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2� 1 ����55 <br /> sentenC�s shaii nnt apply to the pre�enc�, use, ar storage an the Pr�pert�af smali quantities of Hazardous <br /> Su�s�ances tha�are generally re�ogn�zed to be appropr�ate t� narmal res�dentia�uses and to ma�ntenanc�of <br /> the Praperty �including, but nat l�m�ited to, hazardnus su�s�ances in c�n�umer produ��s}. <br /> Borraw�r sha1�promptly giv�Lender written no�ice of�a} any inves�igation, claim, demand, lawsu�t�r ath�r <br /> action by an�governm�ntal ar r�gu�a��ry a�ency or privat�part� inv�lving the Proper��and any Hazardaus <br /> Subs�anc��r Env�r�nmental Law of wh�ch Borro�vv�r has actual know�edg�, �b} any Environmen�al <br /> ��nd���on, �nc�ud�ng bu�n�t�im�ted to, any sp����ng, �eakin�, dis�harge, release or�hreat of re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�anGe, and�c} any condition caused by the presence, use or release af a�azardou� Substan�e <br /> v�rhich ad�erse�y affe�ts�he va�ue of�he Praper��. If Borr�wer�earns, or is noti�ed by any governmentai or <br /> regulatory autharity, or any pr��vat�par�y, that any r�mo�al or other remed�at�on of any Hazardous Suhstance <br /> affecting�he Proper�y is necessary, B�rrawer sha��promptly take ai�necessar�r rexned�aX actz�ns in <br /> a�cardanc�vvi�h En�ironmental Law. Nothing h�r�xn shall cr�at�any obliga�ion on Lender for an <br /> Environmen�al �leanup. <br /> Nvn-Unifarm Ga�enants. Barr�wer and Lender covenant and agree as fo��ows: <br /> ��. Accelerat�on: R�medies, Lender shall gi�e r�otice�o Bar�o�ver prior to accelera��an f���awing <br /> Borrower's brea�h af any cvvenant or agreement ir�thi�Security Instr�ment �bu�no�pr�or to <br /> accelera�ion under Section 18 un�ess Appl�cabie I�aw pro�ides��herw�se�. '�'he�o�ic��hal�specify: �a} <br /> the defau�t; �b} the action requ�red to cure�he defaul�; �c} a da�e, not�ess�han 3a da�5 frvm the date <br /> �he no�ice�s gi�en to Borrawer, �y wh�ch the defau�t must be cured; and �d} that failure�o cure the <br /> default on or before�he date speci�ed in the no�ice nr�ay resu���n acce�era��on of the sums secured by <br /> �his Se�urity Ins�runi�nt and sal�vf�he Praperty, The n�tice shaX� further infor�n Borrower of�he <br /> righ��o rein��a�e af�er ac�e�erat�on and�he right to�ring a cour�ac��on�v assQrt the non-ex�s�ence of a <br /> default ar any other def�n�e of Borrorver�o a�ee��ration and sale. If the dQfau�t�s not cured on or <br /> befare�he da�e specified in�he no��ce, Lender at�ts�ption may requir��mmed�ate payxnen�in fu��of <br /> a�l sums se�ured by�his Securit�Instrument��ithout furth�r d�mand and may i�►�oke the power�f saie <br /> and any a�h�r remedies permit#ed by Applicable Law. Lender shall be ent�tled t�ca��ect aii �xpens�s <br /> �ncurred�n pursuing�he remedies pra�ided in�his Sect�on 22, �nc�ud�ng, bu�nt�t��mited to, r�a5onable <br /> a�torneys' fees and costs of�itle evidence. <br /> If�he power of sa�e�5 invoked, Trus�ee shal�recard a notice of defaui��n each coun�y�n wh�ch any <br /> part af the Proper�y�s located and sha��ma�� cvp�e5 of such nvtice in the manner prescr�bed by <br /> Applicab�e La�v to Borroti�er and tv�he o�her person5 pre��ribed by Appl�cab�e Law. Af�er�he t��ne <br /> required by App�icable Law, Trus�ee sha��g�ve pub��c no���e af sa��to�he persons and in th�manner <br /> prescrihed by Appl�cab�e La�v. Trustee, ��ithou� denr�and on Bvrra�vver, sha���e���he Proper�y a�public <br /> auc�ion ta�he highes�bidder at�he�ime and place and under the terms d���gnate�in th�noti��of sale <br /> �n one or more parce�s and ir�any order Trus�ee determines. Trustee nr�ay pastpane�a�e of a��or any <br /> parcel of the Property by pub�ic announcement at the time and place of any previous�y schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> Lender or i�s designee rnay purchase�he Proper�y a�any sa1e. <br /> Upon receipt af paymen� of�he pricQ bid, TruS�Qe sha�� de����r��the purchaser Trust��'s deed <br /> convey�ng the Proper�y. The reci�a�s in the Tru��ee'�deed sha��he pr�ma faC��ev�denCe of tihe�ru�h of <br /> �he s�atem�.Qn�s mad��herein. Trus�ee shal�app�y�he proc�ed�af�he sale�n�h�fo��flw�ng order: �a} to <br /> all �osts and expenses of exercising�he pawer oF sale, and�he sale, including the payxnen��f�he <br /> Trus�ee's fees actua��y�ncurred and reasona��e a�tarneys' fees as permi�ted by App�ica��e Law; �b} �o <br /> all sums secured by�hi�Secur�ty Ins�rument; and �C} any excess�o�he person or persons�egai�y <br /> �nt�t�ed����. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingI��amily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT �vrm 3�28 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�1(�302f <br /> Walters Kluwer Finan�ia[5er�ices P�g�14 of 17 <br />