2� 15�8259
<br /> except liens now af rec�rd, and Trustor will warrant and defend th�title to the Property against al1 claims
<br /> and demands.
<br /> 3. MAINTENANCE AND ��MPLIAN�E WITH LAWS. Trustor sha�l keep the
<br /> Property in good repair and c�ndi�i�n, sha�1 nat commit waste or permit impairment or deterioration of
<br /> the Proper�y, and shall comply with the pro�isions of any lease if th�s Trust Deed is an a leaseho�d. No
<br /> impr��ement, n�w ar hereafter erected upon the ProperCy, shall be altered, rema�ed, or demal�shed
<br /> withaut the pr�or written cons�nt �f Benef ciary Trustar shall comp�y wi�h ail laws, ardinances,
<br /> regu�ations, co�enants, condit�ons, and restrictions affecting the Propet�y and nat comm�t, suffer, ar
<br /> perm�t any act to be dane in flr up�n the Property in via�a�Yon of any �aw, ardinance, regulation, ca�enant,
<br /> condition, or restrictian, Trustar shal� complete or restore, prvmptly and in good workman�ike mann�r,
<br /> any impravement on the Praperty wh�ch may be damaged or destroyed and pay, when due, all c�aYms for
<br /> labor performed and materials furnished�herefor and for any alterations thereaf.
<br /> 4. INSURANCE. Trustor, at its expense, will maintain, with ir]5ur�r5 appr�ved hy
<br /> Benefi�iary, insurance wi�h respec�to the impro�ements and persanal pr�perty, canstituting the Property,
<br /> against �oss by fire, li�htning, tornado, and ather perils and hazards covered by standard extended
<br /> co�erage indorsement, in an amount equal to at �east ane hundred percen� ��00°/a} of the full replacement
<br /> �alue thereof and insurance against such other hazards and in such amounts as is customariiy carried by
<br /> owners and operatars of similar proper�ies. A�l �x�surance�olicies maintained pursuant to this Trust Deed
<br /> shall name Trus�ar and Beneficiary as insured, as their respec�ti�e interests may appear, and pro�ide that
<br /> there be na cancel�ation or modificatian without at �east �5 days' prior written not�ficati�n t� Trustee, and
<br /> Beneficiary may procure such insurance in acCardance with the pravisions of paragraph 6 hereof. Trustor
<br /> sha�1 deliver ta Benefic.iary the original p�Iicies of insurance and renewals thereof or memo copies af
<br /> such policies and renewals thereof. Failure to furnish such insurance by Trustor or renewals as required
<br /> hereunder shall, at�he o��ion of Beneficiary, constitute a defaul� if na�pro�ided withrn 3� days of reques�.
<br /> 5. TAXES, ASSES�MENTS, AND �HARGES. Trustor shall pay all taxes, assessments,
<br /> and other charges, including, without limitation, f nes and impasitions attributab�e ta the Property and
<br /> leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any, bef�re the same bec�me delinquent. Trustor shal� prampt�y
<br /> furn�sh t�benefic�ary aIl n�tices�f amaunts due under this paragraph and, in the e�ent Trustor shal� make
<br /> paymen� directly, Trustor sha�l pr�mptly furnish to Benefic�ary re�e�pts evidencing such payments.
<br /> Trustor sha�� pay all �axes and assessments which may be levied upon Beneficiary's interest herein or
<br /> upon this Trust Deed withaut regard to any Iaw that may be enacted tmposing paymen� �f�he who�e ar
<br /> any part thereof upon the Beneficiary.
<br /> Trustor shall make all payments of interest and principal and payments of any other charges, fees, an�
<br /> expenses contracted to be paid �a any exist�ng or subsequent 1 ienh�lder or beneficiary under any exis�ing
<br /> or subse�uent mortgage or trus� deed bef�re the date they are delinquent ar in default, arid pramptly pay
<br /> and discharge any and a�l other liens, claims, or charges which may jeopardize the security granted
<br /> herein. If Trustor fa�Is�o make any such paymen�or fails�o perfnrm any of the c�venants and agreements
<br /> cantained in this Trust Deed, ar t�ae Note referred �a herein, or in any prior or subsequent trust deed, or if
<br /> any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Beneficrary's �nterest in the Pr�per�y,
<br /> including, but nat 1im�ted to, eminent domain proceedin�s, proceedings involving a decedent, not�ce af
<br /> sale by Trustee, n�t�ce of default �y Trustee, trust deed fareclasure action, or if Trustor fails t� pay
<br /> Trustor's debts genera��y as they became due, then Beneficiary, a�Beneficiary's option and without n�tice
<br /> to ar demand upon Trustor and withaut.releasing Trustar fram any �bligation hereunder, may make such
<br /> appearances, d�sburse such sums, and take such action as is necessary to protect Beneficiary's interest,
<br /> rnc�ud�ng, but not limited ta, disbursement of reasanable attorneys' fees, payment, purchase, �ontest, ar
<br /> compromise of any encumbrance, charge, or l�en, entry upon the Praperty ta make repairs, �r declaratian
<br /> of default under this Trust Deed. In the event that Trustor shall fail ta procure insurance ar to pay taxes,
<br /> assessments, or any other charges or to make any payments to any existing or subsequent lienholders or
<br /> e�isting ar subsequen�beneficiaries, Beneficiary rnay procure such insurance and make such payment but
<br /> sha�l nat be abligated to da s�. Any amounts disbursed by Ben�ficiary pursuant�o this Paragraph � shall
<br /> �ec�me addit�anal indebtedness af Trustor secured by �his Trus� Deed. Such amounts shal� be payable
<br /> u�on notice fr�m Beneficiary to Trustar requesting payment thereof and sha11 bear interest fram the date
<br /> of disbursement at �he rate payable from time to time �n ou�s�anding princ�pai under the Note unless
<br /> payment of�nterest at such rate would be eontrary to applicable Iaw, in which e�ent such amounts shall
<br /> b�ar interest at the h�ghest rate permissib�e under applicable �aw. Nothing contained in this Paragraph 6
<br /> sha�1 require Beneficiary to �ncur any expense or take any action hereunder.
<br /> 7. ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS. Benef ciary shall have the r�ght, pawer, and au�hor�ty
<br /> during the continuance of�his Trus� Deed fo collect the rents, �ssues, and pr�fts of the Praper�y and af
<br /> any personal property located there�n with or without taking possessian �f the property affected herehy,
<br /> and Trustor her��y absolute�y and uncanditiona�ly �.551�t15 a�l such rents, issues, and prafits ta
<br /> Benef ciary, Beneficiary,howe�er, hereby consen�s to the Trustor's collec�i�n and retenti�n af such rents,
<br /> issues, and prafits as �hey accrue and become payable so �ong as Trustor is nat, at such time, in defau�t
<br /> with respect to paym�nt of an� indeb�edness secured hereby, �r in the perfarmance of any agreement
<br /> hereunder. Up�n any such default, Beneficiary rnay at any time, e�ther �n person, by agent, or b}� a
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