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2� 15�8182 <br /> BflRR�'U�l'ER C�VENANTS that Borrower is lawfully s�ised of the esta�e hereby�anvey�d and has�he r�g���� <br /> grant and canvey the Pr�perty and�hat th�Property is unencumbered, except far encumbranGes of record. <br /> Borra�ver warran�s and w��� d�fend g�nera��y th�t�tle�o the Proper�y against a�� cia�ms and demands, sub�ect�o <br /> any e�cumbranc�s of r�cord. <br /> THIS SECUR�TY�NSTRUMENT comb�nes un�form co�enan�s f�r national use and non-uniform covenant�w��h <br /> limited var�ati�ns by jur�sd�ct�on to const��ut�a unxform securi�y ins�rument cflv�ring rea�proper�y. <br /> Unifnrm C�Wenants. Borro��er and Lender�a�enant and agree as follows: <br /> '1. Payment of Principal, �nt�r�st. Escrow ltems, Prepayment �harg�s, and Late Gharges. Borrower <br /> shal� pay v�hen du�the pr�nC�pal of, and �n��rest�n, the d�bt ev�denced by the No�e and any pr�paymen� <br /> charges and�ate charg��due under the N�te. Borr�wer�ha�i also pay funds for Escrou� Items pursuant to <br /> SeCtian 3, Payments due under the Note and �his Security �nstrumen�shall be made �n U.S. currency. <br /> Ho�ever, �f any check or o�h�r�ns�rument received by Lender as paymen�under the Note or th�s Se�urit� <br /> �nstru�n.�nt is returned to Lend�r unpaid, L�nder may require that any ar aII subsequ�nt payments du�under <br /> th�No�e and this Securit� �ns�rumen�be made in one or mflre of the fol�ow�ng forms, as se�ected by L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; �b}money order; �c} cer���ed check, ban�check, �r�asurer's ch�ck or cashier's check, prov�ded any <br /> such check�s drawn upon an ins�i�ut�on whose depos��s ar��nsur�d by a federal agency, instrumenta�ity, �r <br /> entit�; �r�d} E�ec�rflnic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rece��ed b�Lender when recei�ed at the��cation designated in the Note�r a�such <br /> other�ocation as may be designated by Lender in ac�ardance�v�th the no�ice prov�sions �n Se�tian �5. <br /> L�ender may return any paymen��r part�al payment if the payr�en�or partia� payments are �nsufficient to <br /> bring the Loan current. Lender may accept any payment flr par�ia�payment �nsuf��cient to bring the Laan <br /> current, without wai�er of any righ�s hereunder or prejud�ce t� �ts r�gh�s to refuse such paymen�ar par��a� <br /> paymen�s in�he fu�ure, but Lender�s not ob��gated t� apply such payments a��he time suCh pa�rmen�s are <br /> accepted. If ea�h Per�odx� Pa�ment�s app�zed as af its sch�duled due date, then Lender ne�d nfl�pay �nterest <br /> on unapp�ied funds. Len�er may ha�d such unappli�d funds un�il Borrower makes payments t��ring the <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrow�r does not do so�v�th�n a r�asonable perind�f time, Lender shal� ei�her apply such <br /> funds or re�urr�them�a Borraw�r. If nat appl��d ear�ier, such funds w���be app���d to the au�s�anding <br /> pr�ncipal baian�e und�r�he Nat�immed�ate�y pr�or�a forec��sure. N�affset or c�a�m�which Borrower might <br /> ha�e naw or in th� future against Lender sha�� re�ie�e Bnrravver from mak�ng payrnents due under the Nflte <br /> and this Secur�ty �nstrum�nt�r perfor�m�ng the covenan�s and agreem�ents �e�ured by this 5ecurity <br /> Ins�rument. <br /> Z. Applicativn vf Payments vr Prviceeds. Except as a�herwise descr�b�d in�his S�c�inn 2, a�� paym�n�s <br /> accepted and app�i��by Lender shall be appiied �n the f�il�vving arder of pr�ority: �a} znterest due under the <br /> Not�; �b}pr�ncipal due under the Nate; �c} amounts�ue under�ec�ion 3. Such payrn�nts sha1� be applied t� <br /> �ach Periodi� Paymen��n th�order�n wh�ch ��be�ame�ue. Any rema�n�n�amoun�s sha��be applied�rst ta <br /> late charges, second�o any��her amounts du�under th�s 5ecurity �nstrument, and then to reduce the <br /> princ�pal ba�ance of�h�Nate. <br /> �f Lender r�ce�ves a payment fro�m gorr�wer f�r a de�inquent Periodic Paym�nt wh��h�n��udes a suf�icient <br /> amflunt t�pay any �ate charge du�, the payment may be app��ed ta the de�inquent paym�nt and the late <br /> charge. If mor�than one Perind�c Paym�nt�s auts�and�ng, Len�.er may apply any payment rec�i��d from <br /> Borr�wer to�h�r�paymen�nf th�Per�od�c Payments �f, and�a th�extent that, each payment can be pa�d in <br /> ful1. Tn�he ext�nt that any excess��is�s after the paym�nt is appiied to �he full payment of one or mare <br /> P�riodic Payments, such ex�ess rnay be applied to any Iate charges due. Voluntary prepayments sha�l be <br /> app��ed�r��to any prepayment charges and�hen as described in the Note. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fann':e MaelFreddie Mac UNi�aRM INSTRUMENT Fflrrr�3fl28 i 10� <br /> VMN� VMF'Fi�N��{1���_ <br /> Wolters KE�wer Financial Ser�ices Page 4 vf i 7 <br />