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2� 15�8425 <br /> interes� from the da�e af dis�ursemen� at �he sa�ne ra�e assessed on advances under the �an�rac� and shall be <br /> payab�e,�vxth in�eres�, upan no�i��from Lender�o Sorra�er request�ng paymen�. <br /> Inspectian. Lender or ��s agen� may make reasanab�e en�ri�s up�n and inspecti�ns �f�he Proper�y. Lender shali <br /> gi�e Barrower no�ice a��he time of or prior t�an inspection specifying reas�nable cause far�he inspe�tion. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The praceed.s of any avvard or c�aim for damages, d�rect or cansequent�al, �n connection v�i�h any <br /> cflndemna��an or o�her�aking of any par� af the Proper�, or for con�eyance xn Iieu of c�ndemna�ion, are ��er��by <br /> assigned and shal�be pa�d�o Lender. <br /> �n the e�en� af a ��ta� �ak�ng of�he Pr�perty, �he prflc�eds �hal1 be applied �o �he �ums secUred by �h�s Security <br /> Ins�rumen�, whe�her �r not then due, w�th any excess paid �o Borr�vver. In �he event of a part�a� taking �f the <br /> Praper�y in wh��h �l�e fair marke� value of�he Praperty �mmed�a�eiy before �he �aking �s ec�ual �o �r gr�a�er than <br /> �he am�un� of�he sums se�ured by �hxs Secur�ty I�strumen� �mmed�a�ely before the ta�ing, unless Borr��ver and <br /> Lender other�vise agr�e in wr�ting,�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y�ns�rument shal�be reduced b��he amaunt�f <br /> �he proceeds mul�ipli�d by the f���ov�ing frac�ion: �a}�he�ota� amaun�of�he sums secured immed�a�ely�befare�he <br /> �ak�ng, d�vided by �b} the fa�r marke� �a�ue af�he Property immedia�e�y before �he taking. Any ba�ance sha�l be <br /> paid �o Barrower. �n the even� of a par�ial �a��ng af�he Property in wh��h the fair marke� �a�ue of the Property <br /> xmmed�ately before the tak�ng �s less than �he amoun� of��e sums secured immed�a�ely before �he �ak�ng, unless <br /> Barrov�er and Lender o�herr�vise agree �n vv�-�ting or un�ess Applicab�e Law a�herv��se pravides, �he pr�ce�ds shal� <br /> be applied�a the sums secured by this Securi�y�nstrumen��hether ar no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> Zf���e Pr�perty is abandaned by B�rrow�r, ar�f, after no�ice by Lender�o Borrower�ha�the c�ndemnor offers ta <br /> mal�e an award or se���e a�laim for damages, Borrower fa��s ta respan�to Lender vv��h�n �he m�nimum number of <br /> days esta���shed by Appl�cable Law after the da�e the x�o�ice�s given, Lender�s auth�rized to cp��ec�and app�y the <br /> proceeds, at i�� opt�an, e�ther �n rest�ration nr repair of�he Property or to the sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rumen�,vvhether or no�then due. <br /> Unless Le�der and Borro�ex�thervv�se agree �n wri��ng, any appl�cation of proceeds t�pr�n.cipa� shaii nat e��end <br /> or postpone�he due da�e of�he pa�men�s due under the�on�rac�flr change the amount af such paymen�s. <br /> Borrflv+ver Nu� Re�eased; Fnr�earance �y Lender Nat a 'L�ai�er. Extension of the ��me f�r payment ar <br /> modif ca��on of amart�za��on �f the sums secured by �his Secur��y �nstrument gran�ed by Lend�r �o Borrowver or <br /> any successor in �n�eres� of Borrav�rer sha11 not opera�e to re�ease the ��ab�l��y �f �he original Barravver �r <br /> B�rrov�er's successors in �n�erest. Lender sha�l nnt be required�fl commer�ce pra�eed��gs agains�any successor�n <br /> in�eres�or refuse to extend�ime for paymen�nr otherw�se modify amor�iza�ion of�he sums secur�d by�his Secur��y <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason of any dernand made by the arigina� I3arro�er ar �3orr�wer's successors �n �n�eres�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exer�ising any right ar remedy �hatl no�be a waiver of or.prec�ude �he exercise of an� <br /> r�ght ar remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Boun�; Jo�nt �nd Se�vera� L�ab�l��y; Ac�ammodatian Signer�. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreements af th�s Secur��y Ins�rument shai� �bind an� benefit til�e success�rs and ass�gns of Lender and Borravver, <br /> subject to �h� provisions of sec��an ��tled Transfer nf �he Praperty �r a Benef�c�al �n�eres� in B�rravv�r. <br /> Borra�verTs cavenan�s and agreemen�s sha�l be�oin�and sewera�. .A.ny persan�vha ca-signs�his Securi#y�ns�rumen� <br /> bu� has n� persona� Iiab�Ii�y under �he �on�ra�� �"Accommoda�ian Signer"�: �a} is c�-s�gning this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rum.ent on�y t� martgage, grant and Gfln�ey �hat .A.ccornmodati�on S�gner's in�er�s� in �he Property under tihe <br /> terms of �he Securxt,y Instrumen�; �b� is �o� personal�y obIiga�ed to pay the sums se�ured by th�s Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen�; and�c� agrees�hat Lender and any a�her Barrovver may agree t� ex��nd, mfld�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accommodatxans vvi���regard to the�erms of�this Se�ur�ty Instrumen�or the ��n�ract w�thau��ha�Acc�mmoda�i�n <br /> Signer`s consent. <br /> I��an Charges. If the �oan secured by �his Security In�trumen� �s subject �o a la� which se�s maximum �oan <br /> �harges, and that taw is f nal�y �n�erpreted so that the �nteres�ar o�her l�an charges collec�ed or#a be c�llected in <br /> c�nnec�i�n vv�th �he loan e�ceed �he permit�ed ��mi�s, then: �a} any such lnan charge shatl be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary to reduce the charge �o�he permi�ted l�m�ts and �b) any sums already callec�ed firo�n Borrov�er <br /> which exceeded perm��ted limi�s v��l� be refunded �o B�rrflwer. Lender may ch�ose to mak� �h�s refund by <br /> reducing�he princ�pal owed und�r�he Cantrac� or by making a d�rect payment fo B�rra�ver. �f a refund reduces <br /> prin�ipal,th.e reduc�ion wi��be�reated as a par��al prepayment u��der the�ontract. <br /> Not�ces. Any no���e �o Borrovver pra�rided for �n th�s Se�ur��y �ns�rumen� sha�l be g�ven by de��vering �� or by <br /> mailing��by frs�class mai�un�ess Appl�cable Lav�reau�res use af ana�h�r metihod. The������e shall be directed�� <br /> �he Pr�per�y Address or any oth�r address B�rr�wer designa�es by nfltxce �� Lender. Borrawer agre�s ta pr�v�de <br /> Lender wi�h B�rr�wer's mos� current mai��ng address, as ��may change fram �ime-�o-�ime. An�no��ce �o Lender <br /> shal�be g��en by f rs�c�ass ma�l to Lender`s address stated here�n�r any��her address Lender designates by no�ice <br /> ta Bnrrawer. Any n�tice prav�d�d for in th�s Secur��y Instrumen�sha11 be deemed�o haWe been gi�en�� Borr��ver <br /> �r Lender when given as prov�ded�n�h�s paragraph. <br /> Ga�erning Law; Se�erab���ty.This Secur��y�nstrumen�shal�be governed by federal �avv and�he�av�s of�he state <br /> af Nebras�a. �n the even� �ha� any prflv�sion or c�ause of th�s Security Ins�rumen� or ���e C�n�ra�t conf��c�s wi�h <br /> App�icab�e Law, such canflic� shal� not affect o�her pro�is�ons af this Secur��y Ins�rument or�he Con�rac� vvhich <br /> can be g�ven effect�ithou��he c�nfl�ctzng pro�ision. Ta�his end the provisions�f this Securi�.y Ins�rumen�and�he <br /> ��ntrac�are declared ta be s�verable. <br /> B�rr�wer's Copy.Barrower shal�b�g��en�ne c�py�f th�s Secur�#:y Instrumen�. <br /> �20Q4-2Q1 S Co�np�iar�ce Sysfems,Ir�c.SC54-BDE7-ZQi 5.]1,3.I09$ <br /> Coz�suzner Reaf Estate-Security�nstrument DL243G i'age 3 of 5 www.�ompliancesystems.cflm <br />