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2� 15�8598 <br /> A�� insurance po�icies required by L.ender and renewals of such po�ic�es sha�l be subje�t �o Lender's right to <br /> d�sapprove such policies, shai� �nclude a standard m�rtga�e clause, and sha�l nam�Lender as mor�ga�ee <br /> andlor as an additional Ioss pa�ee. Lender shall�ave the r�ght��hold�h�pol�cies and renewa��er�i�cates. If <br /> Lender requ�res, Barrower sha11 promp��y gi�e�� Lender all r�c�ipts of paid premium� and renewa�n���ces. <br /> �f Borrower o��ains any farm of insuran�e co�erage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage t�, ar <br /> destruc���n of, �he Proper�y, such poiicy shall include a s�andard mortgage c�ause and shall name L.ender as <br /> mortgag��andlor as an add�tiona� I�ss payee. <br /> �n the e��nt of Ioss, Borrower shail give promp�nat��e to �he insuranc�carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof of Ioss if n�t made promptly by Barrower. Un��ss L.ender and Borrovver��h�rwi�e agree�n <br /> wri�ing, any insuranc�proceeds, whether�r not�he underlying insuran�e was required b�Lender, shall he <br /> applied �a restoration or repair of the Proper��r, �f�he restara�ion or repair is ecana�m�ca��y feasible and <br /> L.ender's secur��y is not lessened. During such repair and restora�ion per�od, I.ender shali hav�e the righ�ta <br /> hold su�h�nsurance pro�eeds unt�� Lender has had an oppor�unity�o �nspect such Property�o ensure�he <br /> wark has been completed�o I.�nder's sa�isfae��an, prawided that such inspec�ion shall be undertaken <br /> promp�Iy. L�nde�r ma�disburse pr�ceed� for th�repairs and res��rat�on in a single pa�m�nt ar in a series�f <br /> progress paymen�s as the work�s completed. Unless an agreement is made in v�riting or App�icab�e Law <br /> re�uires �nterest to be paid on such �nsurance proce�ds, Lender shaii not be requ�r�d�o pa� Borro�er any <br /> �nterest or earn�n�s on such pra�e�ds, Fe�s for pubiic ad�us�ers, �r�ther�hird par��es, reta�ned by Borrower <br /> shall n�t be pa�d out af�he insurance pr�ceeds and shall be the s��e ob��ga�ion of Barraw�r. �f the r�storat�on <br /> or repa�r is n���conomica�ly feas�ble flr Lende�-'s se�urit�would be�essened, the insurance prflce�ds sha�1 be <br /> app�ied�o the sums secured by th�s 5ecurz�y Instrument, �vhe�her or not then due, with the excess, �f any, <br /> paid ta Borr�wer. 5uch insurance prace�ds shali be app���d zn the order provided for in Section 2. <br /> �f Borrower abandon�the Proper��, Lender ma� fi1e, nego��a�e and set�le any a�a�iab�e�nsuran��cla�m and <br /> re�ated matt�rs. If Barrovver does not respond w�th�n 3�days �o a na�ic�from Lender that the insurance <br /> carrier has offered to set�le a claim, then Lender may ne�o�iate and se���e�h�c�aim, The 3�-day per��d w��� <br /> begin�hen the not�ce�s given. In either e�ent, �r�f Lender acquires the Property under Sec�ian 2�ar <br /> atherv�ise, Borrovver hereb�assigns to Lender�a} Borrov�er's r�ghts�o an� �nsurance proceeds in an amount <br /> not ta exceed the amounts unpaid under th�Note or�h�s S�curi�y �nstrument, and �b} any o�her of <br /> Barrower's r�ghts �other�han�he ri�ht to any refund of unearned prem�ums paid b� Borrower�under all <br /> insurance polic�es covering the Prop�rty, insofar as such r�gh�s ar�appl�cable�o�he co�erage of�he <br /> Proper�y. Lender may us�the insurance pr�ceeds eith�r to repair or restore�he Proper�y or t�pa� amounts <br /> unpaid under the No�e or this Security Ins�rument, whether or no�then due. <br /> �. �ecupancy. Borr�wer shall accupy, establish, and use�he Property as Borrower's principal re�idence <br /> within d0 days af�er the ex��ution of�his Securi�y Instrum�nt and shall cflntinue to occup�the Proper��r as <br /> Bnrrower's prin�ipa� res�dence for a�Ieast one year after the date of flccupancy, un�ess Lender o�h�rwise <br /> agr��s �n�vrit�ng, whzch�onsent shal�no�be unreasonably withheld, or unless e��enuating circums�ances <br /> exist�h�ch are beyond Borrower's con�r�X. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, [V�aintenance and Prote�tivn of th� Prnperty; �nspectivns. B�rrower shall nat destray, <br /> damage or impa�r the Prop�r�y, aiiow the Praper�y ta deter�orate or convmit waste on the Proper�}�. 'L�Thether <br /> or not Borrower�s re�id�ng in t�.�Property, Borrower shall mainta�n the Proper�y in order�o pre�ent the <br /> Proper�y from de�eriora�ing ar decreasing in�value due�o i�s cond�t�on. Un�ess it is determined pursuan��o <br /> Sec��on 5 tha�repa�r ar restorat�on is no�ec�nomicall� feasib�e, Borr�wer sha1�prompt�y repair�he Propert� <br /> if damaged ta a��id further d�terioration or damage. If insurance or ctindemnation proc�eds are paid �n <br /> ca��ne�t�on vvith damage toy or the tak�ng of, th� Property, Borr�wer sha��be responsible for repairin�or <br /> res�oring the Prflper�y an�� if Lend�r has released proc�eds for�uch purpos�s. Lender ma�disburse proc��ds <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP[g] VMP6{N�)[i 3��3 <br /> Woiters Kluwer�ir�ar�Giat 5er�ices Page 7 of�7 <br />