2� 15�82�2
<br /> (a� To keep the Premises �n g�od candition and repair; no� ta commi� ar permit
<br /> vvaste or strip�hereof; nati to rem�ve or demolzsh, nor a��er ar impair the design
<br /> or structural character of any build�ng, f xture, equipmen�, fence, car�al, we11, or
<br /> other �mprovement now �r hereaft�r si�uated upon the Pr�m�ses, withou� the
<br /> prior written consent of Mor�gagee; nat t� do or permit any o�her act �r �hing
<br /> �hat w�11 damage the Premises ar cause the same to depre��a�e in value; not ta
<br /> use the Premises far any purpose ather than the purposes agreed to by
<br /> M�rtgagee; no� �o a�quire any f�xtures, equ�pment, furn�shings ar apparatus
<br /> covered by�his Martgage subj ect to any se�urity interest, c�nditional sa1e,�i��e-
<br /> retent�on arrangement �r o�her charge or lien takin.g precedence o�er this
<br /> Mortgage.
<br /> �b� Ta keep aIl required permi�s, �icenses and certifxcates�n fu�� force and effec�; to
<br /> comply with all conser�ation, �nviranmen�al pratecti�n and po�lu�i�n la�vs and
<br /> r�gulations.
<br /> �� To complete or restore promptly and in gaod and workman�ik� manner any
<br /> bui�dzng or a.mprovemen� v�hich may be construct�d, damaged or des�roy�d
<br /> �her�on, and pay vvhen due al�costs incurred therefor.
<br /> That Mor�gagor shal� not use, nor permit any tenant, occupant or any ather party or
<br /> e�l.tlty t�LlS�y the Premises, flr any part thereof, far the purpose of generating, tr�ating,
<br /> produc�ng, staring, handling, transferring, processing, transporting, dispasing ar
<br /> otherw�se .releasing "hazardous substan�es," as here�nafter defined, either an, in, from
<br /> or abou�the Premises which:
<br /> �a} creates ar causes a cnntamina�ion either on the Premises or elsewhere wh�ch is
<br /> required by any governmental au�hority �o be removed, remed�ated, or
<br /> otherwise cleaned up under any applicab�e "Environmenta� Lavv," as def�ned
<br /> belov�,
<br /> �) cr�ates any form or l�ability, ci�il or crimina�, direct or �ndirect, due to such
<br /> contamination,or
<br /> t�� is�n cfln�rav�ntion of any Environmental Law.
<br /> That the terms "Environmen�al Law'" and "Environmental Laws'" as used in th.as
<br /> Mar�gage inc�ude any and a�l current and future federa�, s�ate and local en�ir�nmental
<br /> laws, s�atutes, rules, regulations and ordinances, as the same sha�l be amended and
<br /> modified from time to time, inc�uding but not limited to, "comrnon �aw," the
<br /> Camprehensive Envir�nmental Response, �ompensation and Liability Ac�
<br /> (CER�LA�, as amended fram time ta t�me, the Resource Conserva�ion and Recovery
<br /> Ac� �R�RA}, as amended from time to time, and the Toxic Substances Control Act
<br /> �TSCA�, as am�nded from time to time.
<br /> Tha� "hazardaus substances" as used in this Mar�gage inc�udes any and aIl "hazardous
<br /> substances" as defined in CER�LA, any and all "hazardous �vasties" as defined in
<br />