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- 2� 15�8333 <br /> �r�dit A�r�ement�h�ch can �ae g�ven �ffe�t�tv�th�ut th�e �vnf��cti�g pr�vis�on, and to th�s end the <br /> pra�isi�n� �f this �ecur�ty I�strument a�d th� Cred�t A�reern��t are de��ar�d t� �ae s�v�rab��. As <br /> used �erein, "�ost��=' "e�p�nses" and ='�ttorr�eys' fees'� inciude a�� sums tn the extent nvt <br /> prQhi�ited by app��cabi� �a�►�a or ��mited hereir�. <br /> 1�. �riar Mar��ag� or Deed �f Tru�t; M€�difcat��r�; Futur� Advance� B�rr�wer sha�� not ent�r <br /> �nt� an agre�mrent �ith t�e holder of ar�y nn�rt�ag�� de��l �f trust �r vth�r s��urity agreer�nent <br /> �h�ch ��s r��rit �ver t�is �eeur� ir�stru�nent � �hich th�t �ecur�t a re�m�nt i� �adified <br /> P � � Y ]� � ► <br /> �mend�d, extende�i, ar r�ne�red, ��thvut t�e pri�r wr�tt�n cvr�sent �f t�e L�nd�r. B�rr�rr►�er sha�� <br /> ne��h�r r€�qu�st no� a��e�t an� future ��van�e un�er a pri�r �nart��ger �e�d of trust, ar �th�r <br /> �ecur� a�reement�thvut t�e pri�r�ritten c�nsent�f L�nder. <br /> '[ , Borror�rrerrs �vp�. Barr�v�rer �ha�� be furn�sh�d a �opy of the Gred�t,P��reement and of th�s <br /> Security �nstrument at the time �f e�e��ar� �r after r€:G�rda���n h�re�f. <br /> 'f�. Reha�iiitati�� L�a�r I��re�nr��nt� Bvrro�r�r shall fulfiRl all af Borr���r's ab�i�atjvns under <br /> an� hom� reh�����t�t�on, impr��ement, r�pa�r, vr other tv�n a reerr��nt ��ich Bvrrov�er ma� �nter <br /> int� v��th Lend�r. Lend�r at Lend�r's v t«n �a r� u�re �vrrvwer tv execute and de[nr�r t� <br /> . P . y q <br /> Ler��er, in a f�rm accepta�ai� tv Lender, ar� as���nment af any rightsr ��a�ms ar def�r�ses which <br /> �3orra�r�r rr�a� h�ve aga�nst part�es �nrho sup��y Iabor, mat�r�a�s �r �er�r�c�.s �n c�nnecti�n w�th <br /> �mpr��em�nts mad��a the Prvperty. <br /> 7�. �aiver �� Hom�s�ead E��m�t��n. Tv the e�cten�t perm�ttec� �y Iar►�, B�rrov►ier here�y <br /> v�rai�res the b�neft vf �he hoa�n�s��ad ��e�n�tia� a� to all sums secur�d �y th�s Secur�ty <br /> [nstrument. <br /> '18. V1Ia���r nf St�tut�s vf L�rnitatio�. T� th��xtent�erm�tt�� by lav�, B�rro�r►�er hereh��aiv�s <br /> statut�s vf [�r��tation as a d�fen�� tv any c��r�an�l or �bii�a�tivn s�cur�d by th�s Security <br /> lnstrurn�nt. <br /> 19. Mer��r. There sh�[� �e r�a rn�r�er af th� �nt�rest vr �stat� cr��t�d �y th�s 5ecuri <br /> lnstrum�nt with any �th�r int�r�st �r e��te in t[�e Properr� at an� time hetd b� or far the �ene �t <br /> �f L�nd�r �n �ny capacity, v�ithvut tn��►�rritten c�rts�r�t�f L�nder. <br /> ��, N�t�c� of Trans�`�r �f the Pr� � � Ad�r�r�ces after Transf�r. l�Qrra�er shal� �re not�c�to <br /> P �� 9 <br /> L�r�c�er, as pra�r�ded in para�gr�p� 1� hereof, pri�r ta any saI� or transfer o�' a�� ar p�rt o� th� <br /> Prv �rt �r an ri hts in the Pr� �rt . An �r��n t��r�rh�m a�[ or �rt af the F�rv � �r �n ri ht <br /> P � ]� 9 1� Y J� P � P � � 9 <br /> in the �r�pert is sa�d or tr�n�ferred a�s� sha�I I�� a��igated ta �i�e natice to Lender, as pr�v��ed <br /> �n ar� ra F� �� h�r�of rom ti after su�h trar��fer. <br /> P � P E P P ]� <br /> E�en �f B�rr��►v�r tran�fers the Prvperty, B�rro�nrer �r�ll car��nu� tv be vbli�ated under the <br /> Cred�t Agreement an� this Secur�t� }nstrument unless Lender r�ieases B�rr�v��r �n �rit�n�. As a <br /> cand�ti�n t� L�nd�r�s c�r�sent �a an� �rop�sed transfer or as a c��dit��n to '�he rei�as� of <br /> Bvrro�►tirer, Lender m�� requ�re that th� persan �v wh�rr� th� Pr�pert� �s transf�rred srgn an <br /> as�ur�pt��n agre�ment satisfactvr� t� L��der and L�nder may impv�e an assumpt��r� fee. The <br /> assum�at�on a�r�em�nt ►►v�l� not �nt�tle th� p�rs�n si�r��a�g �t tv rece�ve ac�vances un��r th� Credit <br /> Agre�m�n�t. <br /> �7. Tran�f�r af the Pr�p�r�y. �ubj�ct to app[icab�e �a�r, L�nder sha�i ha�e the ri�ht t� <br /> ac�el�r�te, that �s, to d��and �mm�diate payrr�ent �n fuil af all �um� secured b� th�s 11�vrtga��e or <br /> De�d �f Trust, if �vrra�rer, �nrith�ut the �ritten cansent vf Lender, sells �r trar�sfer� all vr part vf <br /> th� Praperty�r an�,rights �n the Pr�perty. <br /> �f Lender exer��ses the �ptiv� tv acc��erate, Lend�r �ha�l give Borr��ruer r�otice �f acceleratia�t <br /> in ac��rdar�c� with paragraph 'i� h�revf. The notice sha�� pr���de a ��ri�d of nat ie�s thar� 3� <br /> da�s fram the dat� of th� n�tice �ithi� �►irhich ��rra�rver may pay the �u�s d��Iar�d du�. If <br /> B�rra�er f�ils �� pa}� thv�� su�s pr��r to the �xpir�ti�a� �f such per�od, Lend�r �rtay, withvut <br /> further notic� �r dennand or� �arr��rr�r, �nuo�C� any r�rnedies perar�itted b� paragcaph 2� h�r�of. <br /> ��. �efau�t• T�rm�nat��n an� Acc���rat�on- R�me�ies. Ea�h �f the fol���n er�er�ts shall <br /> � � 9 <br /> cvn�t�tute an er��nt vf c�efauIt ('�e�ent vf d�fau�t"} under th�s ��cur� ���trument� �'�� Barra►r��r <br /> �vmmits �rauci �r rn�:��s a m�teriai m�srepres�nt�t�an �r� �vnne�t�on �►�th th�s ���uri�y Instrum�nt <br /> �r the �red�t !a► r��mer�t; �Z� �3orrv�r�r d�es �at rr��et the r�paym�nt t�rnns �f the �redit <br /> A reernent= �r � �arra��r's a�tion �r �nact��n adv�r��� �ff�cts the L�nder`s r� hts in th� <br /> 9 ' � � ]� 9 <br /> Prvp�rt� �ecuret� by thi� Securi�, ln��tr�um�nt. �f an ��ent ��' defau�t o�curse then pr�or to <br /> ��erc�svng any righ�t �r r�medy pr��ided f�r �n th�s Se��rity �nstrument and pri�r to acc��erat�vn, <br /> L�na�er �ha�l ���� n�tic� as �r��nded in par�gra h '1� herevf and �� requ�reci �y �pp�i�abl� �a�nr. The <br /> n�tice �ha�I specif�= �a) the �v�nt of defaul�� �} the a�tion requiPed to c�re the e�r�nt af def��lt; <br /> �c� � d�t� nvt �ess than �w�r�t� da�s [vr ar�� f�na�er per�oei required hy appl�c�b�e �aw} frvm the <br /> date th� nvtice �� g��er� t� B�rrvv�er �a� �v�i�� th�e �vent af de�auft mu�t k�e cured; �d} t.�at fa��ure <br /> ta cur� th�e�r�nt of defau�t v� or bef�re tne dat� ��ec�f��d in the na�ce �may r�sult in ac���erat�on <br /> �f the sums secur�d b� thi� �ecur�ty �nstru�ner�t and sa1� af the Property; and ��] any �th�r <br /> infvrmatian requ�r�d by ap��ica�l� [a�. T'he r�ot�ce sha�� f�rt��r �nfvrm ��rr�wer of the r��ht tv <br /> r��n�tate �ft�r ac�e��rat��n, �f appiicab�e, and the r�ght t� #�rNng a �aurt action t� a�s�rt th� <br /> nonex��t�nce of an ev�nt of default ar �r�y ot�er defens� of Borro�er to ac����rat�on and sal�: if <br /> the e��nt of defaul�"rS r�ot cured vn ar bef�re the date��e��fied in �� nvtice, Len�ier, at Lend�r'� <br /> ENE�9�--e <br />