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2� 15�8�41 <br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under �his section �ha11 become addi�ianal deb� af Barrotiver secured by �h�s <br /> Secur�ty �nsfirument. Un�ess Barrower and Len.der agree �o ❑�her �erms of paymen�, these amounts sha�I bear <br /> �n�erest from �he date of disbursemen� at �he same rate assessed on advances under �he �on�rac� and shall be <br /> payable,v►ri�h interes�,upan n�tice from Lender t�BarroWer reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspectian. Lender or i�s agen�may make reasanab�e e�.�r�es upon and znsp�ct�ans af the Praper�y. Lerider shall <br /> g�ve B�rrower no��ce at�he�ime of or pri�r to an inspec�ian specifying reasonable Gause for�he inspec�ion. <br /> �andernnation.The proceeds af any award�r claim for damages, d�rect or cansequent�a�, �n cor�nectiar�w�th an� <br /> condemna��o�.�r oth�r takxng af any par�of the Property, or far ca�.veyance �n lzeu �f condemna�ion, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be paid�a Lender. <br /> In the ev�nt �f a �o�a1 �aking af�he Proper�y, the praceeds sha11 be app�ied ta �he sums secured by this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument, whether or not the� due, u�i�h any excess pa�d to Borrovtr�r. �n the ev��t �f a par�ial �a�ng of�he <br /> Proper�y in Wh�ch the fair rnarke�va�ue af the proper�y�mmediate�y befvre the �ak�ng is equa�to or greater than <br /> �he amaun�of the sums secured by�his Securi�y �nstrum.ent �mmediately before the takzng, un�ess Barrower and <br /> Lender a�hervtris�agree�writing,the sums secured by�h�s Secur��y�ns�umen�shall be reduced b�r the amaun�af <br /> �he pr�ceeds mu�t�p�ied by�he follflv�ring fractxon: {a}the tatal arn.oun�of�he sums secured zmamedia�ely b�fore�he <br /> �al�ng, divided by �b} �he fair�narket va�ue af the Property�mmediatei�befor� �he �ak�ng. Any ba�ance sha��b� <br /> paid�o B orrovver. �n �he even�of a par��a� �aking af the Proper�y �n vvhich the fazr marke�value of the Prop�r�y <br /> �mmediately before the �aking is less �han the amount �f�he sums s�cured imumed�ate�y bef�r� the �aking, 11�]�.�55 <br /> Bflrrotiver and Le�.der atherwise agree in wr���ng or unless App��cab�e Law ntherwise pr�v�des, �he praceeds sha�� <br /> b�applied to the sums secured�by�his 5�curzty Ins�rurnen�whe�her�r not�he sums are�hen due. <br /> If trie Proper�y is abandoned by Barrower, or if, after natice by Lend�r�o B�rrower�ha�the condemnor offers�o <br /> make an avvard or set��e a c�a�m f�r damage�, Borra�ver fails�o respond to Lender tiv��lain the minimum number of <br /> days es�ab��shed by Appl�cab�e Lavv af�er the da�.e�he�atice�s g�ver�,Lender is au�h�ri.zed�o collec�and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at ��s optzon, ei�her to res�flratian �r repa�r af�he Properky or to the sums secured by t,his S�cur�ty <br /> Ins�rument,,whe�her or not th�n due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver otherwise agree in writing, any ap�I�cation of proceeds�o principa� sha�I n�t extend <br /> or posfipane the due date af�he payments due ux�der�he Con�rac�or change�he amount af such payments. <br /> Borravver Not Re�eased; F�rbearan�e By Lender N�� a Waxver, Extenszon af the time for paym�n� ar <br /> madzf cation of amortzza�ian of the sums secured by this Secur�ty Yns�rument granted �y Lender tn Borraw�r or <br /> any �uccessar zr� interest of B�rroWer sha�� nat operate �a re�ease �he ��abili�y �f �he original Barrower ar <br /> Barrower's successars in interes�. Lender sha�� no�be required t�commence proceedings aga�ns�any success�r in <br /> interes�ar refuse to ex�end time far payment or a�herwise madzfy amortizatxon�f�he sums secured by�his Security <br /> �ns�rument by reason of any demand made by �he orig�nal Barrower or Borrower's successors zn interest. Any <br /> fQrbearance by Lender �n exercising a�.y right or remedy sha�l�.a�be a vva�ver of or preclude �he exerczse �f any <br /> r�gh�or remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns $ound; Joxnt and Se�vera� Liab����y; Accammodatian Sxgner�. The cflvenan�� and <br /> agreemen�� of this Secur�ty�nstrumen� sha�l bind and benefit�h� su�cessars and ass�gns of Lender and Borrawer, <br /> subj ecti �o �he pravisians af section t�t�ed Transfer af #he Pr�perty �r a Benef�cia� Interest �n Borro,wer. <br /> Borrovver's covenants and agr�emerz�s shall be j�in�and severa�. Any person wh� ca-s�gms�his Securit�r Instrument <br /> bu� has no personal ��abili�ty wrzder the Co�xtirac� ("Accommodatian. 5igner"}: �a� is cows�gning th�s Securi�y <br /> Ins�rumen�. only �a martgage, gran� and c�nvey tha� Accomumodatian S�gner's in�erest in the Praper�y under �he <br /> �erms af �he Security ��.s�rumen�; (b} is no� p�rsona�ly abliga�ed �o pay the sums se�ured by �h�s Security <br /> �nstrument; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and any other B�rrawer may agree�a extend, modify, forbear or make any <br /> acc�mmoda�ions w�.�h regard�a the terms of this Security Instrumen�ar�he Cor��ract wi�hou��hat Accomrn�dation <br /> S�gner's conseri�. <br /> Laan �harges. If the Iaan secured by this Securi�t�r Instrument is sub�ec� ta a �av� wh�ch sets maxzxnum �oan <br /> charges, and�hat�aw�s f nally interpre�ed sa that�he interes�or o�her Iaan charges col�ected or to b� co�lecte�i in <br /> cannect�an wi�h the loan exceed �he permi��ed �imits, �hen: �a} any su�h loan charge shal� be reduced by the <br /> amaun�necessary ta reduce�he charge to �he permitted��mi�s and �b} any sums already c�I�ected fr�m Borrovt�er <br /> wh�ch exceeded pernai�ted lim.��s WiI� be refunded �o Barrower. Lender rnay choase �o make �his refund by <br /> reducing �he pri�cipa� ou�ed under�he Can�ract or by mak�ng a direc�payment to F3orr�vver. �f a r�fund r�duces <br /> princ�pal,the reduction will be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�t under the Cantract. <br /> Notxces. An�r no�ice �fl BorroWer provided for in fhis 5ecur�ty Instz-ument sha�l be given by de��v�ring it ar by <br /> mai�ing��by fzrst c�ass mail ur�less Applicable Lavv requires use of ana#her method. The no�ice sha��be directed�o <br /> the Prflperry Address or any other address Barr�wer des�gnates by notice �� Lender. Borro�ver agrees �o prgv�de <br /> Lender v�rith Borrawer's mos�curr��x�mai�ing address, as �t may change from time--�Q-�ime. Any nat�ce �o Lender <br /> sha��be given by fzrst class mail ta Lender's address sta�ed herein�r any�ther address Lender desigxza�es by not�ce <br /> to B orrower. Any no�ice pravided far in�h�s �ecurity Instrurnen�sha��be d�em.ed ta have been g�ven to B orraWer <br /> ar Lender when g�ven as prov�ded in this paragraph. <br /> Governing Law; Severabili�y.This 5ecur�ty Instrument sha�I be governed by federa��aw arid�he lavvs af the state <br /> af Nebraska. �n the event �hat any provision ar clause af�h�s S ecurxty Ins�rumen� or the Contract c�nfl��ts With <br /> App��cable Law, such conflzc� shal� n��affec� o�her provisions of th�s Security Ins�rument or th� �on�rac�,which <br /> ca�z be given effec�w�thou��ae c�nfl��ting provision. To�his end�he pr�visions of th�s Security Ins�rumen�and�he <br /> �ontrac�are d�clared tfl��severa�b�e. <br /> C�ZD64-2415 Camp�iance Systems,�nc.SC54-4I92-2a15.1 I.3,I098 <br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument T3L2D3G Page 3 af 5� <br />