2� 1 ����55
<br /> in the Property and rights und�r�his 5ecurity �nstrument; and�d}takes such action as Lender�m.ay
<br /> reasonably require to assure�ha�I�ender's interest in the Proper�� and r�gh�s under this Secur��y �nstrum�nt,
<br /> and Borrov�rer's o��igat�on t�pay the sums se�ur�d by this 5ecuri�� �nstrument, shall�on��nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may requ�re that Borr�wer pa� such reins�atem�nt sums and expenses �n one�r more of the fo�lo�v�ng
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cash; �b} m�ney order; �c}cer�ified check, bank ch�ck, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashzer's ch�ck, pro��ded any such check�s drawn upon an institution whose deposi�s are�nsured�y a
<br /> federal agency, ins�rumen�a�it�or en��t�; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. Up�n reinstatemen�by Barrov�aer,
<br /> �his �ecur�ty Instrument and flb��gations s��ured hereby shai� r�main fully effect�ve as if na acceteratian had
<br /> o�curred. However, �his righ��o reins�a�e�hall not apply in the cas�of accelera��on under 5�c�ion 18,
<br /> ��. Sa�e of Note: Change of L�an Ser�icer; Notice of GrieWance. The Nfl�e or a par��al in�erest�n the
<br /> Not���ageth�r w��h th�s Security �nstrument} can be sold one or n�ore�imes w��hout prior notice to
<br /> Borr�vver. A saie might resul�in a change in the entity �kn�v�n as �he "Laaji S`er�icer"} tha�cvllects Periodic
<br /> Pa}�ments�.ue under�he Na�e ari.d t.his Security �nstrument and perform.s�th�r mor�gage�oan ser,v�cing
<br /> ob�i�at�ons under the Note, �his Security Instrumen�, and Applicable Law. T�ere a�so mzg�.t be ane or m.�re
<br /> chan�es of�he Loan Serv�cer unr�lated�o a sale of the No��. �f there is a change of�he Loan 5er�icer,
<br /> Borrower wi�I be giv�n wri�ten no�ice flf the change v�hich wi�l state�he name and address of the nevv Loan
<br /> Servic�r, the address�a�vh�ch pa�men�s shou�d be made and any a�her informa�ion RESPA requires in
<br /> connection wi�h a notiee of�ransfer of servicing. �f the No�e is soid and thereaf��r the Loan is s�rviced by a
<br /> Loan S�r�ricer other�han�he purchaser of�he No�e, the m.or��age��an ser�icing obligat�ons�o Borrovver will
<br /> r�ma�n with�he Loan Ser�icer�r be transferred�o a suc�e�sar Loan Ser�ricer and are no�assu�m.ed�y the
<br /> No�e purchaser un�ess o�hervv�s�provided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her B�rr�wer nor Lender ma�commence,j o�n, �r�e j oined to an�r jud�c�a� act�on�as either an
<br /> ind�viduai�itigan�or�he member of a c�ass} tha�arises from�he other par��r's act�ons pursuant ta �h�s
<br /> Secur�t� �nstrument or�hat alleges�hat�he�ther par�y has brea�hed any pro�ision�f, or any du�� o�ed by
<br /> reasnn flf, �his Secur�ty �ns�rument, unti� such B�rrower ar Lender has notif�ed the o�her part��w�th such
<br /> n�tice gi�en in compliance v�i�h�he r�quirements of Sec�i�n 15}of su�h a��eged breach and affarded�he
<br /> other part}�her��o a reasanabie period after fhe gi�ing of such no�ice ta take correc����ac��an. �f Appli�ab�e
<br /> Law pr�vides a time per�od�hich mus�elapse befare cer�ain a�t�on can�e taken, �ha�t�me per�od w��l�e
<br /> deemed to be reasona�le for purpos�s�f this paragraph. The notice of accel�ra�ion and�ppor�un�t��o�ure
<br /> given to �orrower pursuan��n S���ion 2�and the no�ice of acceiera�ion given to Borra�ver pursuan��o
<br /> Section 18 shall be deemed�o sa�isfy�he no�ice and�pportun��y to�ake corrective ac�i�n provis�ons of th�s
<br /> Section�0,
<br /> �"1. Hazardvus Substances. As used in�his Section 2�: ta� "I�'az�rdor�s Substances"are those su�stance�
<br /> def�ned as t�xic or hazardous substan�es, pol�utants, �r wastes b�Envir�nmenta� Lavv and�he follawing
<br /> substances: g�5��1I7�, kerosene, other flammab�e�r��xic pe�r��eum pr�duc�s, toxic p�sticides and herb�cides,
<br /> �o�at�le solv�n�s, mat�rials con�aining asb�stfls or farmaldehyde, and radioactive ma�erials; �b}
<br /> "Er�viran�neri�al�i3v"means federai Iavvs and�aws of�he jurisdic�ian where the Property is��ca�ed tha�
<br /> relate ta heal�h, safe�y or environmenta�prate��ion; ��� "�'rtviro�mer�tar Cleanup"includes an�respo�se
<br /> ac�ion, remed�a� acti�n, or removal action, as def�ned in�nvironmen�ai Law; and �d}an "Enviran�r�en��l
<br /> C�nc�i�ian"m�ans a c�ndition that can cause, con�ribute to, or a�h�rw�s��rigger an Envir�nmen�a� Cleanup.
<br /> Borr�wer sha11 na�cause or permi�th�presen��, use, disposa�, storage, or re��ase of any �3azardous
<br /> S�bstances, or threaten to release an�Hazard�us Substances, on or in the Property. Bflrrower sha�l n�t do,
<br /> nor a�low anyone�Ise t�d�, any�hing aff�cting the�'roper�y�a} tha�is in�i�ia�ion of an�r Environmenta�
<br /> Law, �b} which crea�es an Environmen�al Candition, or(c}wh�ch, du��o the presence, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, crea�es a c�ndi��on�hat adversely affe�ts fihe value of�he Proper��. T�e preceding tw�
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3��8 7!4�
<br /> VMP(� VMPfi{NE�t1302;
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�iGes Page 13 vf 17
<br />