ailure t� perform, shall nofi affeG�Lender's righ��a dec�are a d�fault and exercis�its remedies.
<br />� �Reques��or Notice. Trustor, on beha��f o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requests tha�a copy of any No�ice❑f aefaul�
<br /> and a copy a#any Notice afi 5ale under thfs Deed o�Trus� be mailed���hem at�the address�s set��rth in the firs�
<br />� paragraph af�his ❑eed afi Trus�.
<br /> Attvrneys' �Fees: Expenses. [f Lender ins��tutes any suit ❑r ac�ion to enforce any of the �erms ❑f this Deed ❑f
<br /> T�us�, Lender shall 1ae entit�ed fia recoWer such sum as �he �ourt may ad}udge reasonable as a��orneys` fe�s a��rial
<br /> and upon any appeal. VVhether or not any court action is inWal�ed, and �t❑ the extent not prohibi�ed by law, all
<br />� reasanable expenses Lender incurs �ha� in Lender's apinion are necessary a� any time ��r the pr�tection of its
<br /> inte�es�or fihe en�orcemsnfi o��ts rights shall become a par�of the lndeb�edness payable ❑n demand and shall bear
<br />� in�eres�at�he Nvte rate frvm the date❑��he expendi�ure untif repaid. Expenses co�ered by fihis paragraph in�lude,
<br />� without limitation, howe�er sulajec�t to any limits under applicab�e Iaw, Lender's a�tfiorneys' fees and Lender's legal
<br />�
<br />; expenses, whether or nat there is a lawsuit, in�luding afitorneys' fees and expenses fo�- bankrup�cy praceedings
<br /> �in�luding e�fior�s to madify or�acate any automatic stay or injunction�, appeals, and any an�icipated post judgment
<br /> �ollection ser�ices, the cost of searching recvrds, o�fiaining �itle reports �including foreclosure reports}, sur�eyors'
<br />� r�parts, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees far the Trustee, �o the extent permitted by app[i�able law.
<br />. Trustor a[s❑will pay any court cvsfis, in•addit�on��a��o�her sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Righfis of Trusfiee. Trustee shall ha�e a[t of�he �ights and du�ies o�F Lender as se�forth in th�s section.
<br /> PDINERS AND OgLIGATIaNS �F TRUSTEE. The following pro�isions rela�ing ta the powers and abligations ❑f Trustee
<br />� are park of�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Powers v�Trus�ee. [n additian to alf pawers af Trus�ee arising as a ma�ter❑f law, Trustee shall ha�e�he pvwer�o
<br />, take�he fvllowing actians with respecfi to the Proper�y upon�khe wri��en reques�of Lender and Trustor: {a�join in
<br /> preparing and fil�ng a map ar pla� of the Real Property, including fihe dedica�ion of streets ar other rights to �he
<br />� puhl�c; �b} j�in in gran�ting any easement ar creating any restriction ❑n the Rea[ Prop�rty; and �c� join in any
<br />�
<br /> subordinatian or other agreement affec�ing this Deed ❑f Trust ar fihe in�eresfi of Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br />�
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shall mee� all quali�icatians required �or Trus�ee under applicahie law. In addition to �he rights
<br />; and remedies set for�h ab�ve, wi�h respect tv all or any par� of fihe Property, �he Trustee shall ha�e the �ight tv
<br />� fore�lose by notice and sale, and Lender shaf! ha�e �he righ��o foreclase by judicia[ foreclosure, iri �ither case in
<br />� a�cordanGe with and to�he full ext�nt pro�ided 1ay applicable law.
<br />! 5uc�essor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's ❑p�ion, may from�ime to time appoint a successor Trus�ee�to any Trustee
<br /> appvinted under fih�s Deed o�Trust by an instrument exe�uted and acknow�edged by Lender and recorded in fihe
<br /> o-��ice of the recorder ❑f HALL Countyr State of Nebraska. The instrument shal� con�kain, in addi�ian to al� ❑ther
<br /> matfiers required by sfiafie law, the names of the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, the �vok and page �ar
<br />� �ompu�er system reference} wh�re this Deed of Trust �s recorded, and �khe name and address ❑f �he successor
<br /> �rustee, and�he instrumen�shall be exe�u�ed and a�knvw�edged by a��the bene�iciaries under this I�eed ❑f Trust or
<br />; their successars in in�eres�: The su��essor trus�ee, withou� con�eyance af the Prvper�y, shall succeed ta all the
<br />� �i�le, power, and du�ies conferred upon�he Trustee in�his Deed of Trus�and by appl�cable law. This procedure for
<br /> sut�stitu�ion��Trusfiee shal!govern to the exclusion o�all other pro�isians�or sulasti�u�ian.
<br /> NDTICES, Any notice required �v be gi�en under�his aeed o�F Trust, includin� w�thvu� limifiativn any notice o� de�ault
<br /> and any nofii�e vfi sale shalE be giWen in wri�ing, and shall be effecti�e when actually d�li�ered, when actually recei�ed
<br /> by tele�acsimile {unless ❑�herwise required hy law}, when dep�sited with a natianally recvgnized ❑vernight courier, or, i�
<br /> mailed, when deposi�ed in th� Unified S�ates mail. as first class, certified or regis�ered mail pos�age prepaid, direct�d�❑
<br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning o�this Deed vf Trust, All cop�es of no�ices of fore��asure �rom the halder ❑f
<br />; any lien which has privrity o�er this ❑eed ❑�Trust shal! be senfi fi❑ Lender's address, as shvwn near the beginning ❑f
<br /> fihis Deed vfi Trust. Any parfiy may change i�s address �or no�Eces under this Deed af Trust by gi�ing fvrmal written
<br /> na�ice tv the other parties, specifying that the purpase of �he no�ice is t❑ change the party's addr�ss. For notice
<br />, purpases, T�ustor agrees�❑ keep Lender informed a�a11 �imes o�f Trustvr's cu�rrent address. Llnless ❑therwise pro�ided
<br />� ❑r required by law, if there is more�han ❑ne Trus�or, any no�ice gi�en by Lender fio any Trustor is deemed fio be nv�ice
<br />�
<br /> given t❑al�Trustors. � • + �
<br /> MISCELLANEflllS PRQVISIaNS. The follvwing miscellaneous pra�isions ar� a part o�this De�d ❑�Trust:
<br /> i
<br />,
<br /> Amendmen#s. This Deed ❑t Trus�, together►nrith any Related Do�umenfis, constitutes the entire unders�and�n� and �
<br /> agreement ❑f the parties as ta the matters set�orth in �his Deed of Trus�. N� altera�ion ❑-� ❑r amendmen�to �his
<br />� ❑eed of Trust shall be effecti�e unless given in wri�ing and signed by fihe party or parties sought�v be charged vr
<br />�
<br /> baund by�he alteration or amendment.
<br /> Annual Repor�s. If �he Property is used for purposes other than Trustor's residence, Trustor shall �urnish t�
<br />; Lende�-, upon requesfi, a certE�i�d stafiement ❑f net ❑perating income rec�i�ed fr-om the P�-operty during Trus�or's
<br />. preWiaus �iscai year En su�h farm and de�ail as Lender shall require. "Net vperating inc�me" shall mean al! cash
<br /> receipts from the Praperty Iess all cash expenditures made in connectivn w�th th�aperation a�the Prvperty.
<br /> i
<br />