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2� 15�84�3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Laan No: 1�'i 29�5�1 �Contlnued} Page � <br /> this Deed of Trus�s�cures, in addi�ion �o the amaunts speci�i�d in the Note, all fu�ure amnunts Lender in i�s discretion <br /> may iaan to Borrvwer or Trus�ar,together with all interest therean. <br /> Trustor presentiy assigns �o Lende� �alsv known as Beneficiary in �his EJeed of Trust� all of Trustor's right, �i�le, and <br /> in-terest in and to aff present and future leases af the Praperty and all Rents from the Property. In additi�n, Trus�or <br /> grants to Lender a [Jniform Commercial Code security in�erest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> TH15 ❑EE❑ QF TRUST, 1NCLUDING THE A551GN11�lENT DF RENTS AN❑THE SECURiTY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, �S G1VEN T� SECURE �A} PAYIVIENT DF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND {B) PERF�RNIANCE DF <br /> ANY AND ALL DBLI�ATI�NS UNDER THE N�TE. THE RELATED D�CU[VIENTS, AND TH15 DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED�F TRUST 15 G�VEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�]LL�WING TERMS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTAT�ONS AND 1NARRANT�ES'. Trustor warrants that: �a} this Deed o� Trust is execut�d at <br /> Borrower's request and nat at �he request o# Lender; �b} Trustor has the �ull power, right, and au-�hori-ky �o en�er in�� <br /> fhis ❑eed ❑� Trus� and t❑ hypothecafie #he Proper�y; {cf the pro�isians ❑f this Deed ❑fi Trust do not conflfct with, ❑r <br />; resul� in a defiault under any agreement ❑r other �ns�rumen� binding upon Trustor and do no� result in a �iolati�n ❑t any <br /> �aw, regulation, caur� decre� or order applicab�e �o Tt-ustor; �d} Trustar has es�ablished adequate means af vbtaining <br /> #rom Borrower on a continuing basis infarmation about Bor�ower's �inanctal condi#ion; and {e� Lender has made nv <br /> representation to Trus�or abvut 6orrower �including wifihaut limitation the creditwvr#hiness v�Barrow�r}. <br />� TRUSTOR'S 1NA�VERS. Trustvr wai�es all rights or de�enses arisEng by reason o�any "one actifln" flr "anti-deficiency" <br /> iaw, or any other law which may preven� Lender #rom bringing any action against Trustor, in�luding a claim for <br /> de#ic�ency t❑ the ex�en� Lender is ❑�herwise en�i�ied �o a claim �or deficiency, before or after Lender's �ommencemenfi <br /> ❑r�ompletion o�any fare�lasure ac��on, either�udi�iaily or by exer�ise❑�a pvwer❑f sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Ex�ept as ❑therwise provided in this D��d �f Trus�, g�rrower and Trustvr shall pay fia <br /> Lender a!i Indeb�edness secured by �h�s Deed a� Trust as it becomes due, and Bvrrvwer and Trustor shail stric�ly <br /> perform all their respe�tiWe obligatians under the Nate, this C]eed�f Trust, and the Related Documen�s. <br />� P�S5E551�N AND MAlNTENAN�E DF THE PRDPERTY, Borrower and Trus�or agree that Bv�rowe�'s and Trustor's <br /> possession and use o�the Property shail be governed by the�allvwing pro�isions: <br /> Possession and Use, Until the occurrence of an Euent o� Defau[t, Trus�or may {�} remain in possession and <br /> cvntrol of the Property; {2} use, operafie or manage the Property; and �3y collect the Rents�rom fihe Property. <br />` Du#y �o Maintain. Trustor shall maintain �he Pr�perty �n tenantable �ond�tian and pramptly perform all repairs, <br /> rep�acements, and maintenan�e necessary to preser�e its�alue. <br />, Compliance V11ifih Enviranmental Laws. Trustor represents and warran�s �o Lender tha�: {1 y ❑uring the period vf <br /> T�ustvr's ownership o�the Property, there has be�n no use, generation, manutacture, stvrage, treatmenfi, dispvsa�, <br /> release or �hreatened release ❑f any Hazardaus Subs�ance by any persvn on, under, abau� or from �he Prop�rty; <br /> {2� Trus��r has n❑ knvwledge of, ❑r reason �a belie�e that there has been, except as pre�ious�y disclosed to and <br />� acknowledged �y L.ender in ►rvri�ing, �a� any b�each or �ioEa��on ❑f any En�irvnmental Laws, {b� any use, <br /> generation, manufa��ure, storage, trea�men�, disposa�, release or threatened releas� of any Hazard�us Subs�ance <br /> ❑n, under. about or from the Proper�y by any privr owners ar accupan�s ❑f the Property, or {cf any actua� vr <br /> threatened litigafiion vr c�aims a� any kind by any person relating �o such matt�rs; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> disclvsed to and acknawiedged by Lender in writing, �a� nei#her Trustor nvr any tenant, con#rac#or, agent or o#h�r <br /> authvrized user of the Praperty shall use, genera�e, manufacfiur�, store, treat, dispose of or r�lease any Ha�ardous, <br /> Substance on, under, about or�ram#he Property; and �b� any such actE�ity shall be conducted in campliance wi�h <br /> all applicable federaE, sta#e, and �oca� laws, reguEations and ordinances, including withvu� limitation aii <br /> � En�ir�nmental Laws. Trus�ar authari�es Lender and its agen�s ta enter upon the Praperty to make such <br /> inspectians and �es�s, a� Trusfiar's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate t� determine cvmp�ianc� of �he <br /> Pr�perty with '�his sec�Eon o� the �eed vf Trus�. Any inspections ❑r tests made by Lender shaii be for Lender's <br /> purposes on�y and shall no�be cvnstrued to create any respvnsibility or liabiiity on the part❑� Lender�o Trustor ar <br /> �o any o�her person. The represen�ations and warranties con�ained herein are based on Trustvr's du� diligence fn <br /> in�estigating the Praperty for Hazardous Subs�ances. Trustar hereby �1� releases and waives any future claims <br />' against L�nder for indemni�y or contribution in fhe e�ent Trus�or becomes liabie �ar cleanup ar other costs under <br /> any su�h laws; and ��} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harm�ess Lender against any and aii ciaims, lasses, <br /> [iabilities, damages, penalties, an� expenses which Lender may direct�y or indirec#ly sustain or suffer resulting frvm <br /> a br�ach of this section o�the Deed of Trus� or as a consequence vf any use, g�neratiort, manu�acfiure, sfivrage, <br /> disposa[, release or�hreatened release occurring prior fio Trustar's❑wn�rship or interest in the Property, whe�her ar <br /> n�t fihe �same was or should ha�e be�n known �o Trustor. The pro�isians of this sectian ❑f �he Deed ❑f Trust, <br /> including the obliga�ion ta indemnify and defend, shall sur�i�e�he payment vf the Indeb�edness and the satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyance ❑f the EEen of this ❑eed of Trust and shall not lae affec-ted by Lender's acquisi�i�n of any interest <br /> in the Properfiy, whether by�Foreclasure �r❑�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Naste. Trustor sha[f not cause, conduct ❑r permit any nuisance nor commit, permi�t, or suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste on or to #he Praper�y vr any parfion of the Proper�y. Vllithout limiting �he generality o�the <br /> foregoing, Trus�or wElE no� rema�e, ❑r grant to any o�her party the right to rema�e, any�imber, minerals {including <br /> ❑i� and gas�, Coa�, c�ay, scoria, soi�, gra�ei flr rock products withou�Lender's prior v►rrifiten consent. <br /> R�moval af Improvements. Trus�ar shall not demalish or remv�e any [mpra�ements�rvm the Rea[ Property withau� <br />