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2� 15�8�91 <br /> �, App[icativn vf Payments vr Pr�ceeds. E�cep�as otl�e�-wise d�sci•ibed in this Section �, all payments <br /> accep�ed and ap�lied by Lend�r sl�all be�p�ali�d in t�le following ordei-of prio�•i�y: �a} interes�due unde�•�he <br /> Not�; �b} prii�cipa� due ut�det�the No�e; �c� amounts dtie��i�der Section 3. 5�ich paym�t��s sl�ail �e appii�d�❑ <br /> eac17 Pe�-iodic Pay�nent in t��e�rdet•in whi�l� �t became due. Any remai��ing amou���s s��al� be a��lied f�•s�to <br /> la�e cl�a�-ges, secai�d�� at�y ❑thet-atnau���s due undez•ti�is Securi�y ���s�rument, ai�d���en�❑ reduc�t��e <br /> principaI balance❑f�he N��e. <br /> I:f Lender r•�ceives a payment f�•om Sot•rower far a delinque���Periodic Paymen�which includ�s a suff ciei�� <br /> amou��t t� pay ai�y la�e charge due, th�paymen�may E�e appli�d ta the delii�quei�t payment ai�d �l�e la�e <br /> cl�arge. �f t��ot•e��1at� one Periadic Payt�zet�t is ou�s�and�iig, L�nder�z�ay apply any payme��� receiWed fr�m <br /> Borrowe�•t�the repaymei�t af the PeriodiG Paymel�ts if, and t❑t��e extei��:tha�, eac�� paytnei�t ca�z �e paid in <br /> full. To���e ex�e��t that any exces� exists after�l�e payn�en� is applied to t��e fuIl p�yil�ent❑f oi�e oi-mo�•e <br /> Periodic Payments, sucl-� excess m�y �e a���lied�� any I�.t��harges du�. Volc�n��ry prepayinents �hall be <br /> ap�alied firs�t❑ at�y pr�pay���et�t charge� at�d t1�et1 as des�ribed in tl�e N�fie. <br /> Any appiicati�n af pay�z�e��ts, 1115UI"�I10E �71�o�eeds, ❑t�Mi�cellai�eous Proceeds to �i'I1�G1�3�1 dL(E LiI1de1�t�1e Note <br /> shall n�t extend ❑r postpo��e the due date, �r cha��ge tl�e amoLint, ❑f th� Pet•i�dic Paymet�fs. <br /> 3. Funds far Escr��nr Ntems. Barrower shall �ay to Le��d�r oi��he day Pe�'i�d1C P�y1�7�I1�S c�1•e d�ie u��de�•�he <br /> Note, un�i��he Nvte is paid ii� f�ill, a sum ��lze "Fui�ds"�to provide fo�-paymei��of a�i�out�ts diie f�i•: �a}�axes <br /> aild assess���en�s and o��le�- i�ei��s wl�i�l� cai� atiai�� pi•iori�:y o�er t��is Securi�y Instt��iin����as a lieiz or <br /> ei�cutnbra��ce an tl�e Property; �b} le�sehold payments or ground �-ents on the P�o}aerfy, if a��y; �c} premiums <br /> for any and ail insurailce renuit•ed l�y Let�der under Section 5; and �d�Mot•�gag�Ixxsura��ce�re�i�iut�is, if ai�y, <br /> �t�any sums payabie by�3orrower�o Let�der it� Iieu af the paym�nt❑f Mo�-�gage �nsurance premiums in <br /> accardan�e w��h�he pra�isi�ns af 5ec�ion 1�. These i�ei��s are cailed "Es��-nw I�en�s." A�oi-igit�a�ion oi-�t <br /> at�y time dui-i1�g�lle ter�i� of t11e L�a��, Lender• may �•�c�ui���t1�at �otntnut�ity fls�ocia�ion Dues, Fees, ���d <br /> Asse�sine���s, if any, be e�cravved by Borr�we�-, and sucl� d�tes, fe�s at�d assessments sha�l be an Esc�-ow <br /> Item. Borrowe��shall promptly fu��nisi�t� Let�der all n�tices of ai��oui�ts�o be paid under t��is Se�tion. <br /> B���rawer shail pay Lender�he Fui�ds for Escr�vv I�ems unless Lender waiv�s Bo�-rowe�•'s ❑bligatian t❑ �ay <br /> the Funds for a�iy ❑r all Escr•aw Ite���s, L���der may w�iWe BoY•i�ower's oUligation�a �ay to Lei�de��Fu��ds for <br /> any or all Escrow�tems a� ai�y�ime. Any s��ch �vait�er i��ay �i�ly be in wt•ifit�g. I n the�vent of such wai�ex•, <br /> Borr�wer shall pay di��ec�iy, vvhen and where payallie, tl�e �mounts d�ie fo�• a��y E��row I�e�i�s fa�•vvhicll <br /> paym�iit of Funds has �een wai�ed by Le��de�-and, if Lende�• �-e�uiz•es, s��all fi��•i�is��t❑ Lende�-receip�s <br /> evidencii�g such paymet�t wrthin sucl��i���e�aeri�d as Le��der• may re�ui�•e. Bot•��ov�re�-'s ob�iga�ion ta ���a�ce <br /> sucl� payments and to�ro�ide r�ceipts sl�ail fo�-�l� pu�-poses �e deemed t❑ be a c���n�.1�t and ag�-eem�i�t <br /> �ontaitled in�his Security I��s�r�im�n�, �s tlie phr�se "c�vei�a���at�d agreci��ent" is used i�� Sectiot� 9. If <br /> Borrawe�• is abligated�o pay Escro�v I�e���s di�-ectly, pursuaT�t to a waiver, and Bor�-ower f�i ls t� pay�l�e <br /> amaunt due far a��Es�row Ite�n, L�i�d��� may exercise its �-igl�ts �inde�• 5e��i�n � at�d pay s��ci� atnoux��and <br /> B�rrawe�•shall the�� be oblrgated ��t�der Sec�ioi� 9 ta �•epay�o Lei-�der any s��ch amou��t. Lei�der m�y i-e�olce <br /> the waiver as t❑ any or al1 Escrovv I�ems at any ti�ne by a i�otice gi�en in acc�rdaiace with 5ection 15 ai�d, <br /> upon such revacati�l�, B���r•ower• s�iall pay�o Let�de�"c��I FLlI�dS, al7d II7 SLI��I c�I71�UI1�5, t���.�a�-e th��� t•equir•ed <br /> ut�der this Sectifln 3. <br /> Lender may, at any time, �ollec�and l�oid Fut�ds in an amaui�t�a� sufficiet��to permi�Lend��-to a�ply�l�e <br /> Funds at the ti�l�re s�ecif�d �inder RESPA, and �b} no�to exceed the ma�ii�z���n am�unt a lender cai� t-ec���iz•e <br /> under RESPA. Lender sl�ali es�imate�he am�unt❑f Funds d�re an�l�e basis af curren�da�a and re�s�na�le <br /> estimates �f expenditures of fu�ure Escrow��ez��s❑r oth�rwise in acc�rda��ce vsri�l� Appl�cable Lavv. <br /> 2��5-2785492 '�f}[}Q497�001�52���❑ 799� <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie M�elFreddi�Mac LINI��RM 1N5TRLJM�NT WITH M�5 Farm 3�28"I�O� <br /> VM P� VM P�A�NE}�13❑�} <br /> Vllolters Kluw er Fn�ncfal 5ervices 1 211 7120 1 5 'i Q:�9 AM f'�g�5�f�7 <br />