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2� 15�82�2 <br /> Mor�gagee, at its op�ion and discre�ion, sha11 have all rights and remed�es available t� a <br /> Secured Party under the Uniform�ammercial C�de. <br /> 9. PAYMENTS �F C�MPENSATI�N F�R DAMAGES: <br /> That al� moneys and awards payable as damages or compensation for the taking of <br /> title ta or possess�an af, or for damage �o any porti�n af th� Premises by reason of <br /> any candemnat�on, eminent domain, change af grade, ar other proceeding, shall, at <br /> the option of Mor�gagee, b e paid ta Mor�gagee; and such moneys and awards are <br /> hereby assigmed to Mor�gagee, and any judgment�herefor sha��be�ntered�n favar af <br /> Mortgagee and, when paid, sha�1 be used a� its opti�n toWard the payment of any <br /> indebtedness or abligatian secured hereby, in such order or manner a s Mortgagee <br /> may desire or determine, or for payment af taxes, assessments, repairs ar ather xtems <br /> the payment of which this Mortgage �s g�ven as security, vvhether the same be then <br /> due or not, and in such order or manner as Mor�gagee may det� Any amaunt <br /> noti so used shall be released by Mortgagee ta Mortgagor, and such app�ication or <br /> release sha�l not cure or waive any default ar foreclosure proceedings. <br /> ��. C�MPLIAN�E WITH LAWS AND REGULATI�NS: <br /> To comp�y wi�h al�Iaws, ordinances,regu�at�ons,��venan�s, c�nd�ti�ns and restric�i�ns <br /> affecting the Premises and no�to �uffer or permit any act to be dane in or upan the <br /> Premises in violation thereof. <br /> 11. FUTURE ADVANCES AND MAXIMUM LIEN AM�UNT: <br /> This Martgage alsa secures, in addition to the prin�ipa�amount and re�a�ed in�erest as <br /> s�a�ed herein, all add�t�ona� loans mad� to Barravver by Lender, whi�h reference this <br /> Mortgage as security. The maximum lien amount af this Mortgage shal�not exceed at <br /> any on� time the am�unt of Five Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Si� Hundred <br /> Nine�y-Six Dollars �$593,695}. <br /> 12, REPAYMENT�F PR�TECTIVE ADVANCES BY M�RT�AGEE: <br /> That. upon Martgagor's fax�ure ta cornply wrth the c�venants and agre�ments <br /> contained in this Mor�gage, �ncluding without lim��a�ion payment of taxes, charg�s, <br /> assessments, insurance prern�ums, ma�ntenance and repair of�he Prem�ses and costs <br /> incurred for the protection of �he Prem�ses and Mar�gagee's priority, Mar�gagee, <br /> wi�hout prejudice ta any rights given herein, may make advances to p�rform or cure <br /> sam� �n behalf of Mortgagor; and Mar�gagor hereby agrees to repay al� sums so <br /> advanced, on demand, w�th in�erest �ram the date advanced at the rate of twelve per- <br /> cent��.2%}per annum. Al� sums sa ad�anced, with interest as aforesaid,until paid by <br /> Mortgagar, shall be immediately due and payable and�e added to and became a part <br /> af any indebtedness or abligat�an s�cured hereby in such manner or order as <br /> Martgagee may desire ar determine, having the�enefit of the lien hereby�reated as a <br /> part �hereof and of �ts prior�ty; �u� no such advanc�s sha11 be deemed to reliev� <br /> Martgagor from any default hereunder or impa�r any righ� or remedy cansequ�nt <br /> there�o. The exerc�se of the rights�o make ad�ances gran�ed in this paragraph sha�l be <br /> optiana� v�ith Mortgagee and nat abiigatory; and Mar�gage� shall not, in any case,be <br /> liable to Mortgag�r for failur��o e�ercise any such right. . <br />