<br /> " 2� 15�84�4
<br /> Loan Na: 'I��29�498 �Continued} Page 3
<br /> in�erests in �he Property are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may require Trus�or to post adequate.se�urity �r a surety
<br /> band, reasonably satis�acfiory�o Lender,�a p�r�tect Lender`s in�erest.
<br /> Duty tv Protect. Trustor agrees neither �o abandon or �ea�e unattended the Property. Trustar shall dv all ❑�her
<br /> acts, in addttion ta those acts set far�h abo�e in�his sec�ian, which from the character and use❑f the Property are
<br /> reasonably ne�essary to pro�ec�and preserWe the Property.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSENT SY LENDER. Lender may, at Lende�-'s vptivn, declare immed�ately due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by this ❑eed o�Trust upvn the sale❑r�transfer, withou�Lender's privr writt�n consent, ❑f all or any part v��he
<br /> Rea1 Property, or any interest in the Rea1 Property. A "sale ar t�ransfer" means the con�eyan�e ❑f Real Prvperty ❑r any
<br /> right, �i�le ❑r infie�est in �he Real Praperty; whe�her legal, beneficiaE or equitable; whether �oiun�ary ar in�vluntary;
<br /> whether by outright sale, d��d, installment sale cvn�rac�, land contract, contract far deed, leasehvld in�erest with a
<br /> term greater than�hree t3� years, lease-option contract, ❑r by sale, assignmen�, or transfer vf any hene�iciaC �nt�r�st in
<br /> ❑r�ta any iand trust holding �itle�v�he Real Properky, ❑r by any �the� method of cvnveyance ❑�F an interest in the R�aI
<br /> Prope�ty. Hawe�er, this aptian shali not b� exer�ised by Lender if su�h exercise is prohibited by federal 1aw ❑r by
<br /> Nebraska law. � -
<br /> TA�ES AND L�ENS. The fvllvwing prv�isi�ns relating to the taxes and liens on the Prvperty are part of�his Deed o#
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Paymen�. Trus�or-shall pay when du� {and in all e�en�ts prior�� delinqu�ncy� all taxes, special tax�s, assessments,
<br /> charg�s {in�luding water and sewe�y, fines and impasitions le�ied agains� or on account af�he Property, and.shall
<br /> pay when due all ciaims for work done on vr�or services rendered ❑r material furnished to the Property. Trus�vr
<br /> shaf� maintain the Proper�y free o�all liens ha�ing priori�y o�er vr equal t❑fihe in�erest v�Lender under this Deed af
<br /> Trust, except far the lien ❑f taxes and assessments nat due, excep� for the Existing Indei�tedness referr�d �a
<br /> � below, and except as ofiherwise pro�ided in this Deed vfi Trust.
<br /> Right tv Cvn�est. Trustor may withhvld payment of any�ax, assessment, vr claim in connec��on with a g��d fai�h
<br /> dispu�e ❑�er the obiiga�fiivn fio pay, so I�ng as Lend�r's infierest in�he Property is not jeopardized. lf a lien arises vr
<br /> is fifed as a result of nvnpayment, Trustor shall within f�fteen {�5� days after the lien arises or, if a lien is �iled,
<br /> wifihin �ifteen {'i 5� days a�t�r Trustor has nati�e af�he �iling, secure the discharge o�the lien, or if requested by
<br /> Lender, depos�t with Lender cash❑r a sufficient carporate sure�y bond or other securi�ty sa�is�ac�ory to Lender in an
<br /> amount su�ticient to discharge the li�n plus any cas�s and at�orneys' fees, o�-❑ther charges tha�could ac�rue as a
<br /> resuEt��a fore�losure or saie under�he lien. ln any contesfi, Trus�or shaC� defend �tself and Lender and sha�E satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment befiore enfor�ement against the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additivna� vbligee
<br /> under any sure�y bvnd furnished in the cvn�esfi proceedings.
<br /> Evidence vf Payment. Trustor shall upvn demand furnish t❑ Lender sa�isfactory evidence o�payment af�he�axes
<br /> v�- assessments and shall authorize the apprapriate gv�ernmental offEcia!�a deli�er ta Lender at any time a written
<br /> statement o�F�he tax�s�and asssssments against the Praperty.
<br /> Notice vf Consfruc�ion. Trusta�-sha�l notify Lende�r at Eeast fifteen ��5� days before any work is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are�urnished, ar any materials are supplied to the Property� if any mechanic's Eien, ma�erialm�n's lien, ❑r
<br /> ❑ther lien could be asserted vn accaunt ��the work, ser�ices, vr materials., Trustor wi�l u�an �eques� o� Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sat�s�a�tory �o Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cost v� such
<br /> im�ro�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The�follawing pra�isions relating tv insuring the Property are a part of th�s Deed vfi
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 11Jlaintenance of Insurance. Trustvr sha�� pracure and main�ain po�icies o� fire �nsurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage end�rsemen�s on a �air �aEue basis �vr �he full insurable �atu� coWering a!I lmpra�ements on fihe ReaE
<br /> P�-operty in an amount su�f�Fi�ien� �o a�oid application o� any coinsuran�e �fause, and with a s�andard mor�gagee
<br /> clause in fa�or of Lender. Trustar shafE also procu�-e and main�ain camprehensi�e general liability insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender }�eing named as addit�anai insureds in such
<br /> liability insurance pol�cies. Additiona�ly, Trusfivr shall maintain such oth�r insurance, including bu� not limified ta
<br /> hazard, husiness interrup�ivn, and baifer insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Palicies shall be written in
<br /> fo�m, am�unts, ca�erages and hasis �easonabfy acceptabfe ta Lender and issued by a company vr companies
<br /> reasonably ac�ep#able �❑ Lender. Trustor, upon request o� Lender, will d�li�er to Lender from time to time the
<br /> pa�icies v�cer�ifica�es of insuran�e in form satisfacfivey tv Lender, in��uding stipu�afiions�hat cv�erages,will nv� be
<br /> cancelfed or diminished withou� a� least ten ���} days priar written nvfiice tv Lender. Each insurance policy alsa
<br /> sha�! inc�ude an endorsement praviding that co�erage in�a�or o�Lender wt�� not be impaired �n any way by any act.
<br /> omission �r defauCt af Trustar ❑r any other person. Shauld the Reaf Prvperty he iocated in an area designated by
<br /> �he Administrator vf the Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency as a specia� �tood hazard area, T�-ustvr agrees�o
<br /> abtain and main�ain Federal Fla�d Insurance, if aWailable, within 45 days after not�ce is gi�en by Lender that the
<br /> Property is located in a spe�ial flvvd hazard area,far the�u�� unpaid principal balance of�he loan and any prior liens
<br /> ❑n the property securing�he �oan, up�❑the maximum poli�y limifis set under the NationaE F�ovd Insurance Program,
<br /> vr as�therwise required by Lender�, and to maintain such insurance�or the term of the loan.
<br /> Application vf Pro�e�ds. Trustor shall promptiy nvtify Lender v�any lass or damage t❑the Property. Lender may
<br /> make proof D� ��55 if Trustar fails fia do sv within �ifteen �15� days ❑f th� casuaity. V1lhether- ❑r nafi Lender`s
<br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's election, receive and re�ain the pr�ceeds ❑f any insurance and apply
<br />