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2� 15�8�41 <br /> Borrower's�opy.B�rrotiver shal�be gi�en one capy af this 5ecuri�y Ins�rumen�. <br /> Transf�r flf the Property vr a Benefici��Interest in B�rrvwer.�f a�I or any par�of the Property�r any in�erest <br /> �n i� is sa�d ar �ransferred �or �f a benef�c�al interes� in Borrov�rer is sald Qr �ransf�rred and Borr�wer is na� a <br /> �natural person} withou� Lender's prior writ�en consen�, Lender may, a� its op�ian, requ�re immediate payrnent in <br /> fu1l of alT sums secured by this 5ecur�ty Ins�urnent. Hovvever, this �pti�n shall n�t be exercrsed by Lender if <br /> exercise is prohibited by f�deral la,t�v as of th�date of this 5ectu-��y Instrument. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his optian, Lender shall g�ve B orr�wer natice af accelera�inn. The nat��e shall provide a <br /> period �f n�t less than �he minimum number of days estab�is�ied by Applicab�e Lav�r from the da�e the nat�ce is <br /> �e��vered �r maz�ed wi�hzn u�hich Bvrrov�er mus�t pay a�l sums s�cured b�r �his Security �nstrument. Zf Borrovver <br /> fails �o pay these pri�r �o t�ie exp�ra�ian of�his period, L�nder may �nvoke an�remedies permit�ed by this <br /> Security�nstrum.ent vvithout further no�ice or demand vn Barrov�er. <br /> Borrower's Righ� to Rei�state. If Borrower meets certain canditians, Borrower shal� have �he r�ght to have <br /> enforcementi�f�h�s Securi�Ins�rument d�scontinued at any�irne prior�o the ear�ier of: (a} 5 da�s �or su�h❑�her <br /> period as App�i�able Lavv may specify far reinstatemen�)before sale of th�Proper�y pursuant to an�power of sale <br /> contained in �iis Securit� �nstrument, or ��} en�ry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thase <br /> cond�tians are that B�rra,wer: �a� pays Lender ai1 sums which then vvould be due under th�s Secur��y Ins�rumen� <br /> and the C�ntrac�as if no a�celerat�on had occurred; �b} cures any defaul�Qf any ather c�venan�s nr agreem�nts;tc� <br /> pays a�1 expenses incurred in enf�rcing th�s Securi�y Instrument,�ncludzng,i�u�not li�mi.�ed�o,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees to the ex�en�permitted by�aw; and �d� �akes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y re�u�re tfl assure�hat�he <br /> Iien of�h�s Securi�y Instrumen�,Lender's r�gh�s in�he Praper�y and Borrativer's abl�gation ta pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Securi�y Ins�rumen� sha�l continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemen�l�y Borrower, �his Se�urit�r In�trument <br /> and th� ob�iga�ions secured hereby shall remain fully effect��e as if n❑ acceleratian had occurred. Hov�rever, �his <br /> r�ght to reins�ate shall na�apply in the case af a�celera��on un�er the sec�ion titled Transfer vf the Property or a <br /> Beneficial In�eres��n I3orro�ver. <br /> Hazardous Substan�es.B�rrower shall n�t cause or permit the presence,use, d�sposal, stflrage, or re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous 5ubstances on or in the Proper�y.Barro�ver sha1l n��do,r�or al��w anyone else to do,any�iing affec�ing <br /> �he Property tha� is zn violation af any Environmental Law. The preced�ng twa sen�ences shall not apply ta the <br /> presence,use,or storage�n�.he Praperty of smail quan�ities af I�azardous Substances tha�are generally recagnized <br /> to be apprapriate�o narmal residen�iai uses and ta ma�ntenance of the Praperty. <br /> Borr�vver sha��promp�ly g�ve L��der written notice af any investzga�ian,claim, demand,�awsu�t or other act�on by <br /> any gavernmential or regulatory agency or pr�vate party invtilving �he Property and any Hazardaus Subs�ance or <br /> Env�ronmen�a.I La�v of Uvhich Barrovver has actual l�r�avvledge. If Borro�rer learns, or is not�fied by any <br /> governmenta�ar regula��ry authority, �hat any remava�or o�her remedia�i��z of any Hazard�us Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> �he Proper�y �s necessary, B�rr�v�rer sha1l promptly �ake all necessary remedial ac�ions in acc�rdance Wi�h <br /> Environmenta�Law. � <br /> As use�in this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hose subs�an�es defined as toxic ar hazardous su�s�tances <br /> by Env�rflnmen�al Lav�r anc� �he fo�l��vving substances: gaso��ne, ker�sene, other f�anlmable ar �oxic pe�ro�eum <br /> produc�s, tax�� pesticides and herbicides, �olatile s�Iven�s, materials con�ain�ng asbes��s or formald�hyde, and <br /> rad�aactive ma�er�a�s. As us�d in�his paragraph, "Envir�nmen�a�Law"mean�federal lavvs and lavvs of the state of <br /> N'e�raska tha�re�a�e ta heal�h,safety ar environmental protec�ion. <br /> Acce�erati�n; Remedi�s. Lender sha�l give nQ�i�e to Borrower prior to acceXeration f��lovvix�g Borrower's <br /> breach of any co�enant or agreement�� this Securxty InStrument or the Contrac�under whYch acce�era�i�n <br /> i5 perm�tted �bu�no�prior�a a�ce��rat�on under the se�tian t��led Transfer Qf the Pr�perty�r a B�nef���aX <br /> Interest�n Borr�vver, unl�ss Appl�cable Law pro�ides o�her�vise�. The nv��ce sha�l spec�fy: ta� the �efault; <br /> �b} the ac�ian requxred to �ure the defau�t; �c� a date, n�t Iess than �he n�nimurn number of days <br /> e5tablish�d b�App�icab�e Law from the date the natice�s given �o Borrower,�y v�h��h the d�fau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d� that fa�Iur� to cure the default on or before the date spec�f�ed in the �ot�ce may r�su�t in <br /> ac�elerat�on �f the �ums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty Instru�ent and sale �f the Property. Tv th� extent <br /> permitted by�aw, the r�ati�e �hal�further inform Borrower af the right to re�nsta�e after ac��lera�ion and <br /> the r�ght to bring a court act�Qn to a5s�r�the n�n-existence of a defauZt vr any other defense flf Barrower t� <br /> acce�eratiQn and sa�e.If the defau�t is not cur�d on ar before the date specifi�d in the not�ce,Ilender at its <br /> option may require immediate paymen.t �n full of all sums secured by this Security In�trument �vithaut <br /> fur�her demand and may invvke the power �f sa�e and any o�her remedies perm�t�ed by Ap�licable Law. <br /> To the �xt�n� permitt�d by lav�, Lender shall be entitled to callect a�l expenses �ncurred �� pursuing the <br /> r�rnedies prov�ded in th�.s �e�tion,includ�ng,but nvt limited�o, rea��nable attorney�'fees and�osts af ti�le <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a nQtice of defaul�in each county in vvhx�h any part of <br /> �he Property xs located and shall mai�c�pies of suc�n�ti�e�the�nanner prescribed b�Appli�ab�e Law to <br /> Borrflw�r and to the �ther persons pres�ribed by Applx�able Law. Aft�r the t�m� required by Applieabi� <br /> Law, Trustee sha�� g�v� publ�c nQtice of sale �o the persons and in the manner preser�bed b� App���able <br /> Law.Trustee,w�thou� demand an Barrower, shall sell th�Property at public auc��o�to the hzghest b�dder <br /> at the time and piace and under the terms des�gnated�n the nat�ce of sa�e fn o�e or rriore parcels and�n any <br /> order Trustee determ�nes� Trustee may postpone sa�e of all or any parCe� af the Property by public <br /> announcement a�the time and plac�of any previausly s�heduled 5aie.Lender or its des�gnee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sal�. <br /> �24�4-24�5 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc,8C54-4I92-2415,I 1.3.1�98 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security In�tnzmer�t DL2435 Pa�e�4 af S <br />