2� 15�82��
<br /> 7. ASSI�NMENT �F RENTS. Benefciary shall ha�e the right, p�wer, and autharity
<br /> during �he cont�nuance of this Trus� Deed to c�lle�t the rents, issues, and profts of the Property and of
<br /> any persona� property located therean with or w�thout taking possession of the praperty affected h�reby,
<br /> and Trus�or hereby absolu�ely and ur�cond��iana�ly assigns al� such ren�s, 155L1�S, and profits ta
<br /> Benef ciary. Beneficiary, howe�er, hereby c�nsen�s to�he Trustor's cnllection and retention of such rents,
<br /> issues, and profits as they a�crue and become payable so lang as Trustar is no�, at such time, in defauit
<br /> with respec� ta payment of any inde�tedness secured hereby, or in the perf�rmance af any agreement
<br /> hereunder. Up�n any such defau�t, Benefi�iary may at any �ime, ei�her in person, by agent, or by a
<br /> receiver t� be app�inted by a court, vWithaut no�ice and without regard to the adequacy of any security for
<br /> . the indebtedness hereby se�ured, �a} enter upon and take passession af the Property �r any part �hereaf
<br /> and, �n its awn name sue, far or atherwise co�lect such ren�s, issues, and profits, including thase past due
<br /> and unpaid, and apply the same, less cos�s and expe.nses of opera�ion and collection, inc�uding reas�nab�e
<br /> attarneys' fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Benef c�ary may determine;
<br /> �b} perform such acts of repair ar pratection as may be necessary or praper t� ��nserve the �a�ue of the
<br /> Froperty; �c� lease the same or any part thereof for such rental, term, and u�on such conditi�ns as its
<br /> j udgmen� may dictate, �r terminate or �,C�j uSt the terms anC� C�nC�itiUnS �f exi5ting lease5. Unless Trustor
<br /> and Benef ciary thereof agree otherwise in writing, any applicatYon of rents, issues, or profi�s to any
<br /> indehtedness secured hereby shall not extend or pastpone the due date of the installment payments as
<br /> pro�ided �n said promissary note or change the amaunt of such installments. The �nter�ng upan and
<br /> taking possession of the Property, �he c�llection of such rents, issues and prafits, and �he applicat�on
<br /> therevf as aforesaid shall nat wai�e ar cure any default or notice of defau��hereunder or in�al�date any act
<br /> done pursuant to such notice. Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary, as further secur�ty for the performance
<br /> af the obligations secured hereby, all prepaid rents and a1� mnnies which may ha�re been or may hereafter
<br /> be deposi�ed with said Trustor by any 1�ssee of the Property to secure �he �ayment of any rent ar
<br /> �iamages, or, upor� defau�t ir� the performance of any af the provisians hereof, Trustar agrees to de�i�er
<br /> such rents and depas�ts to Benefic�ary. Deli�ery �f wrttten notice af Beneficiary's exer�ise �f the r.ights
<br /> gran�ed herein to any tenant occupying said premises sha�l be sufficient to require said tenant to pay rent
<br /> to the Benef ciary until further notice.
<br /> S. C�NDEMNATIC�N. �f title to any part of the Property shall be taken in condemnation
<br /> proceedings, by righti of eminent domain or similar actiion, ar sha�l be sold under threat of cflndemnatian,
<br /> al� awards, damages, and pr�ceeds are hereby assigned and shall �e paid �o Beneficiary wha shall app�y
<br /> such awards, damages, and proceeds to the sum se�ured hy this Trust I�eed, with the excess, if any, paid
<br /> to Trustor, except that such award, damages or proceeds, or any portian thereof may�e used��res�are or
<br /> rep�ace any partion af the Pr�perty �aken, damaged or rendered unusab�e by reason of the condemnation
<br /> at the dis�r�tion of the Benef c�ary. �f Trustor receives any n�tice flr other information regarding such
<br /> actians or proceedings, Trust�r shall g��e prompt v�ritten notice thereof to �eneficiary. Bene��iary sha1�
<br /> be entitled, at its op�ion, ta commence, appear in, and prasecute, in its ❑wn name, any such actian ar
<br /> proceedings and sha�l be er�titled ta make any cnmpromise or settl�ment in connection with any such
<br /> action ar proceed�ngs.
<br /> 9. FUTURE ADVANCES. Upon request of Trustar, Benefi�iary, at Beneficiary's option,
<br /> prior to recanveyance of the Property to Trustor, may make future ad�anc�s to Trustor. Such future
<br /> advances, with �nterest therean, shall �e secured by this Trust I]eed when e�idenced by pramissory no�es
<br /> s�ating that said notes are secured hereby; provided that at no time shall the secured principal and future
<br /> advance, nat including sums ad�anced to pro�ect�he security, exceed twa hundred per�en� �2��%} of the
<br /> arigina� principal amounts secured hereby.
<br /> lU. REMEDIES N�T EX�LUSIVE. Trus�ee and Benef ciary, and each of them, sha�l �e
<br /> entitled to enforce paym�nt and perfarmance of any indeb�edness or o�liga�ions se�ured hereby and to
<br /> exerc�se all rights and powers under this Trust Deed or under any other agreement execut�d in �onnection
<br /> h�revvith ❑r any �aws now or hereafter in force, n�twithstanding s�me or all of such indebtedness and
<br /> obligations secured hereby which may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mor�gage, trust
<br /> deed, pledge, lien, assignment, or vtherwise. Neither the acceptanCe of this Trusti Deed n�r its
<br /> enforcement, whether by court action or pursuant to the power �f sale or �ther pawers herein contained,
<br /> shal� prej udice or in any manner affect Trustee's or Benefi�iary's right to realize upon or enfarce any�ther
<br /> security now or hereafter he�d by Trustee or Bene�ciary, it being agreed that Trustee and Beneficiary, and
<br /> each of thern, shall be entitled to enforce this Trust Deed and any o�h�r security now or hereafter held by
<br /> B�neficiary or Trustee in such order and manner as they, or ei�her of thern, may, in their absalute
<br /> discretion, determine. No rem�dy herein conferred upan ar reserved to Trustee�r Beneficiary is intended
<br /> ta be exc�usx�e of any other remedy herei.n ❑r by la.w pro�ided ar permitted, but each shatl be cumulative
<br /> and shall be in addit�on �Q every ath�r remedy gi�en hereunder or no�v or hereafter existing„ at law or in
<br /> equ�ty, or by sta�ute. E�ery power ar remedy pro�ided under this Trust Deed to Trustee ar Beneficiary ar
<br /> to which e�ther flf them may be otherwise entitled may be exercised, cancurrently�r independently, from
<br /> time �o time and as aften as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Benef�ciary and either �f them may
<br /> pursue incansistent remedies. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking
<br /> a deficiency j udgment against the Trustor,t�the extent such ac�ion is permitted by iaw.
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