� 2� 15�84�3
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: 1�'I 29�5�'i ��ontinued� Page �
<br /> extenfi permitted by app�icable law.
<br />, Addresses. The mai[ing addresses of Trustvr �debfior} and Lender tse�ured party} from wh��h informa�ion
<br /> concerning the s��urity interest granfied by this Deed of Trust may be obtained ��ach as required by the lJniform
<br />� �ommercia� �od�� are as stated.on fihe�irst page of this D�ed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The �oli�wing pra��s�ons rela�ing �o fur�her assurances and
<br /> attarney--in--�act are a part vt this Deed o�Trust;
<br /> Fur#her Assuran�es. At any �ime, and from time to #ime, upvn request of Lender, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, ar wilE cause to be made, ex�cut�d ar deli�ered, �o Lender or t❑ Lender's designee, and when r�quest�d by
<br /> Lender, cause ta be �i�ed, recarded, re�i�ed, or rerecorded, as the case may be, a� such times and in such vffices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all such mortgages, deeds ❑f trust, security deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, financing sta�emen�s, con�inuativn statements, instruments a� fur�her assurance, cer�ificates, and
<br /> ❑�her da�uments as may, �n the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirab�e in order�o effe�tuate, compie�e,
<br />, per�Fecfi, cflnt�nu�, �r preser�e �1} Borrowe�'s and Trustor's ❑bligations under �he N�te, �his ❑eed of Trust, and
<br /> �he Related �ocum�n�s, and �2y the liens and security inter�sts created by this Deed o�Trust on the Praper�y,
<br />' whether now owned or hereafter a�quired by Trus�ar. Unless prahibified by law vr Lender agrees to the confirary in
<br /> wr��ing, Trustor shali reimburse Lender tar a�l cvsts and expenses incurred in connec�ion with the matters referred
<br />� �o in�his parag�aph.
<br />� � Attorney-in-Fac#. It Trustor�ai�s �o do any ❑f the things r�f�rred ta in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do sa
<br />� fivr and in the name of Trust�r and at Trustor`s expense. For such pu�pvses, Trus�tor hereby irreWvcably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's att�rney-in-�act tor the purpose of making, execu�ing, deli�ering, filing, recarding, and doing all
<br />� v�ther things as may be necessary ❑r des�rabl�, in Lender's soEe opinion, tv accomplish the matters re�erred to in
<br /> #h� preceding paragraph. �
<br />� FL1LL PERF�RMANCE, I� 6�rravu�r and Trustor pay all �he indebtedness, in��uding withvu# limi�a#i�n all future
<br />�
<br /> ad�ances, when due, and Trustvr otherwise per�orms all the vbligations imp�sed upon Trustor under this Deed of Trust,
<br />� Lender shall execute and deii�er ta Trust�e a reques� for full recon�eyance and shall exe�ute and de�i�er �❑ Trustor
<br />' suitable statements ❑f�erm�nation o� any #inancing s�afiement on f':ie e�idencing Lender's security interest in �he Rents
<br /> and the Personal Prop�rty. Any recon�eyance fee required by law shall be paid by Trustar, if permitted by appficable
<br /> law.
<br />� EVENTS ❑F DEFAULT. Each of the fal�owing, a� Lender's option, shali constEtute an E�enfi of Detau[t und�r �his Deed
<br /> �f Trust:
<br /> Payment❑efault. Barrawer faiis to make any payment when due under the fndebtedness.
<br /> �ther De�aults, Borrower ❑r Trus�or �ails �❑ comp�y with ❑r �o per�orm any ather te�m, obligati�n, �o�enan� or
<br /> condition �antained in this ❑eed af Trust ar in any o�the Re[ated Documents or t❑ �omply w�th or�o per�orm any
<br /> term,.❑bliga�ian, �o�enant or condifiion contained in any ather agreement between Lender and Borrower or Trus�or.
<br /> Compliance Defau�t. Fai[ure ta comply wi�h any other term, obligation, co�enant or �anditivn cvntained in this
<br />� Deed ❑f Trus�, �h� Nofe�r in any of the Related Dacuments.
<br /> De�aul�on�ther Payments. Failure of Trust�r within the�ime required �y this Deed of Trust to make any payment
<br /> �vr taxes❑r insuranc�� or any❑ther payment necessary to pre�enfi�iling o�or to e��ect d�scharge o�any lien.
<br /> False S�a#ements. Any warranfiy, representation ❑r statement made ❑r�urnished�o Lender by Borrovuer or Trustvr
<br />� or on B�rrower's vr Trus#or's behaf� under this t3eed of Trust or the Re�ated ❑ocuments is �aise or m�sieading in
<br /> any material r�spect, either nvw ❑r at the time mad� or furnished or becames false or misleading at any time
<br /> �hereaf�er.
<br /> Defective Collaterafization. This Deed ❑f Trus# or any ofi the Re�afied Documen�s ceases to be in �ui! ��rce and
<br />' effect (including failure o� any �ollateral document ta create a �alid and per�ected security in��res� or lien� at any
<br /> �ime and��r any r�as�n.
<br /> Death or insolrren�y. The disso�ution of Trustor's {regardless ❑f wheth�r elec�ian �o contEnue is made}, any
<br /> memh�r withdrav►rs#ram�he limi�ed liab�lity company, ❑r any othe�termina�ian af 6orrow�r's ar Trus�or's exis-ten�e
<br /> as a gaing business ❑r the death o� any member, the insa��ency of gorrower �r Trustor, the appointment o�r a
<br /> r�cei�er fvr any par� ❑# Borraw�r's or Trus#or's property, any assignment fvr the benef�t af creditvrs, any �ype of
<br /> credit�r workout, or the cammencement of any prviceeding under any bankruptcy ❑r insof�ency laws by ❑r agains�
<br /> Borrower or Trus�ar.
<br /> Creditor or Forfei�ure Prvice�dings. CommenCement of foreclosure ar �or�eiture proceedings, whe�her by judicia[
<br /> proceeding, selt-help, repossession or any vther me�hod, by any creditor ❑f Barrawer ❑r Trustor or by any
<br /> ga�ernmenta[ agency agains� any property securing �he Indebtedness. This includes a garnishment of any of
<br /> B�rrower's or Trustor's a���un#s, in�luding deposit accoun�s, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent ❑f De�ault sha[E
<br /> nvt apply ��there is a good faith dispu�e by B�rrvwer or Trustor as #❑ �he �afidity ar reasona�leness ❑f the claim
<br /> which is the basis ❑f the credi-kor�r f�rfieiture proceeding and i�B�rr�wer or Trustor gi�es Lender written na-�ice ❑f
<br /> �he creditor vr#or�eiture proceeding and deposi�s with Lender monies or a surety band �o�the creditor❑r forfeiture
<br /> pr�ceeding, �n an amoun�de�termined by Lender, in its soie discretian, as being an adequa�e reser�e or b�nd�or the
<br /> dispu#e.
<br />