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- 2� 15�8185 <br /> Praperty Condit�on, A�t�rat�ons and Inspectian. Trust�r will ke�p the Property in g�ad condition and <br /> make a1.1 repairs that ar� reasanably necessary. Trustor shall na� commi� or allow any waste, impairment, or <br /> de�erioration of the Pr�perty. Trustor agrees that the nature �f the accupan�y and u�e wili not substantially <br /> change without Ben�ficiary's prior written consent, Trustor will not permit any change in any lic�n�e, <br /> restri�tive covenant or easement withaut Beneficiary's prior written consent, Trustvr wi�� notify Benefi�iary <br /> of a11 demands, pr�ceeding�, claims, and actions against Trustor? and of any loss or darnag�t� the Property. <br /> Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent� may, at Ben�fi��ary's option, enter th� Prop�rty at any reasonable time for <br /> �he purpose of inspecting �he Property, Beneficiary shall gi�e Trustor notic� at the �ime af or befare an <br /> inspectian specifying a reasonable purpose far the inspection, Any inspectian af the Praperty shall be en�irely <br /> far Beneficiary's benef�t and Trustor wi�l in n� way rely on Beneficiary's inspection. <br /> Autharity ta Perform. �f Trustor fails ta perform any duty or any of the co�enants contain�d in this Security <br /> Instrument, Beneficiary may, without notiGe, perform or cause them to be p�rf�rmed. Trust�r appoints <br /> Beneficiary as attorney in fact ta sign Trustor's name ar pay any amount necessary for performance. <br /> Benefi�iary's right to perform for Trustor sha11 not create an abligation ta perform, and Benefi�iary's failure <br /> t❑ perfarm will nvt preclude Bene�ciary fram e�er�ising any af Beneficiary's other rights under the law or <br /> this SeCurity Instrumen�, <br /> Leasehalds; Condominiums; Plann�d []n�t D���iopment5. Trus�ar agr��s to comply wi�h the pravisions �f <br /> any l�ase if this 5e�urity Instrument is an a l�as�ha�d, �f�he Property in�ludes a unit in a candominium or a <br /> planned un�t d��elopm�nt, Trustor will perf�arm all of Tru�tor's duties under the �o�enant�, b�y^iaws, or <br /> regulations �f the candominium or planned unit de�elopment. <br /> Condemnation. Trustar will gi�� �eneficiary prompt notice of any pending flr threatened actian, by private <br /> or public entities to pur�hase �r take any �r all of the Property through cond�mnation, eminent domain, or <br /> any ather means, Trustor authorizes Beneficiary to inter�ene in Trustor's nam� in any of th� abo�e described <br /> ac�ians ❑r claims. Trustor ass�gns to Beneficiary the proce�ds af any award or claim for damages connected <br /> with a condemnat�on or other taking of a11 or any par� af th� Property. Such proceeds shall be considered <br /> payments and will be appli�d as pro�ided in this Security �nstrumen�, This assignment flf prace�ds is subject <br /> to the terms of any priar mortgag�, deed af trust, security agreement or o�her�ien d��um�nt. <br /> Insurance. Trus�ar sha�l keep Proper�y insured against �oss by �re, flaod, theft and other hazards and risks <br /> reasonab�y associated with the Property due to its type and loca�ion. This insurance sha11 be mainta�n�d in the <br /> amounts and for the periods that B�neficiary requir�s. What Beneficiary require� pursuant to th� pre�eding <br /> two sentences can change during th� t�rm of�he S�cured D�bt. Th� insurance carrier praviding the insurance <br /> sha�i be chasen by Trustar su��ect tv Benefi�iary's appro�al, which sha11 no� be unreasonably withheid. �f <br /> Trustor fails to maintain the co�erage described above, Beneficiary may, at Beneficiary's option, obtain <br /> co�erage ta pratect Ben�fi�iary's rights in th�Property acc�rding to the t�rms of this Security Ins�rum�nt. <br /> A11 insuran�e policies and ren�wa�s shall be acceptab�e to B�neficiary and shal� include a standard "mortgage <br /> clause" and, where app�icable, "�oss payee c�ause." Trustor sh�ll immediately notify Beneficiary of <br /> canc�llation or termination of the insurance, Ben�ficiary shalt ha�e the right to hold the polici�s and <br /> renewals. If Beneficiary reyuires, Trustar sha�l immediately give to Beneficiary all re�eipts af paid premiums <br /> and renewal notices. Upon lass, Trustor shai� gi�e immediate no�ice to the insuranc� carri�r and Beneficiary. <br /> Beneficiary may make proof of Iass if n�� made immediately by Trustor, <br /> Unless otherwise agreed in wri�ing, all �nsurance prflceeds shall be applied to the r�storation �r repair of the <br /> Froperty or to the Secured D�bt, whether or nat �hen due, at Beneficiary's aptian. Any application af <br /> proceeds to principal shall not extend or pastpone the du� date of the schedui�d payment nor change �he <br /> amount af any payment. Any excess �v�11 be paid t4 the Trus�or. If�he Praper�y is acquired b� B�neficiary, <br /> Trustor's righ� ta any insurance palic��s and praceeds resu��ing from damage to the Property before the <br /> a�quisition shail pas� to Beneficiary ta the extent nf�he 5ecured Debt immediateiy before the acquisition. <br /> Financ�at Report5 and Additi�nal I�acuments. Trustor wi11 pro�ide ta Beneficiary upon requ�st, any <br /> financial statement or informa�ifln Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessar�. Trustor agre�s to sign, <br /> deli�er, and file any additional �ocuments ar certifications that Benefi�iary may consider necessary ta perfect, <br /> con�inue, and preser�e Trustar's o�liga�ions under �his Security Instrument and Benefic�ary'� lien statu� on <br /> the Proper�y. <br /> �. WARRANTY UF TITLE. Trustor warrants that Trus�or is or will be �awfully seized of the estate can�ey�d <br /> by this Security Instrument and has the right ta irre�acab�y grant, con�ey, and sell the Praperty to Trustee, in <br /> trust, with povver of sale. Trust�r als� warrants that the Praperty is unencumbered, except f�r encumbrance� <br /> of recard. <br /> 7. �3UE �N SALE. Beneficiary may, at its aptian, declare th� �ntire balan�� �f the SeGured Debt to be <br /> immediately du� and payable upon the creation of, or �ontra�t for the creation of, a transfer or sal� of all or <br /> any part of Ch� Property. This right is subjeet to the restrictions impos�d �y federai law �I� �.F.R. 591}, as <br /> applicable. <br /> aecurity Instrument-Open-End-�onst�mer-NE OCP-f��aT-N� 7121�d1 1 <br /> VMP�B�nk�rs 5ystemsrM VMP-�465�NEf t1 107f,C]fl <br /> Wolt�rs�luwer Financial Ser�ices D�994,20�1 p�9���f� <br />