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� 2� 15�8333 <br /> �. Preser►►at�on and 1V�aint�nance of �raperty; Leaseho�ds; Cor�domin�ums; Plar�n�d Ur��t <br /> �evelopm�nts. Borro�rer shal� I�e�p the Prop�rty in gvad repair and shall n�t comm�t �►�raste �r <br /> permit impairm�nt or deterivrat�on af the Prop�rty �n�i sha�� ��mp�y ��th the pr��isions of any <br /> feas� rf thi� 5�curi�ty �nstrum�r�t is or� a iea��F�o�d. ff this Securrty lnstrunnent i� an � unit in a <br /> cvndam�nium vr a ianned unit el��eiv mer�t B�rraw�r sh��l �rf�rm al� af �orrovr��rrs obii ations <br /> P P � P � <br /> under t�e d�clarati�n �r co��nants creatirtg ar goWern�ng the cv�d�m�n�um nr plar�n�d uni� <br /> d�velfl�ment, th� by-Ia�►rs ar�d reguiati��s �f the cand�minium Qr planned un�t d��e�op�nent, and <br /> th� const�tuent documents. <br /> �. Rr�t�ct�on vf Ler�d�r`s ���ur�t�. lf Bvrrower �a��s to p�rform the co�en�nts �r�d <br /> a�re�ment� canta�nee� in th�� Securi�j� [nstrument, �r �f an� action or proc��ding �s connm�nced <br /> �r►�hich material�y affects Ler�der`s interest in the Prvp�rt�, th�n L�ncl�:r, �t L�n�ler�s �ptivn, upan <br /> n�tice to B�rr�er�er, ma� rna�c� �u�h appearar�ces, d�sburse su�h sums, iracludir�g reasQr��ble <br /> att�rn� s` f�es and ta�e such act�o�t a� i� neG�a t� ratect Lenc��ris interest. I�n amvunts <br /> � <br /> d�sburs�d b Lender ursuant t� t�is ara r� h �' v��t�fr�a��e ch�r �s ther��n at th� rate <br />_ rav�d�d in the Creditpl� r�ement s�ha���e��m� addit��na� �nd�btedn�s��f Borrower $��ur�d h <br /> . <br /> this �ecurity [nstrurnemt. L�nNess BQrr���r ar�df L�nder a ree to vth�r ��r�ns af paymer��, such <br /> amQ�r�ts sha�� �e a ���� u vn r��t�c� frorn Ler���r tv ��rr��er r� uest�n a �nt there�f. <br /> No�hir� c�nt�ine� �n h�s ar�a r� h � shail re u�r� Lender to incur ar� e�c e�se or t�ke an act�an <br /> 9 � 9 P � ]� P JI <br /> her�und�r, �n� actiQn t�k�n �� Lend�r und�r this paragraph shall n�t �ur� any �r��ch Borrov�rer <br /> may ha�� cQmmitt�� af an� c�v�r�ant or �greem�nt und�r th�s �ec�r�ty ln�trr�rner�t. Bnrr�v�er <br /> a r��s that Lender is subrvgated t� all �f tne r�shts and remedi�s vf any pr�or �i��vr, to t�e extent <br /> v��n a m�nt b Lend�r tv �uch li�nQr. <br /> � �Ins �ct�on. Lend�r rr�2� make ar �ause t� he mad� re�s�nab�� entr��s u �n anc� <br /> �ns ections vf the Prv ert r vid�c� that L�nd�r shall give B�rrn�r�r nvtice riar tv ap such <br /> ins���tion s eci in reason�ble cause t�er�for r�la��d tv L�n�ler`s interest i� tne Prv �rt . y <br /> R P �' � P � <br /> 9. ��ndemn�t�on. The pro��e�s vf any av►r�rd nr ��aim for darnag�s, dir�ct or cvnsequent���, <br /> �r� cQnnec�an ►►►r�th any �o�demnatio� or otl��r tal��ng �f tlh� Propert��, �r par� th�reaf, or f�r <br /> co�veyance �� �i�u af ��n�femr�atior�, are her�t�� a��igned ar�d snail be pa�d to Lend�rr t� �he <br /> extent o� �ny ind�ht�dn�ss under th� Cre�l�t Agr��ment, �ubj��t to the t��s af an m�rtga�e, <br /> de�d af trust �r oth�r s�curit a r��ment ��th a lien ►�h��h has riari o�er t�is �ecur�t <br /> � 9 P � � <br /> lnstr�m�nt. <br /> 'i�. ��rrvr��r IVot Ref�ased; F�rbe�rance �y Le�d�r N�t a ll���erer. Extens��n �f the t�me fc�r <br /> payment nr mod�ficativn �f am�rtizatian of th� sums secur�d by this S�curit� �nstrum�nt grante� <br /> by Lender ta an� success�r �rt �r�ter�st�f B�rr��►ver �haii r�ot��erate ta reiease, in any ma���r, th� <br /> lia�bi�ity �f the arig�nal Barrvwer ar�� B�rro►nrer`s suc�e$sor� in �nteres�. Ler�der sh�l� nvt he <br /> required t� c�mmen�e pr�c�edings a�ainst such su�ces�vr �r refuse to �xtend ti�-n� f�r pay�ent <br /> ar otner�se m���� arn�r��zat�on vf th� �urns s��ured �� this �ecurit� �r�strument �� reason of <br /> any de�tand mad� by_ the �r�gina� B�rr�v�rer and B��r�v�er�s suc��svrs in �nt�r��t. Ar�� <br /> forb�aranc� �y Lender in ��c�r�is�r�g any right vr rem�d� hereund�rf or �therwise afforded by <br /> app��cabie ���, sha[� not be a �airrer�f vr pr�c�ude�h� e�erci�e �f an�such ri�ht�r r�medy. <br /> �'�. Successvr� and �1�s�gn$ Bou�d; Joint and ����ra� L�abil�t�; C�-��gn�rs. �he cv��nants <br /> and agr�ement� h�rein canta�ned �ha�� b�nd, and �h� r�ghts hereund�r shal� �nure to, the respect�rr� <br /> successvrs and assi�n� �f Lend�r a�d �3�rrvv►rer, subj�ct t��he pro�isi�n� of paragraph 2'f h�reof. <br /> AlI cavenants and a�re�ments of Barrawer sha�i �ae joir�t ar�d sever�l, �r�� ��rr�wer w�� c�--sign� <br /> thi� Secur�t� [nstrument, �ut dves n�t e�e�ute t�� �r�dit ��reer��ntr �a} i� c�-si�n�ng thxs <br /> ��curity lnstrument on�y to �r�nt and[ c�nvey t�at Borrawer's interest in the F'rQperty to Trustee <br /> urt��r the terrr�s af this Se�uri ln�trum�r�t, �b} �s n�t persona�ly l�a�ie under the �r�dit <br /> ��r�ement �r ur��er this Secur�ty r�str-ument, and �c� agrees that Lender ar�cl �ny �ther Borrov►r�r <br /> hereur�d�r ma� agree to extenc�� mvdifj�E f€�r�ear, ar make any �th�r acc�mmvdat�ons vr <br /> amendments �i�h r�g�rd ta the t�rm� af this �eGurity Instrum�nt ar the �re�l�t Agr�ementr <br /> �v�thvut that B�rrower'� c�ns�r�t anc� r�rithaut rel�as�n� that ��rr��►v�r or m�d�fy�n� tnis Secur�ty <br /> �r��trument a�t�th�t �arro��r's �nter�st in the Pa-vpert�. <br /> 7�. Notice. Except fior ar�y n�t�ce requ�r�d under �pp��cab�� I�v�r ta �e ��ven in an�ther <br /> mann�r, �a� �ny not�ce ta Borr��er provided for in th�s Securitr� Instru�nent shall be g��n by <br /> d��iv�rin it �r b �a�ilin such n�tice b F�rst class rr�a�� addr�ssed �o gorro►�r�r at the Pro ert <br /> Address ar �t such �th�r a�dr�.ss a� Barro�r�►er rr�a �esi nat� �a n�tice ta Lender a� ro p ded <br /> r� n � n r h �� ��en b Firs�t G�ass m��l tc� Lender's addres�s stated <br /> h�re�n, and {b� ar � ot ce tv Le de � a be � �_ <br /> h�r��n ar tv �u�h ather addr�ss a� Ler�der may de��gr�at� �y nat�ce t� Barro�r�r as �rav�ded <br /> herein. Any nv�ic� prvv�d�d fvr in �his 5e�ur�t� �n�trur�ent shal! be deemed ta �av� �een given �v <br /> Borr��►►�er or Le�d�r�r h�n gi�ren �n t h� rn�r�n�r d�s�gnate d here��n. <br /> 13. C��►�rn�n� L.�v�f Se�era�a�lity. The state and ��cal �a�s appl�eable t� this Securit� <br /> �nstrurner�t shal� �a� th� laws af th��urisd�ct��n in �►rh�ch the Prap�rt� �s r�cated, The f�reg�in� <br /> sent�nce shal[ not �imit the applicability af F�deral �a� t� thi� �ecurity Irtstru�n�n�t. In the event <br /> that any provisi�rr Qr �lause �f th�s Secur�ty lnstrument vr �e Cred�t �greem�nt c�nflicts �th <br /> applicab�e ��w, such canfl�ct sh�ll not afFe�t ather �r��ri�ions vf �h�s �e�ur�ty �nstrument or th� <br /> ENE99�--e <br />