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2� 15�84�3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'1�9�5�� �Contirlued� Page 5 <br /> � Trus�or will defi�er, �r cause ta he deli�ered, t❑ Lend�r such ins#rumen�ts as Lender may request#�om�ime�v��me <br /> to permit such particEpa��an. . <br /> Campliance Vllith Laws. Trustor warrants �hat the Property and Trustvr's use of the Property complies with all <br /> exis�ting applicable �aws, ordinances, and reguEations o#ga�ernmenta� authvri�ies. <br /> Survival vf Representa#ians and Warranties. Afl representatfons� warran�ies, and agreemen�s made by Trus�vr in <br /> this Deed of`T'rust shall sur�i�e the executivn and deli�ery of this ❑eed a�Trust, shall be cvn�inuing �n nature, and <br /> sha!! remain in#u�l force an� effect unti!such�ime as Borrower's Indebtedness shall be paid in full. <br /> E�C15T�NG lNDEBTEDNE55. The fiollvwing pra�isions cvnc�rning Ex�sting ind�btedness are a part of this Deed v�Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien vf �his Deed of Trus� securin� �he Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an <br /> existing 1ien. Trustor expressly co�enants and agrees tv pay, �r see�v �he paym�nt of, the Existing indeb�edness <br /> and tv pre��nt any de�ault on such indebtedness, any defaul�und�r the instruments e�idencing such indebtedness, <br /> or any defaul�under any security dvcuments fvr such indebfiedness. <br /> No Mvdi�ication. Trustor shal! not enter into any agreement wi�h the haider vf any m�rtgage, deed o� �rust, or <br /> vther se�urity agre�ment which has priority ❑ver this Deed �f Trust by which #hat agreemen# is modified, <br /> amended, extended, vr renew�d ►nrithaut the privr v►rritten consent of Lender. Trustor shall nei�her request nor <br /> accept any�uture ad�ances under any such securi�y agreement w�thou�the prior wrifi�en cvnsen�❑f Lend�r, <br /> � CQNDEMNATI�N. The�vllowing pro�isions relating to condemna��on prviceedings are a part vf�his D�ed�f Trust: <br /> Proceedings. �� any praceeding in candemna�ion �s �riledf Trustor sha!! promp�ly notify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trusta� shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend �he action and ❑h�ain the award. Trus�or <br /> may be the nom�nal par�y in such praceeding, but Lender shall �e entitted�o participate �n the praceeding and t❑ be <br /> represent�d in �he praceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Trustor wil! deli��r vr cause t� be deli�ered t❑ <br /> Lender such ins#ruments and dvcumentation as may be requested by Lender �rom time to time to permi# such <br /> par#icipa�ion. <br /> AppE�cation vf Ne� Pro�eeds. lfi all or any part of the Property is �vndemned by eminent domain proceedings ❑r by <br /> any prviceeding vr purchase �n iieu vf cvndemna�ion, Lender may a��ts elec#ion require that all ❑r any portivn vf the <br /> net proceeds af �he award he applied to the lndebt�dness vr th� repair ❑r restorativn ofi the Praperty. Th� ne� <br /> proceeds o��he award shall mean the award after paymen� of all reasonable �asts, expenses, and attorneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee vr Lender in connectivn wEth the candemna�ian, <br /> �NiP�SITIDN ❑F TAXES. FEES AND CHAR�ES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTHDRITIES. The fviivwing pro�isions rela�ing <br /> t��v�ernmental taxes� fees and charges are a part❑f this ❑eed o�Trus�: <br /> Curren#Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trus�or shall execu�e such dacumen#s in additian to <br /> this Deed af Trust and take whate�er other ac�ivn is reques#ed by Lender t❑ perfect and cvntinue Lender's ��en on <br /> the Real Prvperty. Trustor shal! reimburse Lender for all tax�s, as described below, tvgether with all expenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfecting vr cantinuing this Deed of Trust, including without limitativn a!1 taxes, �ees, <br /> do�umentary s�amps, and ❑ther charges fvr recarding or regis�ering fihis Deed of Trust. <br /> Taxes. The fol�awing shalf cons�i�u�e taxes t❑ which �his sectian applies: (�� a specific tax upon this type of <br /> Deed o� Trust ❑r upan all ❑r any part ofi the Indeb#edness secured by �this Deed vf Trust; �2} a spe�ific tax on <br /> Barrvwer which Borrower is authorized or required fio dedu�t frvm payments ❑n the Ind�btedness secured by this <br /> type of Deed o�Trus�; �3} a tax ❑n �his type of Deed ❑�Trus� chargeable against the Lender or the holder❑f the <br /> N�te; and �4} a speci#ic �ax ❑n all or any partion ❑f the Indebtedness ar ❑n paymen�s ❑f principal and interes� <br /> made by gor�ower, <br /> Suhsequen� Taxes. If any tax t❑ which this section applies is enacted subsequent to fihe date o� �his Deed ❑f <br /> Trust, this e�rent sha�l ha�e the same ���ect as an Event ❑f Default, and Lender may exercise any or all o� its <br /> a�ailab�e remedies for an E�en�k of De�auit as pro�ided befow unless Trustor either �1 y� pays the tax hefare �t <br /> becomes delinquen�, or ��� con�ests the tax as prv�ided abv�e in the Taxes and Liens sec�ion and deposi�s wE�h <br /> Lender cash or a su�tE�ien�corporate surety hvnd or❑ther securi�y satisfa�tory ta Lender. <br /> SECUR[TY AGREEMENT; FINANC[NG STATEMENTS. The fal[owing pro�isi�ns r�la#ing tv.this Deed o� Trust as a <br /> security agreemen�are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> 5ecurt#y Agreement. This instrument shal! canstitute a Security Agr�ement to the ex�ent any of the Praperty <br /> constitu�es #ixfures, and L�nder shall ha�e al� of the righ�s of a secured party under the Uniform Cvmmerciaf Cvde <br /> as amended�rflm�im�to time. ' <br /> Securi�y lnterest. Upvn request by Lender, Trustvr sha!! �ake whate�er action �s reques�ed by Lender t❑ perfect <br /> and continue Lender's security in�erest in the Rents and PersonaE Proper�y. ln addi�ion tv recvrding this D�ed ❑f <br /> Trust in the real property records, Lender may, at any �ime and without #ur�her authvri�ation from Trustor, �ile <br /> execu�ed counterpar�s, copies ❑r reproductions of this Deed ❑f Trus� as a �inancing stat�ment. Trustor shall <br /> reimburse Lender�or all expenses incurred in perfecting ❑r contEnuing �his security interest. Upon defaul�, Trustor <br /> shall nat remo�e, se�er or detach the Pe�sonal Pr�perty from the Proper�y. Upvn default, Trustor shall assemble <br /> any Persana� Property not affixed �o the Prvperty �n a rnanner and at a place reasanably cvnvenient�a Trustor and <br /> Lender and make �t a�ailable t❑ Lender within three �3} days after re�eipt v� written demand �rom Lender to the <br />