2� 15�8182
<br /> An� appl�catio�af payments, insurance proceeds, nr M�scellaneous Prnceeds�a pr�nc�pa� due under the Note
<br /> sha�l not extend or pos�p�ne the due date, or change�he am�un�, af the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for�scraw Item�. Barr��ver shali pa�to Lender an th�day Period�c Payments are due under the
<br /> Note, unti� �he Note�s paid xn ful�, a sum��he "Funds"} �o pr�v�de for payment of amounts due for: �a}ta�es
<br /> and assessmen�s and o�h�r�tem.s�rh�c��an atta�n prior�ty o�rer�his S�curity Instrumen�as a lien or
<br /> �ncumbrance on�he Proper�y; �b} �eas�ha�d pa�ments or ground r�nts on�he Proper�y, �f any; �c�prem�u�.�s
<br /> for an� and aII insurance required b�Lender under S�ction 5; and �d} Mor��age Insurance premiums, if an�,
<br /> or any sums paya�le by Borro�rer to Lender�n l�eu of the paym�n�of Mortgage Insurance premiums �n
<br /> accordanc�v���h the pro��sians of Section ��, These i�ems are called "�s�ravv�tems." At or�ginat�on ar a�
<br /> any�ime durin��he term of�h�Laan, Lender may r�quire�ha�Communit�Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Asse�smen�s, �f any, be escrowed b� Bflrr�vcrer, and su�h dues, fees and asse�smen�s sha11 be an Escr�w
<br /> �tem. Borrower shaii promptl� furnish ta Lender aIi notices af amounts ta be pa�d under th�s Sec��on.
<br /> Borrav�er shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow ��ems un�es� L�nder�vaives Borrower's o��zga�ion to pay
<br /> the �unds for any or al� �scrow �tems. I..end�r may wa��e Borro��r's ab�iga�ion to pay to I.�ender Funds for
<br /> any or a�l Escr�w Items at any��me. An�such v�aiver ma�r on�y be in wri�ing. In the ev�nt of such waiver,
<br /> B�rrower sha�l pay directly, v�hen and where payabl�, �he amounts due fflr any E�cr�w �tems far v�rh�ch
<br /> paymen�of Funds has been waived by Lender and, �f Lend�r requir�s, sha�� furn�sh�o Lender rece�p�s
<br /> e�idencing such paymen�w��h�n such t�m�p�riad as L.�nder may require. Borrower's abl�gation�o make
<br /> such pa�men�s and��pro�ide re�e�pts shall for al� purpos�s be deemed �a be a covenant and agreernent
<br /> conta�ned in�his Se�urity �nstrument, a��he phrase "c��enant and agreement" is used in Sec�i�n 9. If
<br /> Bnrrower�s ob�igated to pay Escrov�r I�ems direct�y, pursuant�o a�va��rer, and Bflrrfl�er fa�ls��pay�he
<br /> amoun�due for an Escrnw�tem, Lend�r nzay exercise �ts r�ghts under Section 9 and pay such amoun�and
<br /> Borr�wer shall then be ob�igated und�r Se��ion 9�o repay to Lender an� such amoun�. Lender may revoke
<br /> the vvai�er as to an�or aIi Escraw Items a�an��ime by a na��ce g�ven in aceordance�rith Sectian 15 and,
<br /> upon such rev�ca�ion, Borrower shal�pay�n Lender all Funds, and in such an�ounts, that are then required
<br /> under�h�s Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may, at an�time, ca��ect and hold Funds in an an�ount��� suff�ci�r�t t�p�rmi�Lender��app���h�
<br /> Funds at the t�me specified und�r RE�PA, and �b}not to exceed�he maximum amount a l�nder can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shai��stimate�he amount of Funds due on�he�asis of curren�data and reasona�Ie
<br /> est�ma�es of expend��ures of future Escrow ��ems or otherv�is��n ac�ardanc�vvith Appl�cab�e Lav�r.
<br /> The Funds sha�l be heid in an �nstitutian whose depasits are insured�y a federal ag�ncy, instrumenta�ity, or
<br /> ent�ty �inciud�ng I.�nder, if Lender is an ins�i�u�i�n u�hase dep�s��s are s� insured} nr�n an}� Federai Home
<br /> L�an Bank. Lender shall appiy the Funds to pay the Escrow Items na la��r than�he��me sp�cxfied under
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha�� no�char�e Borro�rer for hol�ing and applying th�Funds, annuall� a�aa�yz�ng�he
<br /> escr�w ac�oun�, or�erif�ing�he Es�raw �tems, un��ss Lender pa�s B�rrovver in�erest on�h� Funds and
<br /> App�icabie Law permi�s Lender��make such a charge. �Jnless an agre�ment is made in writing or
<br /> App�icab��Law requires interes���be pa�d on the Funds, Lender sha�.l not be required t�pay Borrnwer any
<br /> �n�er�st�r earnings on the Funds. Barrovver and Lender can agree �n v�ri�ing, hnweW�r, �ha�inter�st sha��be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall gi�e ta Borrow�r, without charg�, an annual a�coun�ing of�e Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> �f�here�s a surp�us of Funds he�d in escrov�, as defined under RESPA, L�nder shal� accoun�tn Borrovver for
<br /> �h�e�cess funds �n accordance wi�h R�SPA. �f there�s a shor�age of Funds he�d in es�row, as de�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lend�r shail no�if�Borrav�rer as requ�red by R�SPA, and B�rr�vver shall pay �� L�nd�r the amoun�
<br /> n��essary��make up the shar�age�n accordance vvith RESPA, but in no more�han �2 monthly payments, If
<br /> �here is a de�c�ency of Funds held �n escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shail notify Borr��nrer as
<br /> N�gRASKA-Singie�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNlFQRM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3428 1 J�1
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NE�Z�3fl2f
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Ftnancia!Ser�ices Page 5 af 17
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