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2� 15�8425 <br /> Transfer of th�Pr�perty or a Ber�efic��I I�t�r�st�n Barr�vve�. If ali ar any p��rt�f the Property or any inter�st <br /> in �t is so�d or transferred ��r �f a benefi��al in�erest in Borrov�er �s sold or trE�nsferred and Borrower �s n�� a <br /> na�ural persan� withaut Ler�der's pri�r wr��ten c�nsen�, L�nder may, at ��s op���:�, requ�re �mmed�ate payment in <br /> fuli of a�� sums se�ured by �his Securit� �nstrumen�. However, this op��on shaL� no� be exer�lsed by Lender if <br /> exercise}s prahib��ed��federal Iav�as of�he date af�his S�c��rity�nstrument. <br /> �f Lender exercxses this ���i�n, Lender shal� give Borr��v�r notice of accelera.�i�n. The not�ce shal� pr��ide a <br /> p <br /> eriod af no� Iess than the min�mu�n nurnber of days established by Appl�cabie Law from the da�e the no��ce �s <br /> deli�ered flr ma�led wi�hin whi�h B�rrower must pay al� sums secur�d by thi� Se�urity �nstrumen�. �f Borrower <br /> fa�Is �� a �hese sums prior to �he e�.pira�ion of this period, L.ender may �n��ke any remedie� permitted by �h�s <br /> � Y <br /> Secur�ty Instru�n.ent rn���hou�fur�her no�ic�vr demand an Barrntiver. <br /> Barrower's R�ght to �teinsta�e. �f Borrovver meets �er�a�n c�nditions, Sorra�i�er shal� have the right �o have <br /> enftircement of this Securi�y �ns�rument d�scontinued at any time prior�o the earlier of: (a� S days �ar such�ther <br /> p�riad as Appl��able Law may spe�ify for reins�a�ement}befare sale�f�he Pr�pflr�y pursuant t�an�pov�er of sa�e <br /> can�ained in this Securi�y Ins�rumen�; ar (b} entiy af a judgmen� enforc�ng th�s Security Instrument. Those <br /> �ondi��ons ar� that B�rrower: �a� pays L�nc�er a�I sums wh��h then v�ould be d��e under�h�s S�curi�y Instrumen� <br /> and the Contra��as�f no acc�leration had�ccurred;�b}cures any defau���f any ather coven�.n�s or agreements;�c� <br /> pays aI�expenses incurred in enforcing�his Secur��.y�ns�rume��, including,bu�nt��Iim��ed�o,reasonab�e at�orneys' <br /> f�es�a�he extent permi�ted�y law; and�d}fiakes such act�on as Lender may re�.s�nably require ta assure tha�the <br /> �ien of�his Security rnstrumemt, Lender's rights ���he Praperty and Borrower's�bliga�i�n to pay the sums se�ured <br /> by �h�s Se�urity �nstrument shall continue unchanged. Up�n reins�a�emen�by�orro�ver, th�s Security �ns�:rum�nt <br /> and�he obliga��ons secured hereby shall remain fu�ly effec�ive as if n� accel�ra.�ion had o��urred. �ovve�er, �his <br /> right to reinstate sha�i not apply in the case of ac�eleration under�he secti�n�i��ed Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Benef��iai Interest in�vrrow�r. . <br /> Hazardous Substanc�s. B�rr�wer sha1�no�cause or permit�he presen�e,use, d.ispasal, starage, or re�eas�af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on ar in�he Proper�y.Borrav�er s��a1�no�do,nor a�iaw a�;yone��se ta da,any�h�ng aff�C�ing <br /> the Proper�y tha� is in �i�la�itir� �f any Environm�n�a1 Lavv. The preceding t��� sen�ences shal� n�� apply to the <br /> presence,use,flr s�arage on th�Property of s�atl quantities of Hazardous Subs�ances that are generally re��gn��ed <br /> to be appropriate to normal resident�al uses and ta ma�n�enance of the Pr�perty. <br /> Borrower sha1�pramp�ly gi�e Lender written no��ce of any��vestigat��n, c�a�m, ��emand,Iav�suit flr�ther act��n by <br /> any go�ernmental or regula�ary ag�ncy or pri�ate party �n�a�v�ng�he Pr�pert�y and any Hazard�us Substan�e �r <br /> Environmental Law �f which B�rrav�er has a�tua� kna«rledge. If Borr�v��:r �earns, o�r is not�fied b� �.n� <br /> ga�ernme�n�a��r regulatory au�hority,�hat any remn�a�or other remediatian�f a.ny Hazardous Subs�an�e affee�in� <br /> the Property is ne�essary, Borr�w�r shali pr�mp�Iy take all necessary rem��dial ac��ons �n ac�flrdanc� with <br /> En��r�nmen�al Lavv. � <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Ha2ardous Substances" ar��has� substances definec�as�oxi� or hazardous substances <br /> b� En�iranmen�a� Law and the fol�ov�ring substances: gas�l�ne, kerosen�, o� flammable flr toxic p�troleum <br /> products, taxic pesticides and herbicid�s, �oia��le so�vents, ma�erials c�n�a�ni��g asbestos ar formaldehyde, and <br /> radi�a��ive materials. As used in this paragraph, "En�ironmenta�La�v" means fed�rai laws a�d�aws of the s�a�e af <br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate to health,safety or�n��ronmen�al pro�ectian. <br /> Accelera�ion; Remed�es. Lender sha�l gi�e na�ice to Barrawer priar t� a�ce�eration foZ�awing �orrower's <br /> breach of any cu�enan�ar a�reemer�t in�his Security Ins�rument or the��ntract und�r which accexerat�on <br /> is permit�ed �but not prior to a�cel�r�ti�n und�r th�sect�an t�t�ed Transf��r of�h�Proper�y or a B�n�ficia� <br /> In#ere�� in Borrower, uniess App�ica�le Law pravides o��ervv��e�. The nat ic� shai� specify: ta� th� defaul�; <br /> �b} �he act�on required to� cure the defau�t; (c} a date, no� Iess than �he minimum number of days <br /> es�ablished by App�i�ab�e Law fram the da��the no�ic�is g��en to]Borrov�+�r, by which the default mus�be <br /> cured; and �d} that failure ta cure �he defau�� on o�- b�fore the da�e �pe�:�fied�in the notice �nay �esul� in <br /> acceleratifln of the �ums secur�d b� tta�s Security Instrument ar�d sale �f the Prop�r�y. To �h� �x��nt <br /> p�rmitted by IavW, the notic� 5ha�1 fur�h�r inform ��rrow�r of the righ� fo reins�a�e aft�r acc��era�inn �nd <br /> the right t�br�ng a cour�actifln to asser�the non�-e�is�e�c�o�a defaul�or a�ny ot�er defense of Sorro�ve�to <br /> accei�ratian and sal�. �f th�defau�t�s no�cured �n �r before �he date spec�if�ed in �he notic�,Lender at �ts <br /> vptfon ma� require imm�diate paym�n� in full of al� sums secur�d by ���is Security Instrum���t with�ut <br /> further demand and may in��ke the �avver of sal� �md any o�her remed�e:s perm�tt�d by Appli�ab�e Law. <br /> To the extent permi�ted by Iaw, Lenc�er shal� �e en���led t� collect a11 e��pens�s incurred �n pursuing the <br /> r�medies provided in this Se�ti�n, including, bu� n�t limited t�, reasflnable attorneys' fees and cost�of ti�le <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the povver�f�ale is invok�d,'T`ruste�shall��cord a noti�e of defau�t in �:ach cQu�aty in whi�h �ny part af <br /> the Proper�y is lacated and shal�m�il �opies of such natic�in �he manner��rescribed by Applicab��Lavw to <br /> Borrower and to th� �ther persans pr�scribed by A�p�icable 1:..�aw. After �he time required by App�ic�ble <br /> � Law, Trustee sha�� gi►v� puhlic not�c� of sa�e to the p�rsons and in the manner pres�ri��d �� App�i�ahte <br /> Law. Trust�e,withou�demanc� on Borr�wer,sha�i sel�the Praperty at pr�k�lic auction t�the highe�t 1�id�Qr <br /> at the�ime and place and under the terrr�s de5�br�at�d in�he notice❑f sa�e i���ne or more parceis�.nd in any <br /> order Trustee de�ermines. YI`rustee may pos�pnne s��e �f a�� or any parcel �f the Property by pu���c <br /> announ�ement at th�tirne and p�ace of an�pre�i�usly scheduied sale.Len��er or its d��igne�may purchase <br /> the lProperty��any sale. <br /> lJpan re�e�pt of payment af the pri�� b��, Tru�tee sha�� de�i�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed c�nveying <br /> the lProperty. The reci�a�s i�� the Trus�e�'�de�d shai��e pr�ma f�cie evider�ce of the truth of#he s�atem�nts <br /> C�2a44-2415 Cornpliance Systems,Inc.8C54-S�E7-Z�1 S.l 1.3,t fl98 <br /> Consurx;er Real Esta€e-Security Ynstruznent DL2036 Pade 4 af 5 www.�arc� <br />