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2� 15�8�91 <br /> Parcel [❑ Number:4��[��7814 vvhich cu�-�•�i��ly ���s the address of <br /> 423 N �uster A�� (S�siec�� <br /> Grand �s I and �Ci�j��, Nebrasl�a 688�3 (Tip �oc�e� <br /> �"P�•�per�y Add�-ess"}; <br /> T��ETHER��TH all the im}�rovez�i���ts ��ow❑r��er�after erec�ed o�� t��e praper�y, a��d all easei��ei�ts, <br /> appur�e��ances, at�d f�ctu�-es naw�r her�after a�art of t��e���ape�-ty. A�1 replaceinents and add itia��s s��al 1 aIs❑ be <br /> �o�ered �y this 5ecurity In�trument. Ali af tlae foregoing is �•eferred�o in this Se�urity Inst�-umen�as tl�e <br /> "Froperty." Barrnvve�•u��ders�aY�ds and agre�s tllat MERS ��olds ot�ly lega� ti�Ie to the i1�te�•es�g�-an�ed by Bo�-rowet• <br /> in���is Security In�trument, but, if necessary to coi�lply�wi#�� �aw or cust�m, MERS �as n�mil�e�fo�-Lender and <br /> Le��det•'s succe�sors and assigt�s} has�l�e rig���: to exe�•�ise any ❑�-all ❑f thase interests, i��ciudii�g, bu�not lii��ited <br /> �o, �he right to fore�lo�e ai�d sell the Pz•o�e�•ty; and ta falce;ai�y �c�io�� ��e�u it�ed of Lende�• ii�cl��d i t�g, but not <br /> Iimi�ed t�, r�ieasing and canceling ti�is Se�urity It�s�ru���en�. <br /> B�RR��ER�DVEI�ANTS that Borrowe��is lawfully seised of the estate i�ereby coi���yed at�d has the right to <br /> grant and convey the Property and fihat�he Pro�er�y is ��nen�umbe��ed, exc���far ei�cui��b�•an�es �f rec�rd. <br /> Borrowe�-wa�•�-�n�s ai�d wr11 defet�d ��i�e�-ally tl�e��tle�a�l�e Froper�y again�� all cl�it7�s ai�d d�ma�lds, s���jec�ta <br /> ai�y e��cumbrances of recnrd. <br /> TH�S SE�L�RITY INSTRUMENT c�t��bines ui�ifarm �o�ena���s for nationaI use a��d non�unifor��� <br /> cav�nai�tts wi�h limi�ed variations �y jurisdiction t❑ constitu�� a ui�ifaz-m security i��s�rtEtn���t co�ering real <br /> pr��erty. <br /> Unif�rm Cv►►enants. Bari-�wer and Le��der�o�enant ai�d ag�•ee as fo1l�r�vs: <br /> '1. Payment of Principa[, interest, Escrow [fiems, Prepayment �harge�, and La�e Charges. Bo�-�-�w�r <br /> shall pay when due the principal ❑f, at�d iY��eres�o��, �he deUt evide��ced �y�l�e N�te and any p��epayme��t <br /> charg�s at�d Iate charge� due under tl�e No��. Borrawer shall also pay fi���ds for Escravv I.fe�i�s p�irsuai���o <br /> S���ion 3. Paymet�ts due uiider ti�e Nate and�his Secu�•ity Ii�s�r•�rment shall lle made it� U.S. cu�•�-eizcy. <br /> Haweve�-, if any check�r❑the�• insti-un-�ei�t received by Lende�-as �ayti�ent under�I�e Note nr�his Secu�•ity <br /> TnS�rume�t is re�urned t❑Lender unpaid, Lender may t-ec�uire tl�a�at�y or ail subs��uent paytnents due ut�de�- <br /> �he Not�and�his 5e�urity Instrument be made i�1 ane ar n�o�•e❑f�he followit�g forms, as seiected �y Lender: <br /> �a�cash; ��}money arder; �c� certified c��ec��, banl�checl�, treas�ir�r's checic❑r cashier�`s checl�, pro�ided any <br /> su�h cile�k is drawn upon an ii�s�i�ufian wi�ose deposi�s are in�u��ed �y a federal ag�ncy, instrument�lity, ❑�� <br /> entity; ❑r�d}Elect��o��ic Funds Transfei�. <br /> Payments are deemed r�c�ived by L�nder whe�� receiW�d a�the Ioca�ian desigi�ated i�� the Note o���t such <br /> othet• loca�ion as may be designa�ed by Let�der in accordance wi�h�l�e Y�ot�c�provisions ii� 5ectio�� 15. <br /> Lender m�.y re�ur�� any paym���t or pai�ial paymen� if fhe payi��ent or partial payments are ins�ifficie���to <br /> bt•iilg���e L�an current. Le��der i��ay accept any paymei�t or p�i•ti�l �ayme��t ii�suf'ficie��t�o bi-i��g�1��Loan <br /> curren�, witl�aut w�.i�et-❑f a��y i�igh�s l�ereu��der or prej��dice t❑ i�s rigl�ts t� refuse such �aymen�or paa•tial <br /> paym�nts in the future, but Ler�der i� t�o�ovliga�ed�o apply s�ich payi��e���s at�l�e time su��� paymen�s are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Peri�dic Pay�i�ent is appli�d as of i�s schedtil�d due date, tl�e�� Lei�der need no� p�y i��tere�� <br /> on ut�applied funds. Le��der i-nay hoid s��cli unap�lred fui�ds �i���il I3arrovver i�za�ces pay���tent to hriizg the Loan <br /> �u�•ren�. If B�r�•ower does no�d❑ so wi�I�i�� a reasona�le per�od of�ii��e, Lendez• s�iall ei���er�p�ly su�h fux�ds <br /> o��retu�•i-�them�o Ba�•r�wer. If��at applied ea�-lier, sucl� fui�ds wiil be ap�lied�:o�he❑�itsta�ldi��g p��inci�al <br /> balai�ce under�he Nnte immediately ���iar to fo��eclnsu�-e. l�a ❑fFs���i•claim wl�i�l� Bot-rovve�• znigl�t l�avc <br /> i�ow ar in t��e fuf�i�-e against Lei�der s��a1I ��eli�ve Bo1-ravve�'fI'011� I77aItlllg pr��I17eI1�5 dL1� U31dEi����e Note at�d <br /> �his Security Instrur��en�or perfor�ni���the�a�enai�ts ai�d �gree���ents secured i�y�i�is 5ecur•�t� Instrument. <br /> 2��5-2785�#92 ��Q049T0���25�T��Q 7994 <br /> NE�BRASKA-5ingl�Family-Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNlFORM INSTRLJMENT WfTH MERS ���m�❑���f�� <br /> VM P pp VM P�A�NE}{�30�� <br /> Wolters Kluw er FnanGiai 5ervices �21��1���5 �[1:49 AM Page�4 of�7 <br />