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2� 15�8598 <br /> f�r the repairs and restara�ion �n a s�ng�e paym�nt or in a ser�es af progr�ss payments as th�wark is <br /> comp�eted. �f th� insuran���r candemna�i�n praceeds are no�suff�cient t� repair or restore�he Proper�y, <br /> Borr�wer�s not re��eved�f Bflrrawer's ob��gat�an far the completion of such repa�r ar restaration. <br /> Lend�r flr�ts agent may make reasonable entries up�n and �nspe�ti�ns�f�he Property. �f�t has r�asonab�e <br /> cause, Lender may �nspec�the interior of the impro�emen�s on�h�Pr�perty. Lender sha�l give Borrower <br /> natzce at the�irne of�r pr�or�o such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable caus�. <br /> 8. Bvrrvwer's Loan App�icat�on. Bflrrnw�r shall be�n defau���f, dur�n��he Loan appiication process, <br /> Borro�er ar any persans or entit�es act�ng a�the dir�c�i�n of Borrawer or w��h Borrower's knawledge or <br /> cansent ga�e ma�erial�y false, mislead�ng, �r�naccurate informati�n or s�a�emen�s �o Lender��r fai�ed to <br /> prov�de Lender with ma�eria� infarma�ian} in c�nne�t�an wi�h �h�Loan. Materia� represez��ations xnclud�, but <br /> a�r�no� ��mite� ta, represen�atxons cancerning BarrQwer's�ccupancy�f the Proper�y as Borro�er's principa� <br /> residence. <br /> 9, P��tect�vn vf Lender's �nter�st �n the Property and Rights Under this Se�u�ity Instrument. If�a} <br /> Borrotiver fails tn perf�rm the covenants and a�r��ments contained zn�his S�curzty �ns�rum�nt, �b} �here is a <br /> �ega�praceed�ng �hat might sign�f�can��y affe�t L�nder's �nt�r�st in the Praperty andlor r�ghts und�r thi� <br /> Secur�t� �nstrumen� �such as a praceeding in bankruptcy, probat�, fnr�ondemna�ion or forfeiture, for <br /> enfarcement of a�ien�rhzch may attain priori�y over this Secur��y �nstrument�r ta enf�rce laws or <br /> regula�ions}, or(c}B�rrawer has aband�ned�he Pr�perty, then Lender may d� and pay f�r whatever is <br /> reasonabl�or appropriate�o protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under th�� ��curity <br /> �ns�rument, �ncluding protec�ing andlor assessing�he value of the Proper�y, and s�cur�ng andlor repairing <br /> �he Prnperty. Lender's action�can inc�ude, but are no�lim�ted to: �a}paying any sums secured�y a��en <br /> wh�ch has pr�or��y o�er thxs S�curi�y �nstrumen�; �b} appearing �n cour�; and�c}pa�ing reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees tfl pr��ect it� interest �n the Property andlar rights under�h�s Security �nstrument, includ�ng i�s se�ured <br /> pasi�ion in a bankrupte�pr�ce�d�ng. Securing the Propert� �ncludes, but is not limited��, entering the <br /> Propert� ta rnake repairs, chang��ocks, rep�a�e ar�aard up doars and w�ndows, drain water from p�pes, <br /> eliminate building or other cod�v�o�at�ons or danger�us con�itions, and ha�e ut�l�ties turned on or�ff. <br /> Althaugh Lender may �ake actian under th���ect�on 9, L�nder da�s n�t ha�e to do so and zs not under any <br /> duty or abliga�ion ta�o s�. �t is agreed tha� Lender ineurs na �iability for not takin� any or a�� act�ons <br /> authar�zed under�h�s Secti�n 9, <br /> An�amounts dist�ursed by Lender und�r this Section 9 sha�l becarne add�t��nal debt�f Borr�wer secure�by <br /> this Securi�y �nstrument, T�ese amounts sha11�ea�inter�st at the Nflte rate from�he da�e of di�bursemen� <br /> and shali be payable, �vith such �n�erest, upon notice fram Lender t�B�rro�aer reques��ng payment. <br /> �f this Secur�ty �ns�rument is an a�eas�ho�d, Borraw�r shall comply with all �he provisions of the��ase. �f <br /> Borra�ver acquzres fee�i��e�o �he Property, the�eas�hold and the fee�itle shail not merge unless Lender <br /> a�rees to the merger�n wr���ng. <br /> '1�. �IJtartgage Insurance. �f Lender requ�red Mor�gage Insurance as a condi��fln�f making the Loan, Barro�aer <br /> shall pay th�premiums re�uired ta maintain the.N.�ar�gage�nsurar�c�in eff�ct. �f, for an�r reason, the <br /> N�ortgage�nsurance c�verage required by Lender ceas�s ta be a�a�labl�fr�m the mortgage�nsurer that <br /> prev��usly prov�ded su�h insurance and Barrovver vWas requ�red��make separately designated payments <br /> toward th�prem�.�ums for Mor�gag�Insurance, Borrower sha11 pay the premzums required to abtain�av�rage <br /> sub�tantially equi�a��nt to the�ort�ag�Insuranc�pre�iously �n effect, at a c�st su�s�an�iall�e�uiva�ent tn <br /> �h���st ta Borrower of th� Mortga�e�nsurance prev�aus�y in effect, from an alternat�mor�gage�nsurer <br /> sex��t��by Lender, If substantial�y equ�valent M�r��age�nsurance caverage is not availabl�, Borrav�er shall <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-�a�r�ie Mael�redc�ie Mac UNEFdRM ENSTRUMENT Form 3D28�ID� <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE�t1302� <br /> Walters Kluwer Financiai 5er�ices Page 8 0�17 <br />