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2� 15�84�� <br /> RELATED DQ�'IJMENTS. The words "Related I)acuments" meat� aIl promissory na�es, se�urity agreements, <br /> priar mortgages, prior deeds af trust, prior deeds to secur� debt, L7L151ri�5S loan agreements, construction l�an <br /> agreements, resa�utions, guaran�ies, environmenta� agreements, su�ordination agree�nents, assignments of leases <br /> ar�d rents and any �ther documen�s or agreements executed in connectian with this Indebtedness and Security <br /> Instrument, v�hether naw or hereaf�er existing, in�luding any modifieatiions, extens�ons, substitutions ar renewa�s <br /> af any af the f�regoing. The Re�ated Dacument� are hereby made a par�of thrs 5��urity�Instrument �y referen�e <br /> thereto,with the same farce and effe�t as if fully set farth herein. <br /> INDEBT�DNESS. This Se�urity Ynstrument secures the principal am�unt shown abo�e as may be evidenced by <br /> � prom�ssory no�e or notes of even, prior or subsequent date he�eto, including future advanGes and every ather <br /> indek�tedness of any and every kind no�v vr hereafter owing firom Grace I�utheran Chur�h alkla The Grace <br /> Lutheran �hurch alkla Grace Luth�ran �hurch af W ovd Ri�er, Ne�raska t� Lu�heran Church Extension Fund - <br /> Missouri Synud, ho�vsoever crea�ed or aris�ng, �rhether prirnary, secondary Qr con�ingen�, �agether vvith any <br /> interest or charges provided in or arising out of such indebtedness, as well as�he agreements and covenants af this <br /> Security Instrument and a11 Re�at�d Documen�s (hereinafter all referred to as the"Indebtedness"�. <br /> 1VIATURITY DATE. The Indebtedness, if nat paid earlier,shall be due on December�,2�35. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. To�he extent permitted by lavv, this Security Instrument wi�l secure future advances as <br /> if such advances were made on the date of this Security Instrurnent regardiess of the fact that from time to time <br /> there may be na balance due under the note and regardless �f vvhether Lender is obligated to make such future <br /> advances. <br /> WARRANTIES. Gran�or, far i�se�f, its heirs, persona� representatives, successors, and assigns, represents, <br /> warrants, covenants and agrees with Lender,its�u�cessors and assigns, as fallows: <br /> Performance of U�l�gations. Gran�or promis�s tfl perform al� terms, conditions, and cavenants of th�s <br /> 5ecurit�r Instrument and Relat�d Documents in accordance wi�h the terms containe�thereir�. <br /> �efense at��d'3['i��e�o P�ap���y.A�the t�ne of executian and de��very of thxs ins�rument, �rantor is �awfu��y <br /> seis�d vf the estate hereby c�nveyed and has the exclusive righ�to mortgage, grant, canvey and assign the <br /> Prope�-�y. Grantor co�enants that �he Pr�perty is unencumbered and free af a�� liens, except far <br /> encumbrances of record accep�ab�e to Lender, Further, Gran�or cov�nan�s that�Grantar �r��� warrant and <br /> defend generally the ti�le to th�Property against any and all claims and demands v�hatsa�ver, subject�o the <br /> easements, restrictions, or other encumi�rances of recard acceptable to Lender, as may be listed in �he <br /> sehedu�e af exceptians ��co��rage in�ny a�bstract of�xt�e or tit�e insurance pa�xcy insurin� Len�er's interest <br /> in the Prop�r�y. <br /> �ondition of Property. �`rrantor promises at all tirnes to preser�e and tv maintain the Property and every <br /> part thereaf in go�d repair, working arder, and con�ition and will from time to tiime, make a11 needful and <br /> pr�per repairs so that the Waiue of the Fraperty sha�1 not in any v�ay be impaired. <br /> ��mavat of any i'ar� af th� Property. �ran�or pr�mises not tv r�mov� any part of the �roperty from its <br /> present loca�ion, except for replacement,maintenanCe and r�lo�ation in th�ordinary course�f busir�ess. <br /> Alteratians to the Property. Grantor pr�mises to abs�ain from the commissian of any waste an or in <br /> connection �ith �he Property. Fu�-�her, �rantar shall make no materia� �.lterati�ns, additians ar <br /> rmprovernents �f any type whatsoe�er to the Property, regardless of v�hether su�h alterations, additians or <br /> improvements would increase the va�ue of the Property, n�r permit anyane t� do so except far tenant <br /> impro�ernents and completian�f items pursuant to approved plans and spe��fications,wi�hout Lender's prior <br /> written consent, vvhich cansent may be withheld��Lender in its sole drscretian, Grantor wi11 camply wrth <br /> a11 laws .and regu�ations of a11 public authorities ha��ng jurisdictian over the Pr�perty including, v�rithaut <br /> limitation, those to �he use, occupan�y and maintena�nce thereof and shail up�n request promptly <br /> submit to Lender evidence of such compliance. <br /> Due an Saie-Lender's Cansent. �`rrantar shat�na�s�tt,fu�t-�her encumber o�•otherwise dispose of,except as <br /> herein prov�ded, any or ali �f its interest �n any par� of or all of the Froperty without first obtair�in� the <br /> v�rrtten cons�nt �f Lender. If any encumbrance, 1ien, transfer or sale or agreement far �hese �s created, <br /> Lender may declare immed�ate��r due and payab�e,the entire ba�ance af the Indehtedness. <br /> ��fl04-2015�nmplian�e Syst�ms,Inc.91�f14de-Ucceebco-20]5.3.0,913 <br /> Commercial Rcal Estate Security Instrument-DL4�Q7 Page 2 af 8 <br />