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2� 15�82�� <br /> fees as pro�ided in the Note, ar�d the principa� of and in�eres� on any Future Ad�ances secured by this <br /> Trus�Deed. <br /> �. �VARRANTY �F TITLE. Trustor is Iawfully seized arid possessed a�easehold interest <br /> in the Proper�y hereby c�n�eyed. The Proper�y �s free and clear af all �iens and �ncumbrances, except <br /> �xens now of recard, and Trustor will vvarrant and def�nd the title to the Pr�perty against ai� cla�ms and <br /> ��man�5. <br /> 3. MAINTENAN�E AND ��MPLIAN�E WITH LAWS. Trus�or shali kee� the <br /> Proper�y in gond repair and .conditian, sha�1 nat commi�t waste or �ermit impairment �r deterioratran of <br /> the Praperty, and shall comply with the pro�isians of any lease if this Trust Deed is on a �easeho�d. No <br /> impra�ement, now or hereafter erected upon the Proper�y, sha�l �e altered, remo�ed, or demo�}shed <br /> without the pri�r written consent af Beneficiary. Trustor shall comp�y with al� laws, ordinances, <br /> regulatians, co�enants, conditions, and restrietions affect�ng the Froperty and n�t commi�, suffer, �r <br /> permi�any act tn be dane in or up�n the Praperty in �iolation of any law, �rd�nance, regu�ation, co�enant, <br /> condition, or restriction. Trustor sha11 complete ar restore, promptly and �n goad vvorkmanlike manner, <br /> any impr�vement on the Pr�perty which may be damaged ar destroyed and pay, when due, all claims for <br /> labor perfarmed and materials furnished therefor and for any alterat�ons thereof. <br /> 4. INSilRANCE. Trus�ar, a� its expense, wi ll maintain, with insurers approved by <br /> Benef ciary, insurance with respect to the improWements and personal property, canst�tuting the Property, <br /> aga�ns� loss by fire, lightn�ng, tiarnado, and other perils and hazards covered �y standard extended <br /> co�erage endorsement, in an amount equal to at �eas� ane hundred percent��4�%� nf�he fu�� rep�acement <br /> value �hereof and insurance against such other hazards and in such amaun�s as �s customarily carried by <br /> owners and �perat�rs of similar praperties. All insurance palicies main�ained �ursuant to this Trust Deed <br /> shall name Trustor and Benef c�ary as insured, as their respecti�e interests may appear, and pro�ide tha� <br /> �here be no cancellat�on or madificati�n without at least 15 days'prior written notification t�Trustee, and <br /> Benef ciary may pracure such insurance �n acc�rdance with the pr�visinns of paragraph � hereof. Trustor <br /> sha�i deli�er to Benefic�ary the original palicies of insurance and renewa�s thereof or merno c�p�es of <br /> such palicies and renewals thereaf. Failure to furnish such insurance by Trustor or renevvals as required <br /> hereunder shall, a�the option af Beneficiary, c�nstitute a def.ault. <br /> 5. TAXES, ASSESSMENTS, AND �HARGES. Trus�or shall pay all taxes, assessments, <br /> and a�her charges, including, without l�mitati�n, f�r�es and �mpositians attr�butable ta the Pro�erty and <br /> leas�hald payments �r ground rents,�if any, bef�re the same become delinquent. Trustar sha11 prompt�y <br /> furnish t�heneficiary a�t no�ices af amounts due under this paragraph and, in the e�ent Trustor sha�l make <br /> payment d�rectly, Trustar shall promptly furnish to Benef�c�ary rec�ipts evidencing such payments. <br /> Trustor shall pay all taxes and assessments which may be le�ied upon Beneficiary's in�erest herein or <br /> upo.fl this Trust Deed without regard ta any law that may be enacted impos�ng payment of the whole �r <br /> any par�thereaf upnn the Benefic�ary. <br /> 5. ADDITI�NAL LIENS AND PR�TECTI�N �F BENEFI�IARY'S SE�URITY. <br /> 7`rustor shall make a11 payments of interest and principal and payments of any ather charges, fees, and <br /> expenses contracted to �e paid �o any existing ar subsequent lienholder or beneficiary under any exis�ing <br /> or subsequent m�rtgage �r �rust deed before the date �hey are delinquent or in defauit, and pr�mptly pay <br /> and discharge any and all �ther liens, claims, or charges which may jeopardize the se�urity granted <br /> herein. If Trustor fails�o make any such payment or fai�s to perform any of the co�enants and agreements <br /> contained in this Trust I�eed, ar the Note referred ta herein, or in any pri�r ar subsequent trust deed, or if <br /> any action or proceeding is commenced which material�y affects Beneficiary's in�erest in the Pr�perty, <br /> inc�, but n�t 1im�ted to, eminent domain proceedings, proceedings in�ol�ing a decedent, natice of <br /> sale by Trustee, notice of default by Trus�ee, mortgage foreclosure action, or if Trustor fails to pay <br /> Trustor's debts generally as they become due, then Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option and without natice <br /> to or demand upan Trustor and without re�easing Trustor from any �bligation her�under, may make such <br /> appearances, disburse such sums, and take such action as is necessary to pratec� Benefciary's interest, <br /> including, bu� nat limited t�, disbursement af reasanable attorneys' fees, payment, purchase, cantest, ar <br /> compromise af any eracumbrance, charge, or �ien, entry upon �he Property ta make repairs, or de�laratian <br /> of default under this Trust Deed. In the e�ent that Trus�ar shal� fail to �ro�ure insurance or to pay taxes, <br /> assessments, ar any other charges or ta make any payments to any existing or su�sequent �ienholders ar <br /> existing or subsequent beneficiaries, Beneficiary may pracure such insuran�� and make such payment but <br /> shall n�t be ob�iga�ed to do so. Any amounts d�sbursed by Beneficiary pursuanti��this Paragraph 6 shall <br /> become additianal indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Trust I]eed. Such amaunts shall be payable <br /> up�n notice fram Benef ciary �o Trust�r requesting payment �hereaf and sha�l bear interest fram the date <br /> of disbursement at �he rate paya�le from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note uniess <br /> payment of interest at such rate vvould be contrary to applicable �aw, in which event such amounts sha�1 <br /> bear �nterest at the highest rate permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in �his Paragraph 6 <br /> sha11 require Beneficiary to incur any expense ar take any actian hereunder. <br /> Page 2 of 9 <br />