2� 15�84��
<br /> In�urance. �`rrantor�rornises�to k�ep the Praperty insured agaxns�such risks and xn such form as may wrthYn
<br /> the sale discretian �f Lender �e acceptable, caus�ng Len�er ta be named as loss payee �r if reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, as mor�gagee. The insurance c�mpany shall be chosen by Grantor suhj e�t ta Lender's approva�,
<br /> which shall not be unreasonably withheld. A11 insuranGe policies must pra�ide that Lender v�i11 ge� a
<br /> minimum of 1�days notice pri�r to�ancellati�n.At Lender's discreti�n,Gran�or may be required ta pradu�e
<br /> receipts of paid premiums and renewal policies.If Grantor fails to obtain the required co�erage,Lender may
<br /> do so at�rantor's expense. �rantar hereb�directs each and e�ery insur�r of the Property ta make paym�nt
<br /> af lass ta Lender vvi�h the proceeds t� �� applied, only at Lerider's apti�n, ta the repair and replacemen�❑f
<br /> the damage or los� Qr �� be applied ta the I�debtedness with the surplus, if any, to be paid by Lender to
<br /> Grrantor. �
<br /> Payment of Taxes and �#her Applicable Charge5. Gra.�tor promises t� pay and to discharge lrens,
<br /> enGuml�ran�es, taxes, assessments, lease payments and any ��her charges relating to the Pr��erty when
<br /> �eWied or assessed against Grantar or th�Properry.
<br /> En�ironmental LawS and Hazardous ar Toxic Materials. Gran�or and e�ery tenant have been, are
<br /> presently and sha11 cantinu� ta �e in strict cornpliance' with any applicable lacaly 5�a.�G and federal
<br /> environrnental laws and regulations.Further,neither�rantor nor an�tenant sha11 manufac�ure, store,handle,
<br /> discharge or disp�se of hazardous �r t�xic materials as ma�r be defined by any state or federa� 1a�v on the
<br /> Pr�pe�-�y, excep� tQ the extent th� existence of su�h mater�a�s has heen presently �ise�osed in wr�t�r�g ta
<br /> Lender. �rant�r wi11 immediately notify Lender in v�rrit�ng oF any asser�ian❑r�laim made b�any party as to
<br /> the pvssible Wivlation af applicable stat� and federal enviranmental Iaws xncluding �he location af �ny
<br /> hazard�us �r taxic materia�s an ar abvut t�e Proper�y. Grantor indemnifies and holds Lender harmless firom,
<br /> vvithout 1imi�atiQn, any liability or expense of whatsvever nature incurred directly ar indirectly ❑u��f or in
<br /> connection wi�h: �a�any en�ironmental laws affecting aI1 or any part�f the Proper�y or Grantor; (b}the past,
<br /> present or future exis�ence af any hazardous materia�s in, on, under, abaut, ar emanat�ng from or pas�ing
<br /> through the Property �r any part thereof or any proper�y ac�j acent �here�o; �c} any pas�, present or future
<br /> hazardous acti�ity at or in �onnection vtiri�h the Proper�y or any part there�f; and �d}the nancompliance �y
<br /> Grant�r or Grant�r's failure�o camply ful�y and timely w�th environmental laws.
<br /> Financial Information. Grantor agrees ta supply Lender such fuzan��al and other information concerning
<br /> its affairs and the status of any of i�s assets as Lender, firom time to ti_me, may reasonal�ly request. Gran��r
<br /> further agrees ta permit Lender to �erify accounts as well as to inspeGt, copy and to e�amine the b��ks,
<br /> recards a.nd fiies�f�ran�or.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender or Lender's a�ents sha11 ha�e the r�ght and access to inspect�he Proper�y
<br /> a� a11 reasvnable times ua order to attend to Lender'� inter�s�s and ensure compliance with the terms of th�s
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument. If�he Property, ar any par� ther�of, shall re�uire inspectivn, repair or maintenance
<br /> wh�ch Grantor has faited�a provide, Lender, af�er reasonab�e notice, rnay enter upon�h� Prope�ty�a effec�
<br /> such o�ligatian; and the cQst thereof sha�1 be added�a the Indebtedness and paid on Lender's demand by
<br /> �rantor.
<br /> ASSI�NMENT QF LEASES AND RENTS. As additianal security for the payment of the�ndebtedness and the
<br /> perfarmance of the �avenants contained herein, �rantnr hereby assigns and transfers o�er to Lender al� rents,
<br /> income and profits �"Ren�s"} under any present or future leases, subleases or liGenses of the Pr�perry, in�luding
<br /> any g;uaranties, extensr�ns, amendments or renev�r�ls thereof, firom the use af the Property. Sa long as Grantor is
<br /> not in default, Grantor may reGei�e, colle�t and enj oy all Rents a�cruing from the Property,bu�not more than on�
<br /> manth in advance of the due date. Lender may also requ�re Grant�r, tenant and any other user of the Fr�perty ta
<br /> make payments of Rents directly to Lender. However, by receivin,g any such payments, Lender is not, and shall
<br /> not he cons�dered, an agent for any party or enti�y. Any amau�ts col�ected may, at Lender's sflle discretion, be
<br /> applied t�pr�tect Lender's interest in the Praperty,including bu#not limited�❑the payment of taxes and insurance
<br /> premiums and to �he Inde��edne�s. At Lender's sale discrexian, all leases, subleases and li�enses mus� first b�
<br /> appro�ed�y Lender.
<br /> �UNDEMNATI�N. Grantor sha1�give Lender natice of any action taken or threatened to he taken b�private or
<br /> pu�lic entit�es to apprapriate the Properry or any part thereaf, through condemnation, eminent d�main ar any
<br /> �2�p4-2415 Campliance 5ystems,Inc.914f7�de-Occeebcc-2015.3.4.913 �
<br /> Cammerciat Re�t Estate Securi[y Instrum�n[-DLA407 Fage 3 aF8 www.compfiar�cesystems.��m
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