2� 15�82�2
<br /> RCR.A, and any and all "taxic substances" as define�i in TS�A, petr�leum pr�ducts,
<br /> asb�stos or asbestos-canta�ning materials, po�ychlarinated biphenyls �"F�B's"�, radon
<br /> gas, urea formaldehyde team insu�at��n �"UFFI"� and any and a�l ather hazardous
<br /> substances, hazardous was�es, pollu�ants and contaminants regu�a�ed or control�ed hy
<br /> any of the Environmen�al La�vs.
<br /> That Martgagor shall, in the event af any discharge, spil�, injection, escape, em�ssi�n,
<br /> dispasal, leak ar ather release of hazardous substances on, in, under, onto or from the
<br /> Prem�ses,wh�ch is n�t authorized by a currently val�d permit ar o�her approval issued
<br /> by the apprapriate governmental agenc�es:
<br /> �a� pr�mptly no��fy Mortgagee, the Enviranmental Protection Agency Na�ional
<br /> Respanse Center and the appropria�e State I]epartment �f Env�ronmenta�
<br /> � Resources,
<br /> �b� take al� steps necessary to prompt�y c�ean up such dischargey sp�ll, injec�ion,
<br /> escape, emission, disposal, leak or another release in accordance with the
<br /> prflvisi�ns of a11 applicab�e Environmen�al Lav�rs,and
<br /> �c} receive cer�ification from �he appropriate State Department of Envir�nmer�tal
<br /> Resaurces ar Federal Environmental Protection Agency that the Premises, and
<br /> any other property affec�ed, has been cleaned up to �he satisfaction of thase
<br /> ag�ncies,
<br /> That Mortgagor sha�l and d�es hereby grant Mortgagee and Mortgagee's agents,
<br /> emplayees, con�ra�tars and design�es an irreva�ab�e license �coupled with an
<br /> interest�t�enter the Premises from time to t�me ta:
<br /> (a� evaluate and mor�i��r the Premises for compliance with all Environmenta�
<br /> Laws and the t�rms�f the Mor�gag�,
<br /> �b) tn eva�uate the presence af hazardaus substances, and
<br /> �c} to perform appropr�ate tests and�es�borings, including taking soil and ground
<br /> water samples.
<br /> That Mor�gag�r shall provide Mortgagee with al� notices and ather communica�ions
<br /> rece��ed fr�m federal, s�ate an�1 loca� agencies and depar�men�s which enfor�e and
<br /> administer the Environmen�al Laws, From time to time Mortgagor shall provide
<br /> Mortgage�,upon request,any and a�l�nfarmation r�quested by Mortgagee concerning
<br /> the use �f the Premises and Mortgagor's compliance with the En�ironrnex��al Laws
<br /> and the t�rms of th�s Martgage, including but nat limited to, all licenses, permits and
<br /> certif�cates, and the b�ok and records per�ain�ng to�he Premises.
<br /> That Martgagar sha�� r�quire tha� a�l tenants, subtenants, under-subtenants and ath�r
<br /> �ccupants of the Prem�ses to use and occupy the Premises in stric� �ompliance with
<br /> th�Environmental Laws and the terms of this Mortgage.
<br /> Tha�Mortgagar shall, and does hereby release, indemnify, agree�o pay on beha�f of
<br /> and ho�d harmless Mortgagee, its off cers, direc�ors,agents, emp�oyees, successors
<br /> and assigns of, from and against any imposi�ions imposed by any go�ernmen�al -
<br /> auth�ri�y for any lien ar s�-calle�i"super priority lien" upon the Premises, as We�l as
<br /> alI losses, claims,ct�sts, �iabilities,pena�t�es,punit�ve damag�s, causes af action,
<br /> a�tions, demands, damages, fines�civil or criminal},penalties, expenses, cl�an-up
<br />