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2� 15�8185 <br /> 11. ENVIR(]NMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDUUS SUBSTAN�ES. As used in this section, <br /> �1) En�ironmental Law means, without lirYaitation, the Comprehensi�e En�iranmental Respanse, <br /> Campensatian and Liability A�t �CER�LA, 4� U.S.G. �6U 1 et seq.}, and all other federal, state and �ocal <br /> 1aws, regulations, ordinances, cour� orders, att�rney general opinions or in�erpretive letters concerning the <br /> public health, safety, welfare, �n�iranment or a hazar�ous substance; and ��} Hazardous Substan�e means any <br /> toxi�, radioactive ar hazardous material, wast�, pallutant or �ontaminant whi�h has characteristi�� which <br /> render the substance dangeraus or pfltentially dangerous t� the pub�i� h�a�th, safety, welfare �r environment. <br /> The term �ncludes, w�thout limitation, any substan�es defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substances," <br /> "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under any En�ir�nmental Law. <br /> Trustar r�presents, warrants and agrees that: <br /> A.E�cept as pre�i�us�y disciosed and acknowledged in writing ta Benefi�iary, na Hazardous Substanc� is <br /> or wil� be located, stored or released vn or in the Praperty. This restrictian daes no� apply ta small <br /> quantities af Hazardaus Substances that are gen�ral�y recognized ta be appropriate far the n�rmal use <br /> and maintenance of the Property. <br /> B. E�cept as pre�iously disclosed and acknawledged in writing to Benef�ciary, Trust�r and e�ery C�nant <br /> have been, are, and shall remain in full campliance with any applicable Enviranmental Law. <br /> C.Trustor shall immediately nntify Benefic�ary if a releas� or thr�atened release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> accurs on, under ar about the Prflperty or there is a�iolation of any En�ironmental Law concern�ng �he <br /> Property. In such an ��ent, Trus�or shall take all n�cessary r�med�al action in accardance with any <br /> En�ironmental Law, <br /> D.Trustor �hall imm�d�ately nfltify Beneficiary in writing as saon as Trustor has r�asan to beli��e there is <br /> any pending or threat�ned in��stigation, ciaim, or proceeding relating to the rel�ase ar threaten�d <br /> release �f any Haz�rdous SubsCance ar the vio�ation of any En��ronmental Law. <br /> 12. ESCR�W F�R TA�ES AND INSURANCE. Unl�ss otherwise pro�ided in a separate agreement, Trustor <br /> will not be required t�pay to Ben�ficiary funds for tax�s and insurance in escrow. <br /> 13. JC]INT AND INDIVIDUAL LIA.BILITY; ��-SIGNERS; SU�CESS�RS AND ASSIGNS B�UND. A�1 <br /> duties under this Se�urity Instrument are j oin� and individual. If Trustor signs �his Security Instrum�nt but <br /> daes nnt sign an evidence of deb�, Trustar does so anly �a mortgage Trustor's interest in the Property to <br /> secure paym�nt af the Secured De��and Trustor does n�t agre�ta be persvnally liab�e on the Secured D�bt. If <br /> this Security Instrum�nt s�cures a guara.nty between Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustor agr�es to wai�e any <br /> rights that may pre�ent Beneficiar�r from �ringing any action or claim against Trustor �r any party indebted <br /> und�r the obligatian. These rights may inc�ude, but are na� limited to, any anti-deficiency or an�-action laws. <br /> The duties and�enefits of this Security Instrument shal��ind and benefit Che successors and assigns of Trustor <br /> and Beneficiary. <br /> 14. SEV�1�.A�ILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This Se�urity Instrument is complete and fully integrated. This <br /> Security Instrument may not be amended nr mndified by oral agreement. Any section in this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument, attachments, �r any agr�ement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts with appli�able law wil� <br /> not be effecti��, unless that 1aw �xpressly or impliedly permi�s the �rariati�ns by written agre�ment. If any <br /> section of this Security Instrum�nt cannot be enforced according to i�s terms, that section will be se�er�d and <br /> will n�t affec� �he enfarceability of the remainder of this 5�curity Instrument. Whene�er used, the singular <br /> sha�l include the plural and the plural the singular, The capti�ns and h�ad�ngs of the s�ctions af this S�curity <br /> �nstrum�nt are for �onveni�nc� only and are nat to b� use� to ir�terpret ar define �h� terms of Chis S�curity <br /> �nstrument. Time is of the �ss�nce in this S�curity In�trum�nt. <br /> 15. SUCCESS�R TRt]STE�. B�neficiary, at Beneficiary's option, may from time to time remave Trustee and <br /> appoint a successor trustee without any other formality than the designatian in writing. The successar trustee, <br /> without can�eyance of the Prflp�rty, shall succ�ed to all the title, pow�r and duties canferred upon Trustee by <br /> this Securi�y Instrument and applicable 1aw. <br /> 16. N�TICE. Unless oth�rwis� requ�red by law, any notice shall be gi�en by deli�ering it or by mailing it �y <br /> fir�t class mail to the apprapria�e party's address an page 1 �f this Se�uri�y Instrument, or ta any other <br /> addr�ss designat�d in writing. Natice ta one trus�or will be deemed to be notice to all trus��rs. Tru�tor and <br /> Beneficxary her�by r�quest a copy ❑f any natice of defaul�, and a capy of any notice �f sale thereunder, be <br /> ma�led ta each party at the a�dress for such par�y set forth on pag� � of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except t❑ the e�tent prohibited by law, Trustar wai�es a�l appraisem�nt and homestead <br /> e��mption rights relating ta the Property. <br /> 18. LINE UF CREDIT. The Secured I3ebt includes a revol�ing line of credit. Although the Secured Debt may <br /> be reduced to a zero balance, this Security Instrument will remain in�ffect until released, <br /> Secwity Instrument-Upen-�nd-Cansumer-NE ❑CP�R��T-N� 71�I�D11 <br /> VMPD Bankers 5yst�ms�"' VMP-C465SNEy t11Q7a.D0 <br /> Wolters K�uwer Financial Services �1994,�Q11 Page 5 af� <br />