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2� 15�82�2 <br /> 13, PAYMENT�F LITIGATI�N E�PENSES: <br /> That if any act�an vr praceeding be commenced t�which Mortgagee is made a party by <br /> reason of the executi�n of this Mnr�gage or the H�ME L�AN 1 TRUST FLTND L�AN <br /> �vhich it se�ures or in whi�h Mortgage�deems it necessary ta appear or ans�ver in <br /> ord�r ta upho�d the�ien of this Mortgage,the priarity tihereaf, the possession of the <br /> Premises, ar otherwis�ta prote�t its interest or security hereunder,al1 sums paid or <br /> incurred by Mortgagee for a��orneys" fees and o�her expenses in such ac�ian or <br /> proce�d�ng�trial or appellat�} sha�l be repaid by Mor�gagor,tagether vvith�nterest <br /> ther��n�ram date of payment by Ma�tgage�at the rate of twe�ve per cent�12%}per <br /> annum; and a�l such sums and the�nterest thereon sha��be imrnediateZy' due and <br /> payab�e and be added�o and became part af any indebtedness ar o�ligatinn secured <br /> hereby in such manner ar order as Mortgagee may desire ar determine and�e secured <br /> hereby,having the benefit of�he lien hereby creatied and of its pr��r�ty, <br /> �4. A��EPTANCE�F PART PAYMENT D�ES N4T��NSTITiJTE WAIVER�F <br /> RIGHTS: <br /> That acceptance by Mor�gagee af any sum in payment, or par� payment, of any <br /> ind�b�edness secured hereby after the same is due�r after foreclosur�proceedings are <br /> filed shall not canstitute a waiver of the righ�t�require prompt payment wh�n due af <br /> a�� o�her sums so secured nor sha�l such accep�an�e cure or waive any remain�ng <br /> default �r �nvalida�e any forec�osure proceedings far any such remaining defaul� or <br /> prejudice any of the rights af M�rtgagee under this Mor�gage. <br /> 1 S. A�TI�NS �F M�RTGAGEE D�N�T DIS�HAR�E M�RTGAG�R: <br /> That without aff�cting the �iabil��y of any o�her persan liable far the paymen� of any <br /> ob�igation herein mention�d and without aff�cting�he Iien or charge af this Mortgage <br /> ar the priarity thereof upon any praperty nat then or theretofore released as security <br /> for �he fu11 amount af all unpaid ob��gat�ons, Mortgagee may, from time to time and <br /> w��haut notice re�ease any persan sa liable; extend the maturi�y or a�ter any af the <br /> terms af such obligatian or gran� other indulgenc�s; release ar cause�a be released at <br /> any �ime, at M�rtgagee's op�ian, any parcel or portion or a11 of th� Prem�ses; �ake ar <br /> r�lease any ather or additional security for any ab�igations herein mention�d; or make <br /> composit�on or other arrangemen�s w��h deb�ors in relatian thereto. If Mor�gagee at <br /> any �ime holds any additianal s�curity for any obligations secured hereby, it may <br /> enforce the sale thereof; or otherwise realize upan the same, at �ts op�ion, either <br /> before, concurrently�herewith, or after a sale is made hereunder. In the event that the <br /> ownership of the Prem�ses or any part thereof becames vested in a person �r entity <br /> o�her than M�rtgagor, Mar�gagee may deal with such successor ar successors �n <br /> �nterest with reference t� this Mortgage and the debt secured hereby in the same <br /> manner as with M�rtgagor, wi�ht�ut in any vvay diluting or discharging Mortgagor's <br /> �iability hereunder or upan the deb� secur�d hereby. <br /> 1�, SUBR�CrATI�N�F M�RTGAGEE: <br /> That Mortgagee sha11 be subrogated for further securi�y to the�ien, although re�eased <br /> of recard, of any and ali encumbrances paid out of the proceeds af the laan secured by <br /> this Mortgage. This Mortgage creates a con�inuing lien to secure the fu11 and final <br /> payment of said. H�ME L�AN 1 TRUST FUND L�AN and the performance of a11 <br /> other obligations imposed hereby and hereafter aris�ng. <br />